Multiplataforma We Happy Few (Compulsion Games)

Experimentei a demo de 45 minutos (sou daqueles que não concorda com a moda dos Early Acess aka pagar para ser beta tester) e também não fiquei fã da mecânica de comer/dormir/beber água. Nota-se que ainda falta bastante trabalho pela frente, mas o conceito tem muito potencial (esperemos que consigam criar uma boa história) e continuo com bastante expectativa para o produto final.
Eu acho que o "problema" é o jogo criar expectativas com os trailers e depois ser algo muito diferente da experiência mais tradicional que eu esperava.

Eu apanhei essa surpresa, e não devo ter sido o único.
É compreensível. Nem tudo é perceptível com um trailer.
Dos 45m que experimentei, 0 interesse para comprar no lançamento.

Talvez 45m seja muito pouco para ter a noção real do jogo, talvez demore a desenvolver, não sei.
Bem, mais um que experimentou os 45 minutos de preview deste título.

Daquilo que me recordo de ver da E3, tinha ficado com uma percepção do que seria o rumo do jogo. Hoje, após testar o mesmo, vejo que é um jogo que tem potêncial para agradar, mas creio que só a alguns.
O aspecto do jogo, nomeadamente a parte do "real" estar "encapuçado/mascarado" por uma droga que tomamos, tornando tudo super divertido e nada sombrio/negro, aliádo ao aspecto, digamos, psicopata quase que Jokerish, foi algo que me agradou quando vi o jogo apresentado na E3.

Após os 45 minutos, partilho a mesma opinião do @Jack-O-Lantern, além do sentir que me mostraram uma coisa e na verdade testei outra totalmente diferente, como disseste @sotil e bem.
Além dos problemas técnicos que esperava de um jogo em acesso antecipado ou mais propriamente, a 50% (quebra de frames, problemas em algumas texturas, etc) , a abordagem da sobrevivência tão... acentuada, foi algo que me fez torcer o nariz, apesar de gostar de alguns jogos do género. Estava a espera de algo "menos DayZ", digamos.
Com este rumo, apesar do hype que tinha, We Happy Few infelizmente deixou de me cativar.
O problema é que o que voces viram na E3 foi gameplay da campanha, isso não está presente de momento no early acess.

O Contrast teve uma história e narrativa brutal, conto com o mesmo neste jogo.
^ A força do Contrast é a sua apresentação, quer em termos técnicos quer nas poucas partes em que tentam usar esse aspeto na jogabilidade.

A análise que está no portal reflete muito bem o que é o jogo.
tenho a dizer que actualmente o jogo não esta completo. É a principal chamada de atenção que queria fazer e para a qual os developers também chamam nas notes. Com o mundo actual conseguem encontrar muitas missões e eventos aleatórios (e alguns deles bastante cómicos). O problema para mim é nao ter uma navegação embutida no jogo ( tenho de ir sempre a um mapa para me orientar ) e estar basicamente a andar a fazer de pombo correio ( apanhar itens de um lado do mapa para levar para o outro). Contudo, ainda esta tudo em "aguas de bacalhau". Lembrem-se que ainda falta um ano.

EDIT : Teste em Versão Completa (Sem ser jogo)
Última edição:
O problema é que o que voces viram na E3 foi gameplay da campanha, isso não está presente de momento no early acess.

O Contrast teve uma história e narrativa brutal, conto com o mesmo neste jogo.

Por acaso está. O que vimos na E3 é o que está no early access. A questão é que o que vimos na E3 é para aí um terço ou menos da parte mais scriptada/cinemática do jogo.
O que está no preview é apenas 40% do produto final, muita coisa vai ser adicionada, muita coisa alterada, e muitos fix's pelo meio. Eles quiseram optar por lançar o jogo no programa preview para ouvirem o feedback do outro lado, neste caso, do nosso lado.
Patch Notes;

Under The Hood

• Quest state system: Every encounter/quest in the game is now built using a new quest state system. This system changes quest tracking from a scripting-based system to a code based system, where the game knows at all times exactly where you are in any given quest. This makes it much simpler for us to create encounters, and also much more reliable. We no longer need to have complicated scripts tracking save/quest/item situations, and instead can focus more on gameplay and making cool things.

• Improved save/load: The quest state system also ties into a new save system, which should allow for much more robust saving. Please keep in mind that when you load a game you may find Arthur on a bench reading a paper. Likewise there are some areas (eg the Mystery House) where you will no longer be able to save, as to do otherwise allows exploits and errors when completing encounters.

• Faster save/load times: As a consequence of the new quest state/save systems, autosaving is now significantly faster, and loading is faster too.

• Conversation mode: When talking with an encounter NPC (eg someone with specific dialogue and purpose, rather than the systemic NPCs), you will now enter conversation mode. Little black bars will come down around you, and you will effectively be isolated from the outside world while you talk to them. This means we can place better animation with the VO, and quest givers can’t be interrupted by other NPCs, or you, or them. Aka, the game won’t lose the plot as much any more, and it’ll be slightly better more cinematic.

• Puppet system: NPCs can now have highly scripted behaviour, instead of their normal systemic behaviour. The puppet system allows us to remove their systemic brains and give them specific actions to do, rather than having the two systems fight (which led to all manner of crazy shit).

• Consistent map marker behaviour: Map markers should now be reliable and operate consistently. When you see an encounter, you will see an encounter marker to let you know that something is over there. Once you are given the first stage of the quest, you will have encounter markers telling you where to go.

• Improvements to manual quest tracking and map markers.


• New shelter! Arthur now has a new starting shelter, which provides a cleaner and more streamlined introduction to the basics of crafting and combat.

• Refactored encounters: The following encounters have been refactored by re-implementing them with the new puppet, conversation and quest state systems:

  • If You Give a Pig a Pancake
  • Mushroom Log
  • Looks Like Rain
  • Biological Hazard
  • Fine Cuisine
  • It’s A Terrible Life
  • Crazy Legs
  • Lovebirds
  • Blood in the Streets
  • House of Faraday
  • Walkabout
  • Moon Juice Leech
  • Campfire
  • Lilies of the Field
  • Bees
  • OD Wellie
  • Record Location 1
  • Record Location 3
  • Altar of the Yam
  • The Dollhouse
  • Cult of Jack
  • Hallucinogenic Salad
  • Wounded Wastrel
  • Mine! Mine! All Mine!
  • Bring Out Your Dead
  • Where’s the Power
  • Public Works
  • Shibboleth
  • The Vandals Took the Handle
  • Altar of the Yam
  • Mystery House
  • Popped Popper
• Improved realization: Along the way, the following encounters have had their realization dramatically improved, by introducing better animation, better VO, better tool tips, better art, and/or working map markers:

  • Mysterious Chest
  • Mystery House
  • Doll House
  • Fine Cuisine
  • Biological Hazard
  • OD Wellie
  • Public Works
  • Mushroom Log
  • It’s a Terrible Life
  • Where’s the Power?
  • Walkabout
  • First Marriage
  • Hallucinogenic Salad
  • Green Thumb
  • Altar of the Yam
  • If You Give a Pig a Pancake
  • TV Altar
  • Campfire
  • Crazy Legs
  • House of Faraday
  • Popped Popper
  • Moon Juice Leech
• All encounters should now be completable.

• Faraday should no longer be capable of blocking your progression. This is so important that it deserves its own line in these notes.

• The House of Curious Behaviours and the bridges have not been refactored, but will be next time.

• Tea Time and Lovebirds have been removed for now, because they were not good enough. We will rebuild them. Better. Faster. Stronger.

• The can of grapefruit juice in White Tree Park can now be picked up.


• The houses in the Village of Hamlyn have been dramatically improved.

• Additional house variations in the Village are available.

• Village houses now have exterior signs to add a little bit more happiness to the environment.

• Archways and other decorative elements have been added to the Village.


• Integration of “Turn in Place” animations. In certain AI states, the NPC will play an animation to face the player instead of sliding.

• New corpse interaction animations for picking up, dropping and throwing corpses.

• Added interaction animations for trap controls when using the trap disarm tool and polarity device.

• More talking animations for encounters. Mostly to fit new initial postures, like sitting on the ground, sitting on benches, laying down, etc.

• Improved sitting animations for certain NPCs. They now pull the chair out and slide it back in.

Allows us to compact the chairs and tables closer to each other for more room around these objects.

• New two-handed combat animations for NPCs for cricket bats, shovels, etc.

• Added down-to-up melee animations for the player, for more variation with one-handed weapons.

• New base animations for plagued wastrels (walking, idle, etc).


• Throw/Drop corpse interactions switched.

• Aim acceleration settings are now saved.


• NPCs now have a very short delay window between when you walk into their line of sight, and when they notice you. This means stealth is now more forgiving, and more viable.

• Histoplasma mushrooms now have a (temp!) visual effect, and are required to enter certain areas. Take a look around for clues.

• The Advanced Electro Lock Shocker should now operate on any lower tier objects.

• The materials required to craft certain items have been generally reduced.

Bug Fixes

• Low spec PCs should no longer crash every 10-15 minutes.

• Various crash fixes.

• Floor materials have been mostly corrected across the entire game, so the correct footstep sounds should occur.

• Too many quest/encounter bugs fixed to list here. At this point, we have very few known bugs that block progression, and some minor ones relating to animation etc.

• The game should no longer reset to day 1 randomly.

• Looted pickups no longer reappear after save/load.

• It is now safe to place items in containers other than the personal safe.

• Items dropped on ground will be deleted after save load.

• The final island now always appears.


Major Changes

- New island! The long-awaited second island of the Village of Hamlyn has arrived: Maidenholm. (“Holm” is an old British word for an island in a river, by the way.) Read the in-game newspaper for more information.

- Playstyles have arrived! When starting a new game, players can now choose the Birdwatcher, Downer or Vigilante Playstyles. While these settings affect difficulty, they vary gameplay more significantly. This is a first pass implementation and will evolve over time:

  • Birdwatcher: No hunger/thirst, game pauses in the menu, items are instantly equip, NPCs are easier to kill and aren’t as bloodthirsty, more resources (only partially integrated; more to come on this). Designed for more casual players.
  • Downer: Hunger/thirst at normal levels, game does not pause in menu but items will instantly equip, normal resources/NPC threat.
  • Vigilante: Hunger/thirst intense, game does not pause in the inventory or shops, delay on equip, more dangerous NPCs. Designed for the masochists among you.
- Permadeath remains available as an option for all three playstyles.

- Procedural music has been implemented. The in-game music has been redone, allowing for better blending and more variation and combinations across the various states of the game (suspicion, combat, Joy/non Joy, etc).

World Generation

- Support for regions in the Garden District has been added. Regions such as hamlets, forests, meadows, etc will be dotted around the place, as opposed to the island consisting of just one big town. Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress. It is a little empty for now, but this will change.

- As a result, Garden District 1 island is now unintentionally shaped like a dick 70% of the time. That’s what Matt says, anyway.

- Scavenger cars should no longer spawn very close to one another.

- Bridges have been refactored to require you to “open” the gate to go through to the next island. This helps us control the loading experience a bit better.

- A number of generation bugs have been fixed, so there should be fewer instances of filler buildings overlapping with encounters or interactive houses. Having said that, with the new region system, we expect a bunch of visible bugs to exist (although these shouldn’t affect gameplay or block your progress).


- The Peeper has arrived in the Village! These little mobile alarms are quite shocking.

- Plague Wastrels roam the Garden District. They speak a very curious dialect. Bonus points for guessing what it is. These guys are not nice.

- Hooligans will now patrol the Garden District at night, and guard some water pumps all the time. You may know these guys from such encounters as Shibboleth, and now they roam free.

- Second Wind repurposed. Instead of “dying” and waking up in the dying state, you now just fall into the dying state as your health/needs gets low. This applies whether you are on Permadeath or not.

- Dig spots have been fully refactored, with many new spots added! Across each island, a range of dig spots are available to be dug with your trusty shovel. You’ll need to find the maps to track down the dig spots though.

- Compliment machines have been added throughout the Village! These creepy robots love telling you exactly what they think of you; the only issue is, they have very loud voices. Male machines only so far; female machines will come in a later update.

- Certain bushes, flower pots and carts can now be used as hiding spots, for all your comic-stealth needs.

- Infection/Bleeding changes:

  • Wastrels no longer apply Infection, but instead apply Bleeding.
  • After 5 minutes untreated, Bleeding has a 1% chance every second to cause Infection. And then you're bleeding AND infected.
  • Infection has 2 tiers now: Infection reduces your max health by 20%, Septic Infection reduces your max health by 50%.
  • If Bleeding causes infection, the 5 minute timer resets for the next tier, so you can't go from nothing to septic in a few seconds due to bad rolls.
  • Dirty Bandages have had their probability of causing infection reduced from 50% to 10%. It's still a risk if you cure Bleeding that way, but at least you'll be infected and NOT bleeding.
- Recycled bandage now available.

- Reverse polarity devices have been tuned. These now last a certain amount of time, as opposed to indefinitely. This makes Street Blockades substantially less powerful, so plan your polarity reversals strategically.

- NPCs grab items better now.

- Toxic fog has been improved. It still looks ugly, particularly the transitions, but it should be much more effective.

- A loot balancing pass has been done across all random spawn containers (everything except quest rewards). This dramatically changes the resource availability across the entire game.


- New “new game” flow. While the style of UI is still temporary, we have implemented a new “new game” flow to make sure that players get the information they need to start the right type of game. Aka, “now we won’t get people yelling at us when they chose Permadeath without realising it, because selecting Permadeath requires a conscious choice”.

- Five save game slots are now available.

- Steam cloud saves are now available.

- Improved subtitle support has been added. We now use a scrolling subtitle system similar to Source engine games, where lines area displayed sequentially. You can also customize the size, background or outline.

- The cleaver and enhanced cleaver icons have been upgraded.


- New encounters! A whole raft of new encounters have been added to both the Village 1 and 2 islands:

  • Mother’s Little Helper.
  • The Church of Simon Says. Following orders has been elevated to an almost religious experience.
  • Super Meat Boy. Ever wonder what being a butcher’s apprentice might be like? No? Well it turns out that it’s violent but not in the way you might expect.
  • The strange saga of Nick Lightbearer, including But I’m On The List and Sympathy for the Devil. Go behind the scenes with Wellington Well’s resident rock star.
  • What Have We Buried.
  • The Butcher quest line. It appears that the butcher has an agenda. The agenda involves you.
  • The Odds and Ends quest line, including the Hoard House. There is a house full of hoarders and their hoard and you have to find a singular item. Along the way discover the secret lives of Criers. Do not get caught.
  • The Chemist is now open for business.
  • The Pub is now open for decidedly not-business, and there are colourful characters to meet there.
  • A new house variation has popped up. This one has multiple paths through it to better allow you to avoid those pesky home owners.
  • Speaker's Corner (more to come later on this one).
- New, more challenging shelters have been added to:

  • St. George’s Holm
  • Maidenholm
  • Lud’s Holm
- The water pumps in the Garden District are now guarded by hooligans. It’s almost as if they think the water might run out and want to keep it all for themselves.

- Street Blockades have been visually improved in the Brutalist architectural style.

- Mystery house containers now have loot so don’t forget to search thoroughly before you exit the house.

- The House of Curious Behaviours has been refactored to allow for more varied gameplay scenarios. Break into the house using a jimmy bar, conform your way in or find that sneaky vent to bypass the bobby. (Antoine loves vents.) And there is a new quest involving Madame’s Magic Wand. It’s not what you think. Well, okay, maybe it is.

- Mine Mine All Mine! has been refactored to feature a better stealth/combat scenario. The hooligans have taken over the location and are digging in--observe their actions and exploit them.

- Plague! Plague! has been refactored and improved with a cutscene. This encounter now better explains the dangers of plague on the island.

- The Odds and Ends shop has been refactored.

- The 30rpm record houses have been refactored.

- The Walkabout ghost is slightly ghostlier, and now does what it’s supposed to do.

- The Yam is even more cosmic and appears to be emerging from a wormhole.

- Fixed a bunch of bugs in the older encounters.


- Improved graphical autodetection settings. The game will now attempt to optimize for framerate (60fps), at the cost of visual quality. You can always reset it to the quality/framerate that works for you.

- Added "auto" selection in graphical options menu.

- Rebalanced the low/medium/high/ultra settings to show a bigger quality/framerate improvement between each setting.

- Optimized lighting for low spec machines.

- Added support for mixed rendering quality (where the world is rendered at a different resolution to the HUD).

- Experimental support for dynamic mesh streaming (lowering memory footprint) has been enabled for Xbox One.

- FaceFX, audio and animation streaming on demand has been implemented (again lowering memory footprint).

Bug Fixes

- Fixes for negative scale mesh issues on Xbox One - this means no more weird shit protruding out of buildings on Xbox One.

- Bridges should pop uniformly, as opposed to piece by piece. Still a work in progress.

- Sporadic, rare crash fixes.

- The Campfire duck no longer falls through the world. It gets thrown to a new, safe, location.

- Collecting the junk in Biological Hazard before the 'Tidy the pond' objective will no longer break the encounter.

- Mrs. Marley's body should no longer disappear in Bring out your Dead.

- Middle mouse button can now be bound to controls other than 'Shove'.

- Note: AI will be a major part of the next update, so non-game breaking AI bugs remain in this update.

- Corner pieces on sidewalks in the Village of Hamlyn should display properly and no longer flicker.

- Many, many more minor bugs.
We Happy Few Developer Video Reveals New Playable Character, Updates Release Schedule

Compulsion Games has released a developer update video detailing what’s to come for We Happy Few, including a glimpse at the second playable character, Sally.

We Happy Few is now content complete, and the team is taking more time to polish following some major improvements to the beginning of Arthur’s story line. As such, We Happy Few will now release in Summer 2018 for Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4.

“There are these moments that are memorable, very funny, and super weird and we’re really excited to show you all” says Sam Abbott, Producer for We Happy Few. “But we felt that the first two hours of Arthur’s story just didn’t live up to those moments, meaning that the game didn’t start as well as it should. So we went back to the drawing board and made a couple of big decisions: we brought forward a number of story moments, to get into the action faster, and also rebuilt the whole first island for Arthur.”

O mundo e a apresentação continuam 5 estrelas.O problema é o gameplay loop.Do que percebo,ainda é um survival game.
Última edição: