Update on new FAH cores and clients


I folded Myself
We have been pretty busy with new cores for FAH and I wanted to give donors an update.

1) SMP2: Gromacs and Desmond. Much effort has gone into our "SMP2" project, the codename for the second generation SMP client. The main goal here was to make it MUCH easier to use. In order to do that, it meant getting rid of our use of MPI. We have had two approaches to this. Both ditch MPI by using threads instead. One was to switch to a new piece of software for the core. This has led to the "Desmond" core, based on software from DE Shaw Research. The second approach was to communicate the MPI issues with the Gromacs developer team and work with them to push for a threads-based Gromacs implementation. Both of these are coming along well and we are testing cores in house. You should hopefully see these cores "in the wild" (i.e. running on FAH) in a month or two, assuming that tests go well.

2) Normal Mode Langevin (NML) Dynamics in the Protomol core. We have been working on another approach to speeding dynamics greatly, based on a new technique called Normal Mode Langevin (NML) dynamics. This method uses the same style models as normal MD (same force fields, etc) and thus should have the same accuracy, but with a pretty significant speedup due to algorithmic advances. NML is complementary to our other methods, so we're hoping to add it to everything else (in particular to the GPU core). To start, we will be testing it in a new core, based on the Protomol software. Protomol is designed to allow for rapid prototyping of molecular simulations, which is perfect for NML.

3) GPU3: Next generation GPU core, based on OpenMM. We have been making major advances in GPU simulation, with the key advances going into OpenMM, our open library for molecular simulation. OpenMM started with our GPU2 code as a base, but has really flourished since then. Thus, we have rewritten our GPU core to use OpenMM and we have been testing that recently as well. It is designed to be completely backward compatible, but should make simulations much more stable on the GPU as well as add new science features. A key next step for OpenMM is OpenCL support, which should allow much more efficient use of new ATI GPUs and beyond.

I'm very excited about these new advances. It really should fundamentally improve the key science software behind FAH as well as making the donor experience much more smooth on our more experimental clients (i.e. on GPU and SMP).

Noticia aqui

Excelentes noticias. Espero que seja desta vez que tenhamos um cliente SMP que não precise de tanto tempo para configurar e que tenha tantos problemas, pois acaba por afastar algum pessoal.

Do cliente GPU, espero que consigam finalmente colocar-lo com um desempenho das ATI, ao nível das nVidia.
Espero é que se consiga fazer tantos pontos no Windows como se fazem em Linux...

O core a2 so está disponivel para linux e macOS, e isto assim não rende. Vamos ver se estes novos Cores correm bem em Windows. :banana:

Já há previsão de quando estarão disponíveis para download?

Última edição:
Este GPU3 client vai ser lindo a correr numa HD5870 :D

btw, instalei o GPU2 e não suporta a HD5870.

Suporta sim, tens é de forçar com que o programa não verifique o modelo da tua placa. -forcegpu ati_r600.

Se tiveres problemas, configurações do PC e/ou drivers <--- problemas.


Sim, as Ati executam duas vezes o mesmo cálculo.

Why are the ATI x86 FLOP numbers half of the ATI native FLOP numbers?

Due to a difference in the implementation (in part due to hardware differences), the ATI code must do two force calculations where the x86, Cell, and NVIDIA hardware need only do one. This increases the overall native FLOP count for ATI hardware, but since these are not useful FLOPS in a sense, we did not include them in the x86 count.

Já programei Ati Stream(programar = pesadelo) numa HD4670, e CUDA(programar = C) numa 9300GS. Por incrível que pareça... fazem quase os mesmo PPD. Em jogos, ATi = 10 x NVIDIA!

Com os novos cores prestes a sair, vamos ver as coisas a ficarem ao mesmo nível, não vão existir duas tecnologias, apenas uma.

Assim, como a gente tá farta de saber, o RAW power bruto das Ati face às nvidias, irá se evidenciar, utilizando a OpenCL e/ou DirectXCompute.

Quando sair infos novas sobre a GPU3... eu aviso!

Sim, suporta OpenCL que é baseado em C/C++, o que poderá dar um "grande" boost.

E não te esqueças que são 2,72 teraflops na 5870 :D
Gostava de ver o cliente GPU3 ainda antes do final do ano, juntamente com o SMP2. É que neste momento tenho os 2 clientes a serem sub-aproveitados.
O CPU por não ter o core A2 em windows, e a gráfica por....ser ATI. :mad:
Actualizei agora o "My system". Este CPU não suporta virtualização, portanto VM 64bits não funciona. Também ja pensei em correr Linux nativamente, em dual boot, mas aí perdia o cliente GPU. :005:

Não tenho solução a não ser esperar por melhores dias, com a saida dos novos clientes folding...:rolleyes:
Segundo esta noticia quer dizer que os clientes GPU's vão conseguir optimizar melhor a perfomance das gráficas.Assim sendo isto significa que uma HD4870 vai ter conseguir ter resultados a nivel de folding equivalentes a uma GTX 260 ou ainda vai ultrapassar a GTX em termos de perfomance?
Não sei se a 4870 será grande beneficiada. Vem beneficiar e muito a geração DX11 que suporta OpenCL e Computeshader.

Enquanto espera-se pelo GPU3, o boinc adicionou suporte para ATI (ainda baseado em ATI Stream)
Mais novidades:

Updates on new cores: Protomol and GPU3 core

There has been a lot of work on updating the Protomol core to bring it in line with the other cores in Folding@home. I'm happy to say that a lot of progress has been made and it's looking much better. Joe will continue to test it, but it looks close to be moving to the next levels of QA.

The GPU3 core is also moving along. It will be called core_15 (the natural next number in the GPU series). The main changes there have been to incorporate the updated GPU code from OpenMM. OpenMM was based on our FAH GPU MD code to start, but has had several enhancements and additions. In particular, it should be much more stable than the previous FAH GPU MD cores. However, this stability does come at a mild cost in performance. We will address this at the benchmarking stage, since all core 15 (GPU3) projects will start fresh, not continuing existing projects.
