Xbox 360 Upgrade Your Xbox 360's Hard Drive on the Cheap


Pessoal tive a ler o topico e n consegui apanhar o que queria: ja ha algum relato de alguem ter sido banido por causa deste mod de disco?
Um pequeno aparte: O pack xbox360 arcade da para levar disco?

Pode ser este aqui?


É que ficáva-me mais perto e a diferença de preço não é muita :001:
Acho que sim tens um user na pagina dois deste tópico, mas o disco fica a mesma de 120.

This tool will allow you to use HDD's that are not 'certified' by Microsoft.
This specific tool is written for use with the Western Digital BEVS series only !

How to use:
Get yourself a Western Digital SATA BEVS HDD. To use this tool, you need a HDD security sector file ('hddss.bin'). If you don't have one, here's how to create one from a valid xbox 360 HDD:

Ele aqui não faz referência ao de 120. Mas aqui só fazem referência a estes de 120 WD1200BEVS revision LAT, RST, and UST. Por isso fiquei na dúvida e foi para o de 120.


Pessoal tive a ler o topico e n consegui apanhar o que queria: ja ha algum relato de alguem ter sido banido por causa deste mod de disco?
Um pequeno aparte: O pack xbox360 arcade da para levar disco?


1)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Por aqui acho q não, mas podes procurar aqui alguma informação.
2) Sem a caixa de um disco original, acho que não da.
2) Sem a caixa de um disco original, acho que não da.

Só agora é que percebi... então este Mod só funciona se já tiver a caixa de um disco oficial da Xbox360?

Não dá para ficar o disco WD ao lado da Xbox360 ligado na mesma?

É que eu tenho a Xbox360 Arcade... tar agora a comprar um disco de 20Gb oficial e logo a seguir trocar pelo WD... já me parece tar a mandar dinheiro fora...
Só agora é que percebi... então este Mod só funciona se já tiver a caixa de um disco oficial da Xbox360?

Não dá para ficar o disco WD ao lado da Xbox360 ligado na mesma?

É que eu tenho a Xbox360 Arcade... tar agora a comprar um disco de 20Gb oficial e logo a seguir trocar pelo WD... já me parece tar a mandar dinheiro fora...

Precisas da caixa por causa da entrada que é diferente da sata que tens no disco.
Já o fiz há alguns dias.
Constatei com horror que há jogos que não permitem que o save seja migrado para outro disco (Bejeweled 2).
E o DLC teve que ser todo re-sacado.
Só agora é que percebi... então este Mod só funciona se já tiver a caixa de um disco oficial da Xbox360?

Não dá para ficar o disco WD ao lado da Xbox360 ligado na mesma?

É que eu tenho a Xbox360 Arcade... tar agora a comprar um disco de 20Gb oficial e logo a seguir trocar pelo WD... já me parece tar a mandar dinheiro fora...

o que podes fazer é interiorizar o disco e ficas com uma xbox360 120gb built in :D
Só para informar que também já segui os guias acima mencionados para fazer o upgrade para 120G.

Tive problemas inicialmente porque a controladora SATA do meu PC não é compatível com o programa para alterar o firmware da drive.
Comprei no entanto um placa no Ebay e a partir daí tudo correu sem problemas de maior. A única dificuldade foi ter de desligar o User Access Control no Vista.

-Disco externo €54,90 (assim aproveitei a caixa para outro disco de 80GB que tinha em casa)

-Placa controladora SATA €10

Gastei portanto €55 e fiquei com um disco de 120GB na Xbox e com um disco externo de 80Gb (tinha o disco rígido em casa desaproveitado).

Parece-me um bom negócio :)
Em principio, o disco de 20Gb da 360 deverá funcionar sem problemas nessa caixa WD do disco externo, certo?...

N queria fazer já esta operação, preferia esperar por Abril q é quando acaba a garantia do disco da 360, mas tenho medo de um momento para o outro deixar de haver este modelo em especifico para venda e depois querer e n o conseguir comprar... :confused:

Além disso, continuo com o problema de passar saves de um disco para o outro, visto q n tenho cartão de memória, e de n ter uma porta SATA para realizar isso... :mad:

E do pessoal q já fez, problemas?...
Se não tens porta SATA não consegues fazer nada. Nem sequer "converter" o WD num disco Xbox.

Tens que comprar uma placa como a que eu comprei, copiar os saves é fácil.
Já o fiz há alguns dias.
Constatei com horror que há jogos que não permitem que o save seja migrado para outro disco (Bejeweled 2).
E o DLC teve que ser todo re-sacado.

teve que ser todo re-sacado porque?

a microsoft não envia gratuitamente um cabo para transferirmos os dados para pc, caso se faça o pedido no site deles indicando o serial da consola?

e já agora, onde será que se arranjam discos oficiais de 120gb da xbox360 mais baratos?
teve que ser todo re-sacado porque?

a microsoft não envia gratuitamente um cabo para transferirmos os dados para pc, caso se faça o pedido no site deles indicando o serial da consola?

e já agora, onde será que se arranjam discos oficiais de 120gb da xbox360 mais baratos?
1-Porque provavelmente está associado também ao número de série do disco, sei lá?
2-Se consegui fazer isto, não precisaria do cabo para nada, além que a própria MS afirma que é preciso sacar algum DLC e alguns conteúdos ficam indisponíveis offline.
3-Discos oficiais baratos? Não os estou a ver a aparecer tão cedo...
Onde é que se arranja discos de 120 por 30 ou 40 euros?

Aqui fica um tutorial para trocar o disco rigido de 20GB's (ou de 60) por um de 120, atenção que isto tira a garantia do disco rigido (não da consola, apenas do disco rigido) e também pode ser feito com disco rigidos com uma maior capacidade, não sei é se dão todos, e se não quais são os modelos compativeis. Também retirei o nick da pessoa que fez este tutorial, mas não deve afectar o mesmo.

As with anything in modding if you have anything to add or have any questions about this process we are still interested so keep posting about your experiences.

Tutorial for Replacing the 20Gb HDD with a Western Digital 120Gb
by ******:

First of all, I downloaded all the needed stuff (*download link at the bottom*) to see if it's possible to be done. After checking them, I knew I was able to make it, and decided to order my Western Digital WD1200BEVS 2.5" (120Gb).

After 1-2 days, it arrived, and I was able to start. Then, after watching a video about how to open the HDD casing, I realized I had to have a T6 and a T10 screwdriver. I had only the T10, so I couldn't proceed without buying the T6 screwdriver. I went out and bought one.

When I returned back home, I got ready to do the trick. I formated a floppy disk using Windows XP, to make it bootable. I then imported the and the hddss.bin to the floppy disk. I then plugged the Western Digital on my PC and booted to DOS using the floppy disk. I typed "hddhackr -f" (without the quotes of course) and waited till the hard drive was flashed. It asked to make a backup file called undo.bin (in order to be able to return the Western Digital to its original state, in the future), and I typed "y" to create one. After that, I closed my PC, waited for about 10 seconds and booted to DOS, using the floppy disk again. I typed "hddhackr -f" again, and it told me that it should work on my 360.

Now on to the opening part. I used the T6 screwdriver to remove the 4 first screws (on the outside of the casing), where one of them was covered by the silver warranty sticker (which is needed to be removed). After removing these 4 screws, I turned the HDD connecting-side down. Then, I pulled the upper part by putting my fingers on the silver outfit, and then pulling it up and front. If you get the button out of place, don't worry, it's easy to put it back together. After removing the top cover, I removed the last four T10 screws with my T10 screwdriver. Then, I pulled the silver cover up and back to remove it. When done with that, I used my nails to unplug the cable on the back of the hard drive, and pushed the hard drive to the back side of the casing, while pulling the down side of the casing to the floor. The hard drive got out of the casing, and I was able to swap it with the new Western Digital one. After that, it is needed to plug the hard drive on the 360, and switch it on. To plug the hard drive, I just entered the Western Digital in the casing, and plugged the cable (no screws and stuff).

Now, being at the Dashboard, I did the following. I went to the blade "System", pressed "Memory", and formated the Western Digital, using the serial of my 360, which I found at "System" --> "Console Settings" --> "System Info". The hard drive then was 107Gb and had the word "Microsoft" on the right side, with black letters. After doing that, I decided to go to bed and start transferring my stuff from the old 20Gb to the new 120Gb the next day (today).

I have over 100 games, 3 profiles, and a 64Mb Memory Unit (52Mb actually). It all took about 10 swaps. I started by having the 20Gb hard drive and the MU connected to my 360. I then transferred the 1st profile to the MU and started transferring saves/themes/gamer pictures of that profile, too. When the MU was full, I closed the 360, and connected the 120Gb hard drive to the 360, to unload the MU (but WITHOUT getting the profile off the MU). This is the procedure of transferring the data of the 20Gb to the 120Gb hard drive. When I finished transferring all that stuff (it took 3-4 hours..), I formated my old 20Gb hard drive and put it on a shelf, enjoying my new 120Gb hard drive!

Note #1: The 120Gb HDD works like an original one, after the whole procedure.
Note #2: My achievement from this trick, was to take my blood back for giving 100¤ to buy a 20Gb HDD, while the 120Gb has 100¤ now.
Note #3: This is a must if you decide to install games on the HDD after the Fall Update of 2008.
Note #4: This report is full. I didn't leave any steps out, so it can be used as a tutorial.

To have an optical explanation on how to open the HDD casing, search a bit in YouTube.

- ******

Alternative Transfer Method - Using Xplorer360
by ******:

Ok, so, here is how to transfer your stuff from the 20Gb HDD (or 60Gb HDD) to your 120Gb HDD:

After flashing the 120Gb HDD with hddss.bin, you connect the 20Gb HDD to the PC and open Xplore360 Extreme 2 (*download link at the bottom*) and press "File" - "Backup Image". Then you connect the 120Gb HDD to the PC and press "File" - "Restore Image". I want to make a note here, that "Backup Image" and "Restore Image" may take hours, so don't get worried. Just keep the HDD somewhere cool and let it finish its job. After restoring is done, go back to Dos and re-flash the HDD (hddhackr -f) to re-write hddss.bin on sector 16, as it will be overwritten after file restoring. When re-flashing is done, connect the 120Gb (the one you just re-flashed) to the 360, and it should be about 13Gb, with no files showing up. Go to "System" - "Memory" and press "Y" on the HDD, then "Format". Enter the console's serial number to allow format, and then after formating is done close the 360. Open the image you created with "Backup Image", using Xplorer360 Extreme 2, and Extract all content from the inside of Partition 3, except for folder "cache". It will take some time. Then connect the 120Gb to the PC and Insert every file you Extracted, to Partition 3, and then create a folder on your Desktop named "cache". As it is empty, Insert it in Partition 3, too, and you're done. Your 120Gb HDD should be recognised as 107Gb HDD in the Dashboard, and your 20Gb files should be there!!

Alternative Transfer Method - Using Xplorer360
by ******

Here is my very detailed and newbies friendly guide and the working one with all tips to transfer everything in the 20GB HDD to the new 120 GB HDD by using "Xplorer360 xtreme 2" :

* After following the steps of Soulis's Guide to flash the new 120 GB HDD with the hddss.bin file in the DOS, then formatting it in the Xbox 360 , restart your PC and do the following steps :

1- With the old 20 GB HDD connected to your PC (with an "USB to IDE/SATA adapter" or through SATA cable) start Xplorer360 xtreme 2 program.

2- Click from the menu on Drive > Open > Harddrive or Memcard , now the partitions of your 20GB HDD appear (0 , 2 and 3) .

3- Create a full HDD image by clicking on Drive > Backup Image

4- Now connect your new 120 GB HDD to your PC the same way you connected your old one (you may need to restart your PC to be recognised)

IMPORTANT : Now if you open your HDD with "Xplorer360 Xtreme" by clicking on Drive > Open > Harddrive or Memcard and see that all the partitions in it ( 0 , 1 and 3 ) are there, move to step 9 , you don't need the steps 5 - 8 anymore . But if all or some partitions don't appear, continue with the next steps.

5- Do full image restore by clicking Drive > Restore Image , and choosing the image file that you backed up from the old HDD (It will take some time, depends on the amount of files in your HDD)

6- After finishing the image-restore, and the new HDD is connected through Sata directly to your MOBO's Sata input or Sata-Card, Boot to ms-dos using the Flopy Disk (or the Flash Drive) which you created early by following Soulis steps, then type once again the following command hddhackr -f to write the hddss.bin to sector 16 again (it is overwritten when restoring a full backup using Xplorer360) .

7- Now put your new HDD in the Xbox360 HDD shell and connect it to the X360, start your console, you'll notice that no datas have been saved in the new HDD, it is fine, move on to the next step..

8- Fix the step 6 by formatting the new HDD in your Xbox 360 System > Memory > Hard Drive > Format (or press Y button ), enter the serial number of your Xbox360 to allow format.

9- Now back to Windows, start Xplorer360 xtreme 2 again and open the backed-up image you created early by clicking on Drive > Open > Image and choose the image.

10- With one Mouse-Click on Partition 3 you'll browse all contents in that partition, we want to save them in the PC first, therefore create a new folder in your PC called Partition 3 , open it, now drag the following folders and files from the Partition 3 of the backed-up Image which we opened in Xplorer360 xtreme 2 : $SystemUpdate , Content , mindex folders and the name.txt file then drop them in the folder Partition 3 which we created in our PC. Don't drag and drop the Cache folder, instead of that just create a folder called Cache under the Partition 3 folder in your PC. And wait untill the transfer is finished (takes ~ 1 hour) .. And don't use the Extract method for transfering the contents, as I found it buggy, and do it with the mouse drag and drop as I mentioned.

11- Connect the 120GB HDD to your PC (through USB adapter or Sata) again, and from the Xplorer360 xtreme 2 click Drive > Open > Harddrive or Memcard to view the HDD's all 3 Partitions ( you may need to restart your PC before connecting your 120GB HDD) .

12- drag and drop all the 4 folders and the file from your PC to the Partition 3 folder of your new HDD inside the Xplorer360 xtreme 2 program.

13- Put your new HDD now in the Xbox 360 Shell then connect it on your Xbox360 console. Now everything is there and works like an original Microsoft 120GB HDD .

With this method, the whole process will take ~2 hours .

Download Links:

Link #1: (Standard & NForce4) - HDDSS.bin (20/60/120Gb) - Xplorer360 Extreme 2
Link #2: (NForce3)

Download Link for Tools #1 (uploaded by ******):
Download Link for Tools #2 (uploaded by ******):
Qual é o disco externo que traz essa versao do hd compativel com a xbox 360?

A versao WD1200BEVS revision LAT, RST, and UST
Última edição: