[Wii] Excitebots: Trick Racing

Gente, já da primeira vez ele deixou a sua opinião, e acabou por ser tudo apagado. Vai-se repetir? Mentes diferentes, gostos diferentes, não interessa estarmos a perder tempo com isto, nem interessa estar a dar trabalho a quem tem de moderar.
Gostei do que vi do jogo.. o excite truck foi um dos que mais joguei e é bom ver uma continuaçao.. Só espero que nao inventem demais
^ transcript para que o teor positivo da coisa chege à thread:

Exitebots: Trick Racing Hands-on
Yes. It is in fact as cool as it looks

Perhaps one of the biggest sleeper hits on the system, Nintendo's launch racer Excite Truck is still one of the fastest, intense, most beautiful, and pure entertaining titles on Wii, and right up there with the best of the best in Wii racing. After seeing some decent success with the game at launch, developer Monster Games is now letting the throttle loose one more time on Wii, bringing the odd – but oh so awesome – Excitebots to Wii in just a few short days.

And it blows the original away.

First, we got a name on a release list. Shortly after, an odd trailer that showed everything from goal-kicking to bowling mini-games set within the race itself, and perhaps the oddest of the new game's design elements, the vehicles themselves, now changing from trucks to transforming robot insects and animals. Why? Why the heck not!? Robotic things rule!

To say that this game is unconventional is an understatement. In our first two hours behind the wheel with Excitebots we've had office members stop and stare, and we've had comments about it being a 3D reincarnation of Uniracers, Wario Ware mixed with racing, an F-Zero style game, and others. The real obvious truth, however, is that the game simply does whatever it wants, as long as it ensures more fun in the process. You'll still get the star-based racing from the first Excite Truck, you'll get crazy air, terrain morphing buttons, a boost meter that needs to be kept in constant check, air spins, jump boosts, and plenty of locales to blaze through at ridiculous speeds. Add on top of that, however, is the some of the most insane stunt and micro-game elements I've ever seen in a racer.

The game kicks off with you selecting one of a few starting "bots" to race with. Each has a weight, grip, boost power, and boost longevity stat. The turtle, for example, is heavy, but packs serious boost, while the frog is an all-around medium across the board. My personal favorite in the bunch, the bat, is as light as a feather, has amazing boost power and longevity, but lacks grip, making him a perfect jump/glide racer. Available from the beginning of the game, players can select from the frog, beetle, ladybug, bat, turtle, and grasshopper. As you unlock stars by racing, they can be used to cash in on new vehicles, as well as other goodies we're not allowed to talk about yet. Each of the vehicles feels very different, and has four stock colors, seven unlockable ones, and a special design. As for three unlockable bots we can talk about, you've got the mouse, mantis, and hummingbird each available for a certain price at the beginning of the game. Being a fan of the lighter racers, I unlocked the hummingbird for a cool 2,500 stars, and it was worth every penny. He rivals the bat as far as flight and gliding goes, making for serious air bonuses and tricking.


Half car, half bat, half mech, this bot is 150% awesome, based on my math.

When it comes to racing, Excitebots delivers more than any other game of its kind on Wii. The game is blazing fast, but it's the micro-challenges that really make it a chaotic, entertaining experience 100% of the time. They're completely random in design too. The red horizontal bar, for example, has you motioning with increasing speed as if you're rowing a boat, going slow at first, and then faster and faster as your vehicle gains momentum. After charging it up, the bot will release automatically. With yellow bars, however, it's the opposite experience. You latch on, the bot automatically swings, but as it slows down you shove forward to release at the right time, with better timing offering more boost. The vertical bars – basically Clu-Clu Land in racing form - have you latching onto it, and then swinging as you shoot up into the air. Again, a quick shove will let go, though if you screw up on that one you'll go into a boost-powered death. Your bot tumbles in mid-air, with tilt controlling (slightly) as you sail out of control. If you can manage to land wheels-down, you save yourself and can continue. If not, it's crash-and-burn time, using shake to power yourself back up and into the race again.

That's only the beginning though. There's also a rubber band bar that hovers in mid-air, allowing you to trampoline off it and do front flips for more stars. Question mark boxes on the track now either morph terrain, open up shortcuts, or bring on micro-challenges such as the random bowling and soccer events shown off in the trailer. These are available only to the person that hits the question mark, and are quick star-earning trials. Hit a question mark box, and a goal will burst out of the ground, with a soccer ball bouncing in from out of nowhere. Collide with it, and it'll shoot off like a pool ball, scoring five stars if you can get it in the net. With bowling, you simply drive through and collide as best as possible, getting pin action and scoring a star for each pin that falls down. Others include a random dart that you throw at a hovering board with the A button, or pie that you chuck at a clown's face in a similar fashion.
There are also new items as well, all activated with similar boxes and executed with the A button. Pick up a set of wind-up teeth, and you can slow down a nearby racer as it latches on and requires them to shake it off. A bottle rocket can be used to boost you into the air from anywhere, hovering and flying with momentary boost. A hammer is also available, used to smash the ground around you and create earthquakes. As one of my favorite – purely because it's so strange – a tambourine is available as well, which will start the classic "Shave and a haircut" jingle, with you needing to hit the A button twice for "two bits!" in time. Do it, and you'll get stars and a boost. Roger Rabbit would be proud.

Oh there's more.

Briefly in the first trailer you could see bots running on the ground, rather than driving. This is also a new power-up, collected by grabbing a wrench on the race track. For anyone that snags this amazing item, it could mean a serious edge on the competition, as your bot seamlessly transforms into a biped and starts running. Tilt control is still in effect, but slamming down left and right while trying to turn at the same time (basically a more exaggerated tilt) will cause the bot to sprint, busting into flames and tearing through the competition as it trots over trees and speeds ahead. The game takes it one step further though, adding another layer of awesome on top of the already in-place awesome for now double-awesome goodness.



Hitting ramps will send your sprinting bot into the air, morphing it yet again into a glider mode that would make any triple-changing Transformer from the 80's blush bright red. You take to the air, go into glide mode, and then have controls comparable to wing cap Mario, tilting backwards to gain height, and forward to dive-bomb and speed up. Oh, and the flight controls rock. This could be its own game. Collect butterflies while in the air, and then land on a gigantic sunflower to gain even more bonus stars. Seriously, we couldn't make this stuff up. Whatever Monster Games is smoking, it's paying off big time, because this game is good fun.

Nintendo has asked that we keep a lid on a few things within the game (mostly unlockables you'll be spending your stars on), but online is confirmed, and it's six players. We also had a chance to try out the odd – but again, awesome – Poker Race mode, which combines classic five card draw with in-level cards and a "hand" for each player. In these three specific tracks, players have a hand of five cards, and the ability to highlight those cards one at a time with left and right d-pad taps. When colliding with other cards in the world, your on-screen hand is updated, swapping out the new card for the highlighted one. Basic poker rules apply, with the A button used to "cash in" a hand and score points, getting a new stack of random cards immediately after. It's still a conventional race in the sense that you want to be in first to have your pick of the available cards on the track, but more importantly the different hands yield huge amounts of stars, and the racer with the most stars at the end of the track takes the gold. It's a lot to take in, since you'll be racing and trying to think strategically as well, but the game keeps your hand (as well as on-screen prompts for upcoming lines of cards) on-screen to streamline the experience. It's a fun mode, and hopefully – we'd assume – it's online as well.


The beetle is another personal favorite. Not because he's better than other cars, but just because he's a bettle with wheels. This game needs a shark.

Overall the game is similar in visual and audio design as Excite Truck was, with an amazing sense of speed and some decent visuals given the speed and depth of field shown off when leaping into the air. The game also supports two specific control styles for tilt Wii-mote driving, as well as twist-based Wii wheel controls. One thing we didn't see in there, unfortunately, is the ability to make your own custom soundtracks via the SD card.

We've been tearing through Excitebots all day today, and have already unlocked various races from Egypt, Scotland, Mexico, China, Kilimanjaro, and Finland. We've grabbed 30 screens from our initial playthrough, so check those out.

hmmm... wow. Nunca esperei uma reacção positiva depois de se livrarem dos tractores por "bots", muito menos algo desta magnitude. Devo dizer que ler isto me fez começar a considerar a compra do jogo com bastante mais prioridade do que estava à espera.

Resumo da info dada na preview:

- Os bots têm estatisticas de peso (weight), manobra (grip), velocidade máxima (boost power) e tempo que conseguem manter essa velocidade (boost longevity)
- disponivel desde o inicio: sapo (frog), escaravelho (beetle), carochinha (ladybug), morcego (bat), tartaruga (turtle) e gafanhoto (grasshopper)
- ganha corridas, ganha estrelas, desbloqueia novos bits
- 4 cores "standard" por carro, mais 7 desbloqueáveis e um special design (8 desbloqueáveis por carro, portanto)
- bots disponiveis para compra no inicio do jogo: rato (mouse), louva-a-deus (mantis), e beija-flor (hummingbird)
- elasticos agem como trampolins de forma a executar mais truques
- caixas surpresa (com sinais de interrogação) modificam terreno/abrem atalhos/começam "mini-desafios"
- apenas a pessoa que abre a caixa tem o desafio
- frasco foguetão pode ser usado para boosts
- O martelo parte o chão e causa ondas de choque
- apanhar chave inglesa para transformar o bot num robô bipedal
- Abanar violentamente para a esquerda/direita para sprintar
- apanhar rampas enquanto a correr transforma o bot num glider bot
- inclinar o comando para cima para planar, para baixo para velocidade
- apanhar borboletas enquanto a planar, aterrar num girasol para ter ainda mais estrelas de bonus
- Modo online: Poker Race mode - 3 pistas especificas, são dadas a cada jogador 5 cartas, escolher cartas a deitar fora/trocar com o d-pad, atravessar cartas na pista para as apanhar, pressionar A para chamar a "mão" das cartas, as regras do poker aplicam-se e uma "maior mão" significa mais estrelas de bónus
- duas formas de controlo especificas além do suporte Wii Wheel
- Suporte SD não está nesta build do jogo
- Pistas incluem Egipto, Escócia, México, China, Kilimanjaro, Filandia and mais não reveladas
Mais info:

More Excitebots: Trick Racing info

- button 1 to break
- 2 for gas
- Hold down control pad for continuous boost
- Pressing control pad too long can cause bot to overheat and slowdown
- Tilt Wiimote in quick seesaw motions to make bot go faster when it’s running on two legs
- Can play with the Wii Wheel
- There is a difference in how the bots handle compared to the trucks from Excite Truck
"We wanted to find a way for a wider audience to enjoy mind-boggling action without having to worry about the difficulty of controlling the bots. When we worked on Excite Truck, we thought that steering the trucks was very easy and that everyone would be able eto play the game with ease. But some of our fans thought that it was difficult to control the trucks, or that it took some time to get used to. Based on this feedback, we were able to create something that allowed everyone to experience the same thrill but with even greater control. Overall, controlling the vehicle is much more intuitive and easier to handle, and the tilting and steering of the Wii Remote translates seamlessly to the movements of the vehicle. We also think that the Turbo is more straightforward than in Excite Truck. When we go back and play Excite Truck these days, we are surprised with how challenging it is." - Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games
- Excite Race is the game’s main mode
- Has a bunch of Challenge modes - more than in Excite Truck
- Has split-screen two player racing, online support with up to six players
- More Wi-Fi features that are still under wraps
- Unlock new tracks and bots in Excite Race
- Need to complete School Cup (tutorials) first
- Complete five tracks in each cup (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) to go on to the next
- Can race tracks in any order
- Tracks considered cleared only if you earn a B rank or higher
- Has new tracks and old tracks from Excite Trucks
- Locales include Kilimanjero, Egypt, Canada, China
"Fans may recognize a track and think, ‘Oh, it’s that track.’ But, of course, each track has new tricks and surprises and you’ll be able to enjoy them in a completely new way in Excitebots. Also, all the tracks are more colorful and retro-hip than in Excite Truck." - Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games
- Special bars are a new addition
"There are red bars and yellow bars. Once you reach a yellow bar, your bot grips onto it and instantly spins around at lightning speed, and you need to find the exact time to push your Remote forward so that your bot is released. The sooner you can push and release your bot off the yellow bar, the faster the release acceleration and the more points you earn. But if you push at the wrong time, your bot will tumble off the bar. The yellow bar requires instant concentration while at the same time adding even more speed to the race." - Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games
"When your bot reaches a red bar, your bot automatically grabs it and starts to rotate around the bar at a very slow speed. Syncing your Wii Remote movement with your bot on the red bar is critical to increasing the speed of rotation. Spinning around the red bar 10 times releases your bot. [Just before a red bar] you’ll be racing at full speed, but once you reach it you’ll have to hold back your anticipation to carefully control your Remote, something which ultimately creates an intense change of pace in the gameplay." - Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games
- New attack items
- Chomper Mouth - set of fake teeth chatters away, launches onto closest opponent
- Soccer goal kicks, darts, football field goals, pie throwing are some of the mini-games
- Doing mini-games correctly can give you extra points
- Completing a mini-game can trigger a surprise such as opening up a hidden route
- Has a variety of unlockables
"There will be numerous icons that can be unlocked one-by-one and then used for your profile, so that your friends and competitors can see the icon of your choosing during tournaments via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. The most exciting is probably statues since you can collect a statue for each vehicle. By purchasing these unlockable statues, you’ll be able to admire your favorite bot from all angles. These new bots, icons, and statues can be purchased by stars that you earn throughout the game." - Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games
- The bots don’t overheat as much as the trucks did
- Has more of a techno soundtrack
"The action will make you want to laugh and call out comments like, "Are you kidding me?!" and "That’s just way too ridiculous."" - Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games
Parece que as minhas esperanças de isto usar comando classico foram a vida! Nem sequer opção de Wiimote+nunchuk. Eu não sou grande adepto da Wheel (ou wiimote de lado) para jogos de corridas... mas tambem so tenho por base o Mario Kart... portanto vai o beneficio da duvida.
Parece que as minhas esperanças de isto usar comando classico foram a vida! Nem sequer opção de Wiimote+nunchuk. Eu não sou grande adepto da Wheel (ou wiimote de lado) para jogos de corridas... mas tambem so tenho por base o Mario Kart... portanto vai o beneficio da duvida.
Nem sei porque é que se quereria jogar isto com comando clássico. Quase toda a piada de jogar Excite Truck era pelos controlos.
Pelas imagens parece dar uma boa sensação de velocidade, será que temos aqui uma espécie de F-Zero com bots?

Mas não dá pa jogar isto com o comando da GC? É que não me dá jeito nenhum jogar mario kart com o wheel, se tiver de usar aqui não vou comprar isto de certeza :S
É simples: não compra :p

Eu também não gosto de shooters com os comandos da X360 e PS3. Logo tenho boa solução ;)

Pois, muito provavelmente vou ter de ir por esse caminho, pode ser que mudem de ideias e metam mais tipos de controlo até à saida do jogo, ninguém ficava a perder com isso.
Pois, muito provavelmente vou ter de ir por esse caminho, pode ser que mudem de ideias e metam mais tipos de controlo até à saida do jogo, ninguém ficava a perder com isso.

Claro que ficam. Eu por exemplo deixei de jogar online competitivamente pelo Wheel não ser minimamente competitivo. Neste caso, igualdade para todos :)

Independentemente de entender perfeitamente o teu ponto de vista ;)
Claro que ficam. Eu por exemplo deixei de jogar online competitivamente pelo Wheel não ser minimamente competitivo. Neste caso, igualdade para todos :)

Independentemente de entender perfeitamente o teu ponto de vista ;)

Mas no caso do online podiam sempre meter para só poderes jogar com o wheel. Vou tentar jogar mario kart com o volantezinho para me tentar habituar, pode ser que até me safe e depois compre este quando sair :p
Preview Steven Totilo:

There are momentum-shifting mini-game moments. Sometimes your racing robot is forced to stop mid-race and swing around a pole for added momentum (you have to swing the controller at this point). Sometimes a power-up on the screen transforms your robot back to an invincible biped, forcing you to run him ahead on the track. “Excitebots” presents racing at the most absurd level I’ve seen in games.


The game had me laughing throughout my 10 minutes playing it. I don’t know if the comedy power-ups will get old, but the return of the solid “ExciteTruck” racing formula bodes well for this game.
Fonte: http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2009...rst-racing-game-with-robot-frog-pie-throwing/
Parece que os vários detractores do jogo que apareceram por este tópico, afinal não tem grande razão para dizer mal ... toda a critica tem sido positiva!
O jogo parece que melhorou a já por si excelente formula do Excite Truck.
Para mim é um Must Buy !!!! :007: