MMO Warhammer Online - Mark Jacobs "The Stat of the game" - patch 1.1 revelado


Power Member

O senhor Mark Jacobs faz um balanço do que foi e serão os próximos meses do Warhammer. Apresenta-nos as futuras alterações que sairão no patch 1.1, sendo de destacar as duas novas classes (Black Guard e Knight of the Blazing Sun), optimizações a nível de casts, melhorias e promoção ao RvR, optimizações ao client para PCs low end, novas quests, Lairs e Unlocks. Dá também a conhecer a futura possibilidade de transferência para servers não "populated", entre outras coisas!

A meu ver são muitas novidades... e novidades boas! Talvez este patch deve-se ser na verdade a versão 1.0 e não a 1.1... Mas pronto é mais um opinião pessoal. Eu sinceramente espero mesmo ver algumas optimizações ao nível do cliente, mais uns fps e menos uns breaks era óptimo. As animações e efeitos em algumas skills espero que tb apareçam aperfeiçoadas...

Dêem as vossas opiniões, façam os vossos comentários!
O WAR esta aqui e esta para durar!... :P

After over three years of work and one of the smoothest launches in MMORPG history, WAR is moving quickly towards the end of its first month. This is a perfect time to take a look at where we were, where we are and where we are going. First, on behalf of everyone at Mythic, I would like to thank you for your interest in our game. While it is impossible for me to personally thank all 750K+ worldwide account holders, please know that we are grateful for your support to date and the support we hope you will show us in the future. It’s been a long road to get where we are today but it has been a worthwhile journey. While I might be tempted to say that the future’s so bright we have to wear shades, as you’ve seen from our podcasts, we’ll even wear those indoors.

So, as to where we are today, WAR is doing fabulously. We are one of, if not the, fastest selling MMORPG out of the blocks and we are also one of the most highly rated MMORPGs of all time. While the game is off to a great start, we still have a long way to go before we can declare WAR a major long-term success. That success will only come by being focused on making a great game even better. How we are going to accomplish this begins with our first major patch (1.1), the subject of this State of the Game message. While WAR is truly a glorious MMORPG, it is not perfect and over the last month our primary focus has been to correct bugs and tweak a few things here and there. We’ve stayed away from major feature or career changes until we’ve had plenty of time to gather and analyze the data from our players. Having done that, we can now move on to what we are going to do over the next couple of months, culminating with the release of patch 1.1 later this Fall.

Let’s start with what we know is some truly exciting news. I’m happy to announce that in December, the Black Guard and the Knight of the Blazing Sun will officially be part of WAR. We have very special plans around their appearance and in our next newsletter we will provide full details about that exciting and rather novel event. When they were cut from the game launch plans earlier this year, I said that the Black Guard and the Knight would be part of WAR only when they were great and deserved their place alongside all of WAR’s other compelling classes. I also said that we would not charge any additional fees for this new content or put it in a separate expansion pack; that’s not how we operate. We’ve kept to that plan and with the introduction of these two classes, Mythic shows that once again we are happy to keep giving players more value for their subscription dollars than any other MMORPG developer.

Creating an MMORPG, especially an RvR-focused MMORPG, which runs perfectly on all types of PCs, is one of the most challenging technical aspects of game development. While the performance of WAR is great on most higher spec machines, we know that we can improve its performance on lower spec machines. We’ve been working non-stop to improve that performance and we’ve got a number of things going into the game between now and 1.1 that we expect will help to address everything from crashes to desktops (CTDs) to stuttering. We have a number of other client changes that will improve things such as propagation and ghosting.

Thanks in part to WAR’s success; our mail system that worked well in Beta has been straining to keep up with the heavy demand placed on it. It’s functional and it works, but it can also be slow and cumbersome to use. In all fairness to the team, the system’s problems have been magnified by the demand of having so many servers and players using it at the same time. That’s not an excuse though and we are working hard on deploying a substantially improved mail system for this patch. We will continue to enhance WAR’s mail system until it is one of the best mail systems found in any MMORPG.

Moving on to some more good news for our RvR players; we have brought additional resources to bear on, and augment, our RvR gear and overall itemization. In 1.1 (and beyond) we will be doing a myriad of things for our RvR players, including improving gear drops, increasing drop rates, and implementing an RvR-influence system to compliment the current PvE-influence system. We will also be giving players more incentive to engage in open RvR by improving the rewards for both assaulting and defending in RvR. WAR is an RvR-centric game and we will continue to do whatever is necessary to encourage people to join in RvR and reward them when they do so.

Other changes for 1.1 include major additions to the chat system (item linking and more) as well as continued work on our targeting system, including adding Main Assist and Target of Target. In addition to the server balancing methods that have worked so well over the last week, we will also be offering the first server transfers to our players to continue to help even out the server populations. These transfers will be free of charge but they will be limited to moves off high-population servers to select mid-population servers or off of low-population servers to a selection of mid-population servers. Much like we are doing now, we will select certain mid-population servers and let people transfer there. Once they reach a certain population level, we’ll remove them from the list and give their spot to another server. We will publish the list ahead of time so players can plan their moves accordingly.

While that might seem like a lot for a month, we’re not done yet! We’ll also be adding more exciting content to the game, including fourteen entirely new quest chains, two new Lairs, and many more Tome of Knowledge unlocks! This is only the first of what will be our ongoing content updates to WAR and it is a great start.

So, that about wraps it up for this first annual State of the Game, so without further ado…

Okay, so I was joking, we’re still not done. Over the last month the team has been looking at all the careers and building up a list of issues/concerns to address. Almost every career is going to see some changes and love coming their way and there are very, very few changes that will be seen as reductions to a career’s abilities. The Combat and Careers team has spent the last month looking at the changes that they want to make with an eye towards making improvements and buffs, not removing or weakening abilities. I won’t go into details here but the vast majority of careers all have nothing but love coming their way. Of course, we will continue to monitor and track all the class data so expect, like every other MMORPG, changes to the careers to be an ongoing process.

Well, that just about wraps my first WAR State of the Game and I hope that it has given you some insight into what we are going to be doing over the next month or so. This is by no means a comprehensive list of everything we are working on and I won’t go anywhere near talking about general bug fixes. The items mentioned above are just some of the highlights of our first major patch and I hope you agree that there is a ton of good stuff coming down the pipeline.
As required by lawyers everywhere, here’s the usual disclaimer that this letter is a guide to what we hope to include in this upcoming patch and not a guarantee of any kind. We are working on many things right now and my letters, as always, are just the tip of the iceberg. Fellow WARriors, we have a lot more big surprises coming your way that I will address in my next State of the Game message and it’s going to be a doozie.

Once again, I thank you for your support, patronage and interest in WAR.

Mark Jacobs

VP, GM Mythic Entertainment
Última edição:
will help to address everything from crashes to desktops (CTDs) to stuttering.

Se me corrigirem o problema dos CTDs frequentes já fico ultra contente e não me importo nada de subscrever o jogo por vários meses :009:

Quanto às restantes introduções, até parece bom demais para acreditar! Se conseguirem tudo isso antes do final do ano penso que a Mythic conseguirá destronar a Turbine do seu lugar de developer de MMOs com maior número de content patches gratuitos :009:
Mythic conseguirá destronar a Turbine do seu lugar de developer de MMOs com maior número de content patches gratuitos

Como assim "patches gratuitos"? :/ Nao percebi mesmo.

De resto quanto ao post, espero que assim o fação para o bem os jogadores do war :)

Embora haja ai umas cenas que ele disse que eu nao goste :004: (mas isso é de ser wow fanboy) :x2:
Gostei de ler. Pode ser que ainda fique com a subscrição aberta ao mesmo tempo do WoW.
É só conversa de chacha, mas mesmo assim é comunicação e uma pessoa sente-se melhor.
Como assim "patches gratuitos"? :/ Nao percebi mesmo.

Estava a referir aos patches gratuitos que introduzem content updates, vulgo, os Book## do Lotro.
Referi "gratuitos" porque "expansões" tambem introduzem muitos conteudos novos mas são normalmente pagas.
Resta saber se a Mythic vai cumprir esta promessa ou fazer como a Funcom.
Mais importante ainda, embora duvidoso, era a Mythic manter esta frequencia e nível de updates por vários meses/anos, o que não me acredito muito até porque grande parte destes "novos" conteudos não são realmente novidade, falo como é obvio das 2 "novas" classes que foram removidas durante a beta e serão agora devolvidas ao jogo.
Tass. ja percebi thnx :)

Ex:sem mal). No wow 1º que haja uma nova instancia ou assim demora seculos ^^ E é a isso então que se referem :) Maior numero de senarios/instances, em menos tempo e por patchs (borla).

Understude ^^
Acho que já poucos ligam as tuas bocas ...

Hein? Estás maluco?...Conversa de developer é sempre conversa de chacha (somos os maiores, grande sucesso, agora vão vir coisas boas, etc etc), seja da Blizzard, Mythic ou whatever...

Este pessoal agora insulta-se com tudo.
Este Senhor da Mythic acabou por adoçar a boca aos users. Mas eu já tou por tudo, quero ver primeiro e depois comentar porque efectivamente o jogo é bom se tiver jogadores suficientes para suportar um gameplay decente. Estão aí melhorias significativas, mas a parte do CTDs e problemas gráficos prefiro efectivamente esperar para ver e depois então aplaudir.. mas acho que no geral se fizerem tudo o que esse senhor disse... já não é nada mau.
Grandes notícias! As 2 classes não disponíveis no launch estão aí! Nunca as esperei tão cedo!

O targeting system precisa mesmo de love, o TAB continua a ser inconstante e ás vezes idiota >( e o target-of-target faz falta!

E vamos lá ver q vão fazer ao certo no mundo! Sempre preferi open RvR (ou world PvP) a guerras "instanciadas", vamos lá ver se o mundo recebe tanta importância como scenarios, assim os jogadores podiam escolher mediante as suas preferências sem penalizações!

Acho que já poucos ligam as tuas bocas ...
Awake vai ver a review que meteram aqui no Forum.

Desculpa mas achas mesmo que o que vai acontecer é:

1 - Eu leio a review
2 - Fico completamente iluminado por algo que um badameco qualquer do mygames escreveu
3 - Visto a camisola fanboy e começo a dizer que afinal os feitiços estão completamente sincronizados com o castbar, e que as PQs são extremamente estimulantes e divertidas? calhar não.
