WoW - Entrevista a um Developer do WOW

Why do Darkspear (Jungle) trolls yell "For Zul'jin!", when Zul'jin is a forest troll?- Robert Dooley from the Daggerspine realm.

A. Zul'jin is honored by most troll tribes for both his valor and leadership. Even the jungle trolls hold his legend in the highest esteem.

IE Does a higher skilled fisherman(woman) catch fish faster than a someone of lower skill? Or maybe higher skill has a higher chance of catching better fish? - Chuck from the Azjul-Nerub realm.

A. The Fishing skill only determines whether you catch a fish, it does not determine what the fish is or how fast it is caught.

What will happen to the current 40-man raids with the expansion? Will Molten Core become 30 mannable? Or ZG 10?- Gabriel from the Skullcrusher realm.

A. Yes, you will be able to do them with fewer players just as one or two level 60s can take on dungeons they’ve outgrown, such as the Scarlet Monastery.

If I don't have any level 60 characters, and probably won't by the time the expansion is released. Will it be worth it for me to buy the expansion? Specifically, will there be any instances, quests or areas that are part of the expansion for characters level 1-59, and will the new battlegrounds be for level 60-70 characters only? - Garrett Guillotte from the Feathermoon realm.

A. There will be new zones for levels 1-20, new pvp features and content will be accessible by players who have not quite reached level 60, and there will be a brand-new profession: jewelcrafting. With that being said, please keep in mind that the new content is primarily oriented toward players who are either starting new characters or continuing their max-level characters.

With the upcoming addition of the Naxxramas raid instance, it will ultimately introduce a slew of new and powerful items for players to hunt for. How are you developers planning on relieving the disparity between non-raiders, whom can acquire tier 0.5 at best, and raiders, whom will soon have access to tier 3? - Robyn Parrell on the Burning Legion server.

A. Increasing the level cap to 70 inherently narrows the gap between raiders and non-raiders, as it gives non-raiders an opportunity to gain new items with higher levels through quests and instances. In addition, we expect that even more of our end game PvE content in the expansion will be experienced by more players than the current end-game content is.

When will we get housing? When WoW was in beta, it was indicated there would be housing in the future, yet here we are over a year after release and there is not even a hint of when we will get housing.- Deborah Dietrich on the Zul'Jin server

A. Housing for players and guilds alike is a feature we've always been interested in pursuing. Though we don't currently have plans to include these features in the Burning Crusade, we've certainly not abandoned our hope to include housing in the game sometime in the future.

Are you going to improve Battlegrounds system in the following aspect: bring in the "differentiating system" concerning what the player really do in the battleground (for example if i capture the flag in Warsong gulch i receive more honor and reputation points)? - Sergey Kozin from the US Warsong realm.

A. We feel that such a change would likely encourage selfish behavior. Whenever it's reasonable to do so, we think it's very important for players to share equally in the success of the team.

When designing quests do you use usability testing to see how different cultures would interpret them? - Douglas Meinhardt from the Uldum realm.

A. Localization and usability are one of our top priorities when we design quests.We have dedicated localization teams who translate game content for each region. When something is found to be off color or unidentifiable, they make changes to insure that the text works in that particular region.

Will dwarf hunters be given the opportunity to trade in Rhok'delar bow for a similar gun? This would allow them to make use of their +5 gun skill. - Dave from the Kargath realm.

A. We don’t have plans to allow this in the future -- it just wouldn't fit in the context of the story, unfortunately.
Whether association of the Horde and the Alliance in the future for struggle in any general(common) vault for 60 lvl, in fight against one boss is possible? Or there can be a creation of a zone where the Horde and the Alliance are at war on one party(side) against the global enemy? - Jury from the Vashj realm.

A. There are no plans for this type of feature. We want the Horde and Alliance to be pitted against each other, and, if anything, we want to increase the amount of conflict between the two factions.

Fica ai a entrevista na integra.

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greven disse:

Refere muita questões pertinentes, até o famoso housing tão discutido agora aqui no forum. :P

E parece que eles estão interessados no housing... Esperemos k sim... boas novidades são sempre bem-vindas!
Última edição:
XKnight disse:
Fica ai a entrevista na integra.

O "A" é a resposta :)

E parece que eles estão interessados no housing... Esperemos k sim... boas novidades são sempre bem-vindas!
tudo o que é novo e diferente parece-me bem :)