XML Engine (VB.NET) [Repositorio Codigo]



Coloco aqui uma classe para fácil acesso ao XML.
Ideal para guardar informações como configurações da aplicação, registos, etc..

A "classe" contem um Namespace com duas classes cXML e cTag..
cXML é o principal motor da engine a cTag serve apenas para guardar temporariamente cada registo que sera armazenado em um Hashtable (collection)

Nota: os comentarios estão em EG, fiz o project sample para o PSC, talvez mais tarde eu traduza para PT :)

Depois de as classes colucadas, pequeno exemple de como utilizar:
       Public Sub LoadSettings()
        Dim oXML As New XML_FILE.cXML(XML_PATH)

        g_Settings = New stSettings

        g_Settings.Server = ""
        g_Settings.DataBase = "vip_blue"
        g_Settings.UserName = "admin"
        g_Settings.Password = "123"

        For Each oItem As XML_FILE.cTag In oXML.GetAllSettings("Servidor").Values
            Select Case oItem.Name
                Case "Server"
                    g_Settings.Server = oItem.Value
                Case "DataBase"
                    g_Settings.DataBase = oItem.Value
                Case "UserName"
                    g_Settings.UserName = oItem.Value
                Case "Password"
                    g_Settings.Password = oItem.Value
            End Select

        g_frmMain.txtServer.Text = g_Settings.Server
        g_frmMain.txtBaseDados.Text = g_Settings.DataBase
        g_frmMain.txtUser.Text = g_Settings.UserName
        g_frmMain.txtPassword.Text = g_Settings.Password

        oXML = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public Sub SaveSettings()

        Dim oXML As New XML_FILE.cXML(XML_PATH)

        oXML.SaveSetting("Server", "Servidor", g_Settings.Server)
        oXML.SaveSetting("Server", "DataBase", g_Settings.DataBase)
        oXML.SaveSetting("Server", "UserName", g_Settings.UserName)
        oXML.SaveSetting("Server", "Password", g_Settings.Password)

        oXML = Nothing

    End Sub
Fica com este aspecto:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Section Name="Server">
    <Key Name="Servidor" Value="" />
    <Key Name="DataBase" Value="vip_blue" />
    <Key Name="UserName" Value="admin" />
    <Key Name="Password" Value="hfghrty45yfg" />
   <Section Name="GUI">
    <Key Name="Intervalo" Value="30" />
    <Key Name="Data" Value="15-10-2008" />
    <Key Name="Hash" Value="sdfsdfldfsdgdgfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf" />
    <Key Name="ID" Value="995959595" />
'Copyright: fLaSh - Carlos.DF 
Imports System.Xml
Namespace XML_FILE

    Public Class cXML
        Private m_strFilePath As String
        Private m_strRootName As String
        Private m_crSectionSeparator As Char
        Private m_objXMLDoc As XmlDocument

        Public Sub New(ByVal sPath As String, _
              Optional ByVal sRootName As String = "VIP_Blue", _
              Optional ByVal cSectionSeparator As Char = ";")
            m_strFilePath = sPath.Trim
            m_strRootName = sRootName.Trim
            m_crSectionSeparator = cSectionSeparator
        End Sub

        Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
            m_objXMLDoc = Nothing
        End Sub

        Private Sub OpenFile()
            'Purpose:   Opens XML settings file
                If IO.File.Exists(m_strFilePath) Then
                    Dim oTR As New XmlTextReader(m_strFilePath)
                    m_objXMLDoc = New XmlDocument
                    oTR = Nothing
                End If
            Catch e As XmlException
                Debug.WriteLine("Settings Constructor Error: " & e.ToString)
            End Try
            If m_objXMLDoc Is Nothing Then
                m_objXMLDoc = New XmlDocument
                m_objXMLDoc.LoadXml( _
                        "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>" & ControlChars.CrLf & _
                        "<" & m_strRootName & ">" & ControlChars.CrLf & "</" & m_strRootName & ">")
            End If
        End Sub

        Public Property FilePath() As String
            'Purpose:   Gets or sets the value of the XMLSettings file name
                Return m_strFilePath
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                m_strFilePath = Value.Trim
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property RootName() As String
            'Purpose:   Gets or sets the value of the XMLSettings section
                Return m_strRootName
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                m_strRootName = Value.Trim
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property SectionSeparator() As Char
            'Purpose:   Gets or sets the value for extentions parameters..
                Return m_crSectionSeparator
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As Char)
                m_crSectionSeparator = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Friend Function GetAllSections() As Hashtable
            'Purpose:   Retrieves section names from XML Settings file
            'Returns:   Collection of Strings containing the all the 
            '           section names in the XML File
            Dim colSections As New Hashtable
            Dim oNodeList As XmlNodeList
            Dim oNode As XmlNode

            oNodeList = m_objXMLDoc.SelectNodes("//Section")

            If Not oNodeList Is Nothing Then
                For Each oNode In oNodeList
                    colSections.Add(oNode.Attributes("Name").Value, oNode)
            End If

            oNodeList = Nothing
            oNode = Nothing

            Return colSections

        End Function

        Friend Function GetAllSettings(ByVal sSections As String) As Hashtable
            'Purpose:   Retrieves section names from XML Settings file
            'Params:    sSections: the sections to get (for multpiples sections
            '                     is separated by m_crSectionSeparator)
            'Returns:   Collection of Strings containing the all the 
            '           section names in the XML File
            Dim colSetting As New Hashtable
            Dim oItem As cTag

            Dim oNode As XmlNode
            Dim oKey As XmlNode
            Dim oNodeList As XmlNodeList

            Dim arrSections() As String

            If InStr(sSections, m_crSectionSeparator) Then
                arrSections = Split(sSections, m_crSectionSeparator)
                ReDim arrSections(0)
                arrSections(0) = sSections
            End If

            For Each strSection As String In arrSections
                oNode = m_objXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Section[@Name='" & strSection & "']")
                If oNode IsNot Nothing Then
                    oNodeList = oNode.SelectNodes("descendant::Key")
                    If oNodeList IsNot Nothing Then
                        For Each oKey In oNodeList
                            oItem = New cTag
                            oItem.Name = oKey.Attributes("Name").Value
                            oItem.Value = oKey.Attributes("Value").Value
                            oItem.Key = strSection
                            'Add item to collection
                            colSetting.Add(oKey.Attributes("Name").Value, oItem)
                    End If
                End If

            oNodeList = Nothing
            oKey = Nothing

            Return colSetting
        End Function

        Friend Function GetSetting(ByVal sSection As String, ByVal sKey As String) As String
            'Purpose:   Retrieves section names from XML Settings file
            'Returns:   Collection of Strings containing the all the 
            '           section names in the XML File
            Dim sValue As String = String.Empty
            Dim oSection As XmlNode
            Dim oKey As XmlNode

            oSection = m_objXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Section[@Name='" & sSection & "']")

            If oSection IsNot Nothing Then
                oKey = oSection.SelectSingleNode("descendant::Key[@Name='" & sKey & "']")
                If oKey IsNot Nothing Then
                    sValue = oKey.Attributes("Value").Value
                End If
            End If

            oSection = Nothing
            oKey = Nothing

            Return sValue
        End Function

        Friend Sub SaveSetting(ByVal sSection As String, ByVal sKeyName As String, ByVal sValue As String)
            'Purpose:   Retrieves handle creation or updating of Section/Key pairs
            'Params:   sKeyName: The section names in the XML File
            '          sSection: The name of the XML section
            '            vValue: The value to set (saved to string)
            Dim oSection As XmlNode
            Dim oKey As XmlNode
            Dim oAttr As XmlAttribute

            'Check the document exists, create if not
            If m_objXMLDoc.DocumentElement Is Nothing Then
                m_objXMLDoc.LoadXml("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>" & ControlChars.CrLf & _
                                    "<" & m_strRootName & ">" & ControlChars.CrLf & "</" & m_strRootName & ">")
            End If

            oSection = m_objXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Section[@Name='" & sSection & "']")

            'Check the Section exists, create if not
            If oSection Is Nothing Then
                    'Create the new Section node...
                    oSection = m_objXMLDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Section", "")
                    'Add the Name attribute
                    oAttr = m_objXMLDoc.CreateAttribute("Name")
                    oAttr.Value = sSection
                    'Get the root XML node and add the new node to the document
                    Dim xnRoot As XmlNode = m_objXMLDoc.DocumentElement
                    xnRoot = Nothing
                Catch e1 As XmlException
                    Debug.WriteLine("SaveSetting - Error creating Section: " & e1.ToString)
                End Try
            End If

            oKey = oSection.SelectSingleNode("descendant::Key[@Name='" & sKeyName & "']")

            'Check the Key exists, create if not
            If oKey Is Nothing Then
                    'Create the new Key node...
                    oKey = m_objXMLDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Key", "")
                    'Add the Name attribute
                    oAttr = m_objXMLDoc.CreateAttribute("Name")
                    oAttr.Value = sKeyName
                    'Add the Value attribute
                    oAttr = m_objXMLDoc.CreateAttribute("Value")
                    oAttr.Value = sValue
                    'Add the new node to its Section
                Catch e2 As XmlException
                    Debug.WriteLine("SaveSetting - Error creating Key: " & e2.ToString)
                End Try
                oKey.Attributes("Value").Value = sValue
            End If

            'Save changes

            oKey = Nothing
            oSection = Nothing
        End Sub

        Friend Sub DeleteKey(ByVal sSection As String, ByVal sKeyName As String)
            'Purpose:   Deletes the specified key, deleting with 
            '           empty KeyName deletes the specified section
            '           sSection:       The name of the XML section
            '           sKeyName:       The name of the Key
            Dim oSection As XmlNode
            Dim oKey As XmlNode

            oSection = m_objXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Section[@Name='" & sSection & "']")

            If oSection IsNot Nothing Then
                'delete the key
                oKey = oSection.SelectSingleNode("descendant::Key[@Name='" & sKeyName & "']")
                If oKey IsNot Nothing Then
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End If


            oKey = Nothing
            oSection = Nothing
        End Sub

        Friend Sub DeleteSection(ByVal sSection As String)
            'Purpose:   Deletes the specified section, deleting with 
            '           empty KeyName deletes the specified section
            '           sSection:   The name of the XML section
            Dim oSection As XmlNode
            Dim oKey As XmlNode

            oSection = m_objXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Section[@Name='" & sSection & "']")

            If oSection IsNot Nothing Then
                'Delete the section
                Dim oRoot As XmlNode = m_objXMLDoc.DocumentElement
            End If


            oKey = Nothing
            oSection = Nothing
        End Sub
    End Class

    Public Class cTag
        Private m_lngID As Long
        Private m_strName As String
        Private m_strKey As String
        Private m_strValue As String
        Private m_objTag As Object
        Private m_dtIniDate As Date

        Public Sub New()
            m_dtIniDate = Now
        End Sub

        Friend Property ID() As Long
                Return m_lngID
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Long)
                m_lngID = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Friend Property Name() As String
                Return m_strName
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                m_strName = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Friend Property Key() As String
                Return m_strKey
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                m_strKey = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Friend Property Tag() As Object
                Return m_objTag
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Object)
                m_objTag = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Friend Property Value() As String
                Return m_strValue
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                m_strValue = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Friend ReadOnly Property [Date]() As Date
                Return m_dtIniDate
            End Get
        End Property
    End Class

End Namespace
Última edição:
Sim, é verdade. Mas já tive problemas com ambos... optei por uma aproximação ao código anterior, também. Criei objectos para aceder às definições que eu próprio criei e separei-as, inclusivamente, por vários ficheiros. Se calhar não foi a melhor solução mas fartei-me de, sempre que mudava de versão, ou de release, perder as definições anteriores... :(
Se calhar é nabice minha... mas pronto! :)


Porque não usas XML comments no teu código ? Simplificava a utilização de que a usa a classe.

É só uma observação.
Última edição: