Wii Ghost Squad

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Fonte: http://tgs.sega.jp/t_gsquad.shtml
^ Na Europa deve ir para o pricetag de 50 euros; 50 não dou, mas a julgar pelo Super Paper Mario que me vai custar 42 euros (18 euros mais barato que cá) espero arranjar este entre os 30 e os 40.

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Estes modos "especiais" prometem :p
HAHA isto sim é que é um extra a sério, quem me dera que isto houve-se no REUC, já imaginaram zombies de bikini ou de vestidos cor-de-rosa??:-D:-D
Mais um jogo com gráficos abaixo do que eu considero aceitável (já nem digo bons) para esta geração. Wii, já acordavas!!!!
Ghost Squad For Wii Actually Pretty Good

If you've ever played a light gun game from Sega, you've played this. It's an on-rails shooter that drags you from point to point automatically, then throws enemy soldiers in your face. Pick 'em off! Don't shoot your teammates! Don't shoot the hostages! Nothing too new.

But the control scheme works really nicely. Moving the cursor around actually feels really nice -- it feels less like you're controlling a cursor with the Wiimote and more like you've actually got a light gun and you're just seeing its laser sight there on the screen. I don't know if it'll really feel like this in every situation (I don't have enough room in my apartment to stand as far away from the screen as we could at E For All), but for now I'm impressed with how polished it is.

The game itself features branching paths -- you can choose to do more strategic missions like picking off enemies but avoiding hostages, or just killing a whole roomful of enemies that pop out of all kinds of crazy places. That's what I really liked -- the whole thing just seems very nicely paced, exciting, etc.

And there's some parts of the mission that use slightly altered gameplay. In one segment, you don't have your machine gun -- you're sniping enemies, and you have to hit them with one shot then immediately reload by shaking your gun offscreen. In another, you're firing rockets at a helicopter, and you have to hold your cursor on the copter until you're locked on, then let your fire go.

With all the Wii Zapper content coming this year, 2007 is the year of Wii shooters. Ghost Squad seems like it's going to give Umbrella Chronicles a real run for its money.
Fonte: http://blog.wired.com/games/2007/10/hands-on-ghost-.html