Xbox Xbox arcade com ruído de turbina de avião

Dos jogos que tenho nenhum demorou tanto tempo a instalar, por isso é que estranhei :D

Jogos como Ridge Racer, MOH Airborne e outros instalam-se parcialmente para agilizar o loading, mas nunca demoraram mais que 15/20 min :rolleyes:

Vai instalar o dmc4.

Why do some games PS3 games require installs?

MTV have found out that some Blu-ray games require installs to the hard drive because Blu-ray drives can only read at one speed. "When this is combined with the extremely large size of Blu-ray discs, and simply dumping existing DVD data onto a Blu-ray disc will inevitably result in longer load times."


The issue arises from differences in the reading techniques of DVD and Blu-ray. By nature, the outer and inner parts of a disc move at different speeds while a disc is spinning, regardless of format (CD, DVD, Blu-ray, HD-DVD, etc.). While DVD drives can read data at those differing speeds, Blu-ray reads at one speed. Combine that with the extremely large size of Blu-ray discs, and simply dumping existing DVD data onto a Blu-ray disc will inevitably result in longer load times.

Installations are a way around this issue.

When a publisher asks you to install a game on PS3, it’s because they’re moving some of the disc data to an area of your console that has much faster read access: the hard drive. You get vastly reduced loading times, but have to sit through an installation.

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Ja agora so para acabar com :offtopic: , um bom disco para a ps3 qual comprar.