PlayStation Borderlands 2 (Gearbox Software)


What is folding?

Developer - Gearbox Software
Publisher - 2K Games
Platform - PS3, X360 and PC
Genre - First-person shooter, action role-playing
Mode - Single-player, multiplayer
Release date - US September 18, 2012 , UK September 21, 2012














Borderlands 2 - Official Trailer [GamesCom 2011]
Bordelands 2 - Teaser Trailer
Borderlands 2 - Wimoweh Trailer
Borderlands 2 - CO-OP
Borderlands 2: Giant Bomb Quick Look EX
Borderlands 2 Interview w/ Randy Pitchford (Inside Gaming Extended)
Borderlands 2 - Come and Get Me Trailer


Special Edition:



Thanks ao ValtermcPires por ter organizado este 1st post! :D
Última edição:
Adorei o primeiro jogo, como tu sabes é dos meus favoritos :D em co-op é excelente.

Espero que no segundo haja melhor componente de voice-chat (que no primeiro, por bug, é péssimo), e depois hei-de lembrar de mais coisas!
Confirmed! Post inicial editado! :D

Venha ele!
:x2:Para mim jogo co-op desta geração, quando o comprei, eu e mais colegas ficamos agarrados, uma surpresa, infelizmente só deve vir lá para 2013...uma eternidade à espera deste jogão :)
E adorei as expansões, se bem que só passei a dos zombies, ainda me falta passar a do General Knoxx, queria passar em 2º playtrough mas sozinho tá dificil :D, tenho de reunir o pessoal outra vez :)

Espero que tenha mais armas, se desse para criar e/ou personalizar era muito bem vindo, um open-world sem loadings era porreiro, mas o borderlands tem tantas zonas que se calhar era dificil, podemos gravar e fazer spawn no portal em que tivemos em último lugar, corrigir o dito bug do voice chat, mais BOSSES, adoro as fights dos boss :D, gostava de poder pesonalizar o controlo nos veículos, muito loot, mais inimigos, enfim, cá o espero, recomendo vivamente é UM JOGÃO!!! Quando acabamos ficamos com muita àgua na boca :D
Infelizmente só deve vir lá para 2013...uma eternidade à espera deste jogão :)

Borderlands 2 is scheduled to be released between April 2012 and spring 2013.

O ano fiscal da Gearbox começa em Abril de 2012 e Março de 2013. Acredito que venha no verão de 2012 ou perto disso!
O Co-op, apesar de pouco o ter experimentado, gostei imenso! As expansões como arranjei a GOTY tenho todas, e o DLC que mais gostei realmente foi o The Zombie Island of Doctor Ned (Zed? :-D)

Eu espero armas. MUITAS MUITAS armas. E maiores! De resto espero maior variedade de inimigos e mais side-quests. Também espero que melhorem o sistema de saves, os meus saves já acabaram muitas vezes corrompidos á conta disto...

De acordo com o último número da revista Game Informer, Borderlands 2 vai voltar a incluir um modo cooperativo para até quatro jogadores e terá novos protagonistas com a peculiaridade dos personagens principais do primeiro jogo serem personagens não jogáveis.

O jogo vai oferecer um novo elemento, o Eridium, que servirá de moeda e de matéria prima para melhorar as armas e veículos. As armas do primeiro jogo foram descartadas e incluirão armas totalmente novas, que podem sofrer upgrades com diversos extras que incluem decalques personalizados. No que toca aos vendedores das armas, eles serão atualizados e terão a sua própria personalidade e estilo.

Os inimigos serão mais variados e terão uma inteligência artificial melhorada, para além de poderem interagir uns com os outros e de terem acesso a armas desenhadas especificamente para eles. Os personagens não controláveis pelo jogador também serão objeto de melhorias e poderão ter conversas interativas com o jogador.

Uma das grandes novidades em relação ao original é que em Boderlands 2 algumas missões serão dinâmicas, ou seja, o desenvolvimento do jogo vai variar de acordo com a resolução das mesmas. Por exemplo, numa determinada missão o destino do jogador poderá mudar se não chegar a tempo de terminá-la.

A árvore de habilidades vai ser bastante semelhante à do jogo original, só que em Borderlands 2 será maior em tamanho e escala.
Gearbox attacks sequel "content dumping"

Developers who recycle leftovers from an original game for its sequel are doing gamers a disservice, according to Gearbox marketing VP Steve Gibson.

Speaking at a Borderlands 2 presentation at Gamescom this week, as reported by Develop, Gibson insisted that the follow-up to its acclaimed 2009 shooter RPG has been built from scratch.

"At many studios there is a lot of what we call 'content dumping', where people make a load of extra content with their first game, put it together on a disk, and add a '2' to the original game's name," he said.

Doing so, he argued, was "a disservice to gamers".

"That's not what Borderlands 2 is about at all. We've truly redone everything. We've rebuilt the world."

Formally unveiled earlier this month, Gearbox's sequel is due on shelves some time next year.
Borderlands 2: Building a Better Story
Combining first-person shooter gameplay with the habit-forming looting and leveling mechanics of Diablo, Gearbox's Borderlands quickly became a favorite around the IGN offices when it was released in 2009. It only got better with the downloadable content expansions, specifically the third titled The Secret Armory of General Knoxx. It wasn't until then that Borderlands felt fully-realized, with a story filled with goofy, memorable characters, making extended kill fests on the planet of Pandora feel more purposeful instead of random. Building on lessons learned from Borderlands and its downloadable content, Borderlands 2 is introducing a new villain, Handsome Jack. Based on what lead writer Anthony Burch and lead designer Jon Hemmingway have to say, it sounds like the team is taking story development and delivery in Borderlands 2 a lot more seriously, but also not seriously at all.IGN: How would you say story differs as a focus in Borderlands 2 as compared to the role that story played in Borderlands 1? Anthony Burch: Story is going to be a much more essential component of the experience. When you're going on an average mission you're going to be constantly getting objectives told to you by the [non-player characters]. The vault hunters from the first game are going to be guiding you through the world of Pandora. Let's take an average mission in the first Borderlands. Most of the story is just in the text before and after the mission. If you want to sit there and read all the sections you'll get a cool story but there's a fairly good chance that if you're like me you won't. In an average mission in Borderlands 2 you're going to have people constantly telling you not only what you're going to be doing but why you want to do it. Things are going to be happening in front of you as a part of the world. You're going to see Roland getting captured and you're going to have to actually chase him down while the guys from Hyperion and the bandits that you're fighting are yelling at you. The scale of everything is much bigger and your involvement in it is more a part of the actual gameplay rather than something just relegated to mission text. Jon Hemmingway: The best part about it is that it's really seamless. The story is told as you're playing the game. Keep looting stuff, keep killing things and the story just unfolds as you're doing it. Anthony Burch: We never wanted to make a game where the story is getting in the way of your gameplay. Borderlands is a game first and it's all about making sure that you can have the pacing you want in your experience while we feed story to you rather than sit and listen to this twenty minute cut-scene that I promise is totally awesome.IGN: I guess that's the main difficulty in trying to make people care about story in a game that is mostly about shooting people in the face and then taking their stuff. Anthony Burch: Right. The cool thing about it is that if you don't want to hear about the story the game never forces you to. We're never actually forcing anything down your throat. We'll have people tell it and try to convince you hey, maybe interesting things are happening here, but we're never going to actually rip control away from you for more than like three seconds at a time to get some sort of story point across because that's not what Borderlands is about. It's about having fun with your buddies and shooting midgets in the face. IGN: In terms of the overall tone of the story, would it be more like the main story in Borderlands 1, more serious? Or is it a little more humorous along the lines of what we saw in the downloadable content that came out for Borderlands 1? Anthony Burch: It's a little bit of both to be completely honest. There are moments where [expletive] gets pretty heavy but there is always this sort of undercurrent of humor, you know? A lot of the stuff in General Knoxx has been a place to touch base for tone and stuff like that, nothing ever gets so goofy that you can't really take it seriously. Borderlands is nothing without its levity, I think. IGN: And Handsome Jack specifically, can you talk about how that character was created and where the idea came from? Anthony Burch: When Paul Hellquist the creative director and myself were bubbling over the story, the games that we always really loved were the games with the really, really strong antagonist. Games like System Shock 2, Portal, BioShock. We thought that having a really strong antagonist who was constantly needling you much in the same way that General Knoxx in the Secret Army of General Knoxx DLC was helped bring the whole story together and give it this one focal point. You want to kill this guy and that's your thread through the plot. We went from there and thought what would be a fun sort of villain to have chiding you throughout your missions, who would fit on Pandora and who you could hate but also would be entertaining enough that you'd actually want to hear what they're going to say. IGN: Can you talk about the types of things that he would be saying or doing to make you hate and/or endear him? Anthony Burch: He has kind of a GLaDOS mode of interacting with the player. I'm not comparing them in terms of quality because I don't have an ego that big. You're not going to be constantly getting into confrontations with him but he gets help and we go into cut scene and he disappears. He's mostly going to be communicating with you over the radio and mocking you from a distant place. There's something a little bit more powerful about an enemy that you don't see that often, that you don't interact with that often, but whose presence is constantly felt.
Pelo Launch Date Trailer, o jogo está estupidamente mais moderno.

Gosto imenso do que estou a ver. Por este caminho, dia 18 lá estou á porta da loja.