XML Engine (VB6) [Repositorio Codigo]



Coloco aqui umas classes para fácil acesso ao XML a partir do VB6, sem necessitar de dependencias/componentes extra!.
Ideal para guardar informações como configurações da aplicação, registos, etc..

A engine contem três classes:
clsXMLAttr : esta class apena guarda temporariamente o "Item" da collection
clsXMLDoc: esta class é o principal motor da engine, faz o parsing do ficheiro XML
clsXMLNode: esta class é auxiliar da engine, armazena todos os nodes
E um module:
modGlobal: este module contem funções de leitura de ficheiros por API (é rapido), tambem funções importantes como XML Escape/Unescape (isto é importante!) para fazer o enconding/deconding de setrings com caracteres reservados por a linguagem XML.

Nota: os comentarios estão em EG, fiz esta engine para um projecto open source, talvez mais tarde eu traduza para PT :)

Depois de as classes e o module colucadas, pequeno exemplo do como utilizar:
Option Explicit
Private m_objSettings   As New Settings
Private Sub LoadSettings()
    Dim objNode     As XMLNode
    Dim objSubNode  As XMLNode
    'Does the Settings.xml file exist?
    If PathExists(App.Path & "\Settings.xml") Then
        'Parse XML file and get top level node
        Set objNode = XMLParse(App.Path & "\Settings.xml", XML_FILE).Item("Settings")
        For Each objNode In objNode.Nodes
            Select Case CInt(objNode.GetAttr("Type"))
                Case vbString
                     CallByName m_objSettings, objNode.Name, VbLet, CStr(objSubNode.Value)
                Case vbLong
                    CallByName m_objSettings, objNode.Name, VbLet, CLng(objSubNode.Value)
                Case vbBoolean
                    CallByName m_objSettings, objNode.Name, VbLet, CBool(objSubNode.Value)
                Case vbInteger
                    CallByName m_objSettings, objNode.Name, VbLet, CInt(objSubNode.Value)
                Case vbByte
                    CallByName m_objSettings, objNode.Name, VbLet, CByte(objSubNode.Value)
                Case vbDouble
                    CallByName m_objSettings, objNode.Name, VbLet, CDbl(objSubNode.Value)
            End Select
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub SaveSettings()
    Dim intFF       As Integer
    Dim strFile     As String
    strFile = App.Path & "\Settings.xml"
    intFF = FreeFile
    Open strFile For Append As intFF
        Print #intFF, vbXML
        Print #intFF, "<Settings Version=""" & "1.0" & """>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & "<Longs>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & vbTab & "<Long1>" & m_objSettings.Long1 & "</Long1>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & vbTab & "<Long1>" & m_objSettings.Long1 & "</Long1>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & "</Longs>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & "<Integers>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & vbTab & "<Integer1>" & m_objSettings.Integer1 & "</Integer1>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & vbTab & "<Integer1>" & m_objSettings.Integer2 & "</Integer1>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & "</Integers>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & "<Booleans>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & vbTab & "<Boolean1>" & m_objSettings.Boolean1 & "</Boolean1>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & vbTab & "<Boolean1>" & m_objSettings.Boolean2 & "</Boolean2>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & "</Booleans>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & "<Strings>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & vbTab & "<String1>" & m_objSettings.String1 & "</String1>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & vbTab & "<String2>" & m_objSettings.String2 & "</String2>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & "</Strings>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & "<Bytes>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & vbTab & "<Byte1>" & m_objSettings.Byte1 & "</Byte1>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & vbTab & "<Byte2>" & m_objSettings.Byte2 & "</Bytes>"
        Print #intFF, vbTab & "</Bytes>"
        Print #intFF, "</Settings>";
    Close intFF
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLoadSet_Click()
    Set m_objSettings = New Settings
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSaveSet_Click()
End Sub

'     Copyright: fLaSh - Carlos.DF
'Email: [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]
'              2008-10-19
Option Explicit
Public Name         As String
Public Value        As String

'     Copyright: fLaSh - Carlos.DF
'Email: [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]
'              2008-10-19
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" _
            (Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Public Data                 As String
Public Flags                As Long
Public Nodes                As VBA.Collection
Private Const CHR_FSLASH    As Integer = 47 '/
Private Const CHR_SQUOTE    As Integer = 39 ''
Private Const CHR_DQUOTE    As Integer = 34 '"
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set Nodes = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set Nodes = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function Parse() As VBA.Collection
    'Purpose:   To parse XML data, and put the parsed data into XMLNode
    '           and XMLAttr objects which are stored in collections
    '           The collections are indexed by name; if more than one
    '           node has the same name, only the first is indexed
    '           (this makes the assumption that the parser user knows
    '           the format of the data it is requesting to be parsed)
    '           If XML_FILE is on, it must read the data from disk
    '           before popping it in a variable (otherwise it just
    '           copies the data from the Data variable)
    '           If XML_OVERWRITE is on, it will overwrite any nodes
    '           in the Nodes collection and will return a reference
    '           to Nodes; otherwise it will just create a new
    '           collection and it will be returned by the function
    '           While in properly formatted XML there should be only
    '           one top level node, multiple top level nodes are
    '           supported and are stored in the Nodes collection
    'Returns:   Collection containing top level nodes parsed
    Dim strData     As String
    Dim i As Byte
    'Get the XML data
    If Flags And XML_FILE Then
        'It is on disk so read it
        strData = ReadFile(Data)
        'Otherwise just make a copy into our local
        'variable (modifications are made)
        strData = Data
    End If
    'Remove comments / id tags
    StripTags strData, "<!--", "-->"
    StripTags strData, "<?", "?>"
    'Remove the null characters
    strData = Replace(strData, vbNullChar, vbNullString)
    'Create a new collection
    Set Parse = New Collection
    'Are we supposed to overwrite data?
    If Flags And XML_OVERWRITE Then
        Set Nodes = Parse
    End If
    'Begin parsing!
    ParseRec strData, Parse
End Function
Private Sub ParseRec(ByRef strData As String, ByVal colNodes As VBA.Collection)
    'Purpose:   Recursive function which goes through all the data
    '           given to parse for XML until there is none left
    '           strData:    Data to parse
    '           colNodes:   Current level collection of nodes
    Dim i           As Long
    Dim k           As Long
    Dim strValue    As String
    Dim strName     As String
    Dim objNode     As XMLNode
    'Find first <
    i = InStrB(1, strData, "<")
    'Keep looping while there are <
    Do While i
        'Alright there is a node; create a new one
        Set objNode = New XMLNode
        'Find end of first tag
        k = InStrB(i, strData, ">")
        'If there is no >, then we've got bad XML
        If k = 0 Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        'Extract data inbetween <>
        strName = MidB$(strData, i + 2, k - i - 2)
        'Check for a space in the name
        i = InStrB(1, strName, " ")
        'If there is a space, there may be attributes,
        'otherwise no
        If i Then
            'Extract name of node
            objNode.Name = LeftB$(strName, i - 1)
            'Parse attributes if any
            ParseAttr MidB$(strName, i + 2), objNode.Attributes
            'If the name ends in a /, then there is no end tag
            'otherwise there is
            If AscW(RightB$(strName, 2)) = CHR_FSLASH Then
                i = 0
                i = 1
            End If
            'If the name ends in a /, then there is no end tag
            'otherwise there is
            If AscW(RightB$(strName, 2)) = CHR_FSLASH Then
                'Trim off / from name
                objNode.Name = LeftB$(strName, LenB(strName) - 2)
                i = 0
                objNode.Name = strName
                i = 1
            End If
        End If
        'If i is non-zero, then we have to find the end tag
        If i Then
            'Find end tag position
            i = InStrB(k, strData, "</" & objNode.Name & ">")
            'Did we find it?
            If i Then
                'Extract value
                strValue = MidB$(strData, k + 2, i - k - 2)
                'Parse any nodes which might be inside
                ParseRec strValue, objNode.Nodes
                'Unescape escape sequences
                objNode.Value = XMLUnescape(strValue)
                'Should equal position of last character for this node
                k = i + LenB(objNode.Name) + 4
                'Malformed XML; quit
                Exit Do
            End If
        End If
        'Remove parsed data from string
        strData = MidB$(strData, k + 2)
        'Index node in collection
        On Error Resume Next
        colNodes.Add objNode, objNode.Name
        'If an error occured, then we should add it to
        'the collection without indexing it (it's already taken)
        If Err.Number Then
            colNodes.Add objNode
            'Clear error
        End If
        'Find next <
        i = InStrB(1, strData, "<")
End Sub
Private Sub ParseAttr(ByRef strAttr As String, ByVal colAttr As VBA.Collection)
    'Purpose:   To parse an attribute list for an XML tag and to place
    '           them inside the collection
    '           strAttr:    List of attributes/values seperated by
    '                       spaces
    '           colAttr:    Collection to add XMLAttr objects to
    Dim c           As Integer
    Dim i           As Long
    Dim objAttr     As XMLAttr
    'Find first equal's sign
    i = InStrB(1, strAttr, "=")
    'Loop as long as there are attributes
    Do While i
        'Create new attribute
        Set objAttr = New XMLAttr
        'Extract name (may have leading space(s))
        objAttr.Name = LTrim$(LeftB$(strAttr, i - 1))
        'Skip ahead to value
        strAttr = MidB$(strAttr, i + 2)
        'Get first character
        c = AscW(strAttr)
        'How is the attributed formated; surrounding quotes or no?
        Select Case c
            Case CHR_SQUOTE, CHR_DQUOTE
                'Find ending quote
                i = InStrB(3, strAttr, ChrW$(c))
                'Did we find it?
                If i Then
                    'Extract value and skip past this attribute
                    objAttr.Value = XMLUnescape(MidB$(strAttr, 3, i - 3))
                    strAttr = MidB$(strAttr, i + 2)
                    'Bad XML!
                    Exit Do
                End If
            Case Else
                'A space then will herald then end
                i = InStrB(1, strAttr, " ")
                'Did we find one?
                If i Then
                    'Extract value and then skip past current attribute data
                    objAttr.Value = XMLUnescape(LeftB$(strAttr, i - 1))
                    strAttr = MidB$(strAttr, i + 2)
                    'It is the last attribute; copy remaining data and
                    'exit loop
                    objAttr.Value = XMLUnescape(strAttr)
                    Exit Do
                End If
        End Select
        'Add to collection
        colAttr.Add objAttr, objAttr.Name
        'Find next attribute
        i = InStrB(1, strAttr, "=")
End Sub
Public Function Generate() As String
    'Purpose:   To generate the XML data from what is in the nodes
    '           collection automatically; it creates a temporary file
    '           and writes the data to this file
    'Returns:   If XML_FILE is on, it returns a file path otherwise
    '           it returns raw XML data
    Dim intFF       As Integer
    Dim strFile     As String
    strFile = TempFile()
    intFF = FreeFile()
    'Open file for appending, and generate XML data starting at top level node
    Open strFile For Append Lock Write As intFF
    GenerateRec intFF, Nodes
    Close intFF
    'XML generated, how to return to user
    'Are with working with files or raw data?
    If Flags And XML_FILE Then
        'Are we allowed to overwrite things?
        If Flags And XML_OVERWRITE Then
            'If so, delete the old file, and rename the
            'temporary one to the path of the old file
            DeleteFile Data
            Name strFile As Data
            'Return path
            Generate = Data
            'Return path to temporary file
            Generate = strFile
        End If
        'Are we allowed to overwrite raw data?
        If Flags And XML_OVERWRITE Then
            'If so, place a copy in Data and return the same
            Data = ReadFile(strFile)
            Generate = Data
            'Otherwise, just return the raw data
            Generate = ReadFile(strFile)
        End If
        'Either way, we don't need this file anymore
        DeleteFile strFile
    End If
End Function
Private Sub GenerateRec(ByVal intFile As Integer, ByVal colNodes As VBA.Collection)
    'Purpose:   Recursive function which goes down the node heirarchy
    '           to generate properly formatted XML
    '           intFile:    File handle where to write XML data
    '           colNodes:   Reference to node collection at current
    '                       level
    Dim objNode     As XMLNode
    Dim objAttr     As XMLAttr
    Dim colRef      As VBA.Collection
    For Each objNode In colNodes
        'Print header
        Print #intFile, "<" & objNode.Name;
        Set colRef = objNode.Attributes
        'Print out attributes if any
        If colRef.Count Then
            For Each objAttr In colRef
                Print #intFile, " " & objAttr.Name & "=""" & XMLEscape(objAttr.Value) & """";
        End If
        'End header
        Print #intFile, ">";
        Set colRef = objNode.Nodes
        'If there are subnodes, there isn't any value to this node; in that case
        'call GenerateRec again for nodes inside of this node
        If colRef.Count Then
            GenerateRec intFile, colRef
            Print #intFile, XMLEscape(objNode.Value);
        End If
        Set colRef = Nothing
        'Print end of tag
        Print #intFile, "</" & objNode.Name & ">"
End Sub
Private Sub StripTags(ByRef strData As String, ByRef strStart As String, ByRef strEnd As String)
    'Purpose:   Removes all characters inbetween and including the
    '           starting and ending sequences provided and replaces
    '           them with null characters
    '           strData:    String to strip (modifies original)
    '           strStart:   Starting sequence
    '           strEnd:     Ending sequence
    Dim i       As Long
    Dim k       As Long
    Dim h       As Long
    'Get the length of the ending term
    h = LenB(strEnd)
    'Remove comments
    i = InStrB(1, strData, strStart)
    Do While i
        'Find ending
        k = InStrB(i, strData, strEnd)
        'If it exists, replace comment with null chars
        'else replace the rest of the string with them
        If k Then
            ZeroMemory ByVal StrPtr(strData) + i - 1, k - i + h
            ZeroMemory ByVal StrPtr(strData) + i - 1, LenB(strData) - i + 1
            Exit Do
        End If
        'Find next comment
        i = InStrB(1, strData, strStart)
End Sub

'     Copyright: fLaSh - Carlos.DF
'Email: [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]
'              2008-10-19
Option Explicit
Public Name         As String
Public Value        As String
Public Nodes        As VBA.Collection
Public Attributes   As VBA.Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set Nodes = New Collection
    Set Attributes = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set Nodes = Nothing
    Set Attributes = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function GetAttr(ByRef strName As String) As String
    'Purpose:   Get the value of an attribute directly from the name
    '           rather than use the collection (from the point of
    '           view of the caller)
    '           strName:    Name of the attribute to value of
    'Returns:   Value of attribute; if the attribute doesn't exist
    '           vbNullString is returned
    On Error Resume Next
    GetAttr = Attributes(strName).Value
End Function
Public Function GetNode(ByRef strName As String) As XMLNode
    'Purpose:   Get a node directly rather than from the collection
    '           to avoid un-useful error messages
    '           strName:    Name of node to retrieve
    'Returns:   Object reference to node if it exists, otherwise it
    '           returns Nothing
    On Error Resume Next
    GetNode = Nodes(strName)
End Function

'     Copyright: fLaSh - Carlos.DF
'Email: [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]
'              2008-10-19
Option Explicit
'File searching APIs
Public Declare Function FindFirstFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindFirstFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long
Public Declare Function FindClose Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFindFile As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function FindNextFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindNextFileA" (ByVal hFindFile As Long, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long
'Get clock tick
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
'File property API
Private Declare Function GetFileAttributes Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetFileAttributesA" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
'Structures for file searching APIs
Public Type FILETIME
    dwLowDateTime   As Long
    dwHighDateTime  As Long
End Type
Public Type WIN32_FIND_DATA
    dwFileAttributes    As Long
    ftCreationTime      As FILETIME
    ftLastAccessTime    As FILETIME
    ftLastWriteTime     As FILETIME
    nFileSizeHigh       As Long
    nFileSizeLow        As Long
    dwReserved0         As Long
    dwReserved1         As Long
    cFileName           As String * 260
    cAlternate          As String * 14
End Type
Public Const XML_FILE       As Long = 1
Public Const XML_OVERWRITE  As Long = 2
Public Const vbXML          As String = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""windows-1252"" standalone=""yes"" ?>"
Public Sub WriteFile(ByRef strPath As String, ByRef strData As String, Optional ByVal blnText As Boolean = False)
    'Purpose:   To write data to a file on disk. By default it writes
    '           in binary mode as it is faster (because it doesn't do
    '           any character translations)
    '           strPath:    Path to file to write to
    '           strData:    Data to write to file
    '           blnText:    Write in text (true) or binary (false)
    Dim intFF       As Integer
    'Get an unused file handle
    intFF = FreeFile
    'Are we writing in text or binary mode?
    If blnText Then
        Open strPath For Output As intFF
        Open strPath For Binary Access Write As intFF
    End If
    'Print characters to file
    Put intFF, , strData
    'Close the file handle
    Close intFF
End Sub
Public Sub AppendFile(ByRef strPath As String, ByRef strData As String, Optional ByVal blnCR As Boolean = True)
    'Purpose:   To append data to a file. By default adds a carriage
    '           return to the end of the data
    '           strPath:    Path to append to
    '           strData:    Data to append to file
    '           blnCR:      Add carriage return? (true to add)
    Dim intFF       As Integer
    'Get an unused file handle
    intFF = FreeFile
    'Open in Append mode
    Open strPath For Append As intFF
    'Print with carriage return by default, otherwise
    'print without
    If blnCR Then
        Print #intFF, strData
        Print #intFF, strData;
    End If
    'Close file handle
    Close intFF
End Sub
Public Sub DeleteFile(ByRef strPath As String)
    'Purpose:   Deletes a file on disk
    '           strPath:    Path to file to be deleted
    On Error Resume Next
    'Delete the file! (that was easy =)
    Kill strPath
End Sub
Public Function ReadFile(ByRef strPath As String, Optional ByVal blnText As Boolean = False) As String
    'Purpose:   To read data from a file on disk. By default it reads
    '           in binary mode as it does no character translations
    '           strPath:    Path to file to read
    '           blnText:    Read in text (true) or binary (false) mode
    'Returns:   Data read from file
    Dim intFF       As Integer
    Dim i           As Long
    'Read only if the file exists
    If PathExists(strPath) Then
        'Get an unused file handle
        intFF = FreeFile
        'Are we reading in binary or in text mode?
        '(default is binary as it is faster)
        If blnText Then
            Open strPath For Input As intFF
            Open strPath For Binary Access Read As intFF
        End If
        'If length is zero, we don't need to read from the file
        i = LOF(intFF)
        'Assuming the file has content, prepare a buffer
        'and read data into that buffer
        If i Then
            ReadFile = Space$(i)
            Get intFF, , ReadFile
        End If
        'Close file handle
        Close intFF
    End If
End Function
Public Function PathExists(ByRef strPath As String) As Boolean
    'Purpose:   To determine if a path exists or not (works for both
    '           folders and files)
    '           strPath:    Path to check for existence
    'Returns:   True if it exists, false if not
    'API call returns -1 if the path is invalid
    PathExists = Not (GetFileAttributes(strPath) = -1)
End Function
Public Function TempFile() As String
    'Purpose:   To generate a path for a temporary file which is
    '           guarunteed not to be used by another process
    'Returns:   Path to file
    Randomize GetTickCount
    'Keep looping until we find a file path which isn't used
        TempFile = App.Path & "\" & GetTickCount & Rnd & ".tmp"
    Loop While PathExists(TempFile)
End Function
Public Function XMLEscape(ByRef strData As String) As String
    'Purpose:   Converts characters that XML requires to be escaped
    '           into the proper escape sequence
    '           strData:    String to search for characters to escape
    '                       in
    'Returns:   String with necessary characters escaped
    XMLEscape = strData
    If LenB(XMLEscape) Then
        'Check for the illegal characters
        If InStrB(1, XMLEscape, "&") Then XMLEscape = Replace(XMLEscape, "&", "&amp;")
        If InStrB(1, XMLEscape, "<") Then XMLEscape = Replace(XMLEscape, "<", "&lt;")
        If InStrB(1, XMLEscape, ">") Then XMLEscape = Replace(XMLEscape, ">", "&gt;")
        If InStrB(1, XMLEscape, """") Then XMLEscape = Replace(XMLEscape, """", "&quot;")
        If InStrB(1, XMLEscape, "'") Then XMLEscape = Replace(XMLEscape, "'", "&apos;")
    End If
End Function
Public Function XMLUnescape(ByRef strData As String) As String
    'Purpose:   Converts escape sequences for XML into the actual
    '           characters
    '           strData:    String to search for escaped characters in
    'Returns:   String with escaped characters converted back to actual
    '           representation
    Dim i       As Long
    XMLUnescape = strData
    If LenB(XMLUnescape) Then
        i = InStrB(1, XMLUnescape, "&")
        'If there is a & in the string, that is where we should start searching
        If i Then
            'Make sure there is a semi colon, telling us there may be escape sequences
            If InStrB(i, XMLUnescape, ";") Then
                'Escape various illegal characters
                If InStrB(i, XMLUnescape, "&lt;") Then XMLUnescape = Replace(XMLUnescape, "&lt;", "<")
                If InStrB(i, XMLUnescape, "&gt;") Then XMLUnescape = Replace(XMLUnescape, "&gt;", ">")
                If InStrB(i, XMLUnescape, "&quot;") Then XMLUnescape = Replace(XMLUnescape, "&quot;", """")
                If InStrB(i, XMLUnescape, "&apos;") Then XMLUnescape = Replace(XMLUnescape, "&apos;", "'")
                If InStrB(i, XMLUnescape, "&amp;") Then XMLUnescape = Replace(XMLUnescape, "&amp;", "&")
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Function
Public Function XMLParse(ByRef strData As String, ByVal lngFlags As Long) As VBA.Collection
    'Purpose:   Wrapper method to quickly parse an XML document
    '           strData:    Data property of XMLDoc
    '           lngFlags:   Flags property of XMLDoc
    'Returns:   Reference to top-level nodes collection
    Dim objXML          As XMLDoc
    'Create new XML object
    Set objXML = New XMLDoc
    'Copy data/flags params
    objXML.Data = strData
    objXML.Flags = lngFlags
    'Parse / return collection
    Set XMLParse = objXML.Parse()
    'Destroy XMLDoc reference
    Set objXML = Nothing
End Function

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