Wii Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (S-RPG)

muito interessante sem duvida. só espero que n
ao seja é terrivelmente dificil como já li algures. é que nao tenho paciência para muitos loads.
este é um dos que em principio vou comprar.
muito interessante sem duvida. só espero que nao seja é terrivelmente dificil como já li algures. é que nao tenho paciência para muitos loads.
este é um dos que em principio vou comprar.
Depende do que chamas terrivelmente difícil.

Como no Path of Radiance tens vários modos de dificuldade, e já se sabe que o modo Maniac (desbloqueável) é para maluquinhos. Fire Emblem jogo sempre no modo mais fácil que tiver e mesmo assim não é particularmente fácil. :p

Vão haver muitas missões que não vais passar à primeira, ou vais reiniciar porque calculaste mal a força ofensiva versus healing, stamina, locomoção das tropas inimigas perda de um camarada no processo (que podias evitar), etc...

Ainda por cima com 44 mapas, maior que o antecessor, aproxima-se algo que nas ultimas missões tenderá a ser um desafio.

Pessoalmente e da experiência que tenho em Fire Emblem... Alguns mapas nem começo a jogar para ganhar, apenas para testar o terreno; mas nunca encontrei nada de intransponível, requer é persistência e estratégia.
Depende do que chamas terrivelmente difícil.

Como no Path of Radiance tens vários modos de dificuldade, e já se sabe que o modo Maniac (desbloqueável) é para maluquinhos. Fire Emblem jogo sempre no modo mais fácil que tiver e mesmo assim não é particularmente fácil. :p

acho que chamo a isto. :)
bah que se lixe. venha mas é o jogo. pormenores desses pensa-se depois
Preview do Siliconera:

Further into Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn
Written by: Spencer on March 30th, 2007

After flying around to GDC and SXSW I’ve finally had more time to delve into Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn. It’s absolutely fantastic that is if you like Fire Emblem or other strategy RPGs. Unlike other Wii games like Wii Sports and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn doesn’t offer anything unique or even radically different from the Fire Emblem series. You move your units around with the D-pad, attack with weapons using the same rocks-paper-scissors system and slowly build up your characters one hit point at a time. The thing about the Fire Emblem series is it knows who is buying the game, fans of the series, which is why Nintendo probably didn’t go to great lengths to force motion control in Fire Emblem.

Also it is pretty clear that Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn originated as a Gamecube title, but after Nintendo decided to shift gears to the Wii the control scheme was altered let players hold the remote like a classic Nintendo controller. You start off with Michiah, a light mage, but Sothe is the star of the first part of game. Sothe is a rogue character with a steal command and the ability to use daggers which often give him two hits. You also get Meg a heavily armored female warrior with little HP and low movement range and Laura the essential healer with life magic in your party early on. One change compared to Path of Radiance is each character levels up independently so if you want to make Laura stronger, you have to let her cast healing spells every chance she gets. Otherwise she will be stuck at a lower level than the rest of the party.

There is also another feature in Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn that lets you boost other characters stats. Using the support command you can assign characters to be partners, by default Michiah and Sothe are assigned as partners. If you place Michiah within a fixed range Sothe and she gets ready to cast sunny she blinks green and gets a stat boost. The amount of the boost is determined by what character you choose as a partner. Naturally, characters with relationships in the game work well as assigned partners. The support system puts a little more emphasis on where you want to position characters. Instead of arbitrarily selecting the closest character to attack, it’s beneficial to move your army in teams.
Fonte: http://www.siliconera.com/index.php/2007/03/30/further-into-fire-emblem-goddess-of-dawn/#more-3780
Nintendo Considering Online for Fire Emblem
Next title in strategy series could make the big jump.

US, April 16, 2007 - Nintendo's Fire Emblem series has made its mark as one of the finest single player Japanese strategy series around, but Nintendo and developer Intelligent Systems may be looking to expand into new territory with the next title. Speaking with Dengeki DS & Wii Style (a young publication formerly known as just Dengeki DS Style), Nintendo producer Hitoshi Yamagami, IS producer Toru Narihiro, and IS "graphics chief" Masahiro Higuchi hinted that we can expect online components in the the next FE game.

Yamagami disclosed to the magazine that his team was originally considering Wi-Fi compatibility for the recent Wii entry in the series, Goddess of Dawn. Higuchi chimed in, noting that players would probably enjoy having maps and units distributed to them via online downloads. While some development was undertaken towards this end, Narihiro admitted that difficulties with balance and technology kept the feature out of Goddess of Dawn.

But the wait for online compatibility may not be too long. Yamagami closed off by stating, "This would be the first FE for the Wii, so we decided to focus on single player and held back on Wi-Fi. However, for the next title, if we have the chance, we'd like to use it."

While Higuchi mentioned downloads in his comments, Yamigami's mention of a focus on single player play suggests that Wi-Fi based battles are under consideration.

The three developers provided a few additional insights into the development of Goddess of Dawn. On the decision to bring the series to the Wii instead of the phenomenally successful DS, Yamagami stated, "The FE series began on the Famicom, so we'd generally like to release it on consoles. Also, it's a game with many detailed parameters, so we want to put it on a television. However, we do feel that the SRPG genre is suited for the DS."

Yamagami also fielded a question about the decision to not use the Wiimote's special control features. "At the start of development, we didn't know what controller would be included with the Wii. We began production by considering the classic controller default. Once we learned what would be included with the Wii system, we made it so that everything could be controlled with the Wiimote. However, we felt that controls like pointing and shaking of the remote were not applicable to FE, so we held off on it."

Based on the comments from these three, we're already starting to imagine what the next Fire Emblem game will look like. Of course, Goddess of Dawn was released to Japan a little over a month ago, so official details on the next entry in the series will probably have to wait.
Fonte: http://wii.ign.com/articles/780/780801p1.html
se este ainda vai demorar a chegar cá, imagina o "proximo" que terá online. parece-me é que eles estejam a apontar muito para baixo. trocar mapas online? isso tem piada a 1ª vez que se experimenta, o pessoal quer é poder fazer umas batalhas versus, ou melhor ainda co-op
se este ainda vai demorar a chegar cá, imagina o "proximo" que terá online. parece-me é que eles estejam a apontar muito para baixo. trocar mapas online? isso tem piada a 1ª vez que se experimenta, o pessoal quer é poder fazer umas batalhas versus, ou melhor ainda co-op
Acho que eles se referiam mesmo a distribuir novos mapas e missões "oficiais" deles, não trocar (embora essa fosse uma funcionalidade possivel) mas por "players would probably enjoy having maps and units distributed to them via online downloads." entendo de facto que estavam a preparar algo do género; numa data à escola deles lançavam mapas e conteúdo novo para o jogo, mas conteúdo feito pela equipa e com modo história.
O primeiro Fire Emblem do GBA o Fuin no Tsurugi não saiu do Japão, é deste jogo que o Roy do SSBM é proveniente ;) suponho que tenhas jogado o Rekka no Ken que fora do Japão se chamava simplesmente Fire Emblem.

Mais um Scan:

Jill, the Wyvern Lord :)
esse de cabelo azul só pode ser o Ike, a personagem central do PoR
numas imagens anteriores pareceu-me identificar o Geoffrey, o da armadura verde.
em 3 anos não me parece que ele tenha conseguido reproduzir e ter 1 filho adulto :D
e a mulher de branco é a Elincia?

este jogo sempre já saiu no Japão?
há jogos fracos, medianos, bons, espectaculares, fantásticos e depois há Fire Emblem :)

está visto que as FMV continuam soberbas
Só uma pequena pergunta quanto a este jogo. O último Fire Emblem que joguei já foi há algum tempo, e gostava de saber se este jogo é uma sequela directa a algum dos títulos, ou é uma história nova? Estou bastante interessado, mas se for uma sequela directa...