Vulnerabilidades de segurança (trojan)


Power Member
Experimentas muitos programas da internet e não usas um anti-virus no teu telemóvel (ol' pda)?
Algo vai mudar depois de conheceres as funções deste programa* para espionagem:


This is a phone espionage suite.
Currently it has the following features:
- secretly and remotely read incoming / outgoing sms
- secretly and remotely delete incoming / outgoing sms
- secretly and remotely view call history
- bounce sms messages off remote phone to someone else.
- create a pop-up message on phone
- send a secret fart sound
- secretly and remotely listen to person. (Initiates silent call back of person to your phone with thier speaker phone enabled)
- also send listening in call to somebody else's phone

all results will be sent via SMS back without leaving any trace on the phone being controlled.
Any cell phone can be used to initiate the commands and all commands will respond with a success message for acknowledgement.
* Nome e fonte do programa removido, a ideia é somente alertar as pessoas