What Does 256 Cores Look Like?


Power Member
Monitoring your quad-core desktop processor with Windows task manager is a snap but, as the world moves towards processors with many more cores (even thousands of cores), how will you monitor your processors’ performance? Intel’s Doug Holland has an interesting blog post today that addresses this very issue explaining how Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 group logical processors into sub groups so that displaying 256 cores in the Windows task manager will not require a 30” monitor. Yes, I said 256 cores:


It is most likely true that there aren't many of us who have access to a machine with 256 cores at the moment and unfortunately neither do I. I received the following screen shot of the Windows task manager showing 256 cores running on Windows Server 2008 R2 which uses the same kernel as Windows 7, both of which can now accommodate 256 logical processors.

Essa noticia é um bocado antiga.

Esse screen foi mostrado no inicio de Novembro na Winhec. Se não estou em erro esta a correr na versão Itanium.