Android/iOS Adventure Lab


Geocaching Adventure Lab enables anyone to explore, discover, and learn through interactive location-based games and scavenger hunts. Adventurers across the globe are beginning to create a new kind of interactive experience encouraging you to discover the world around you in a whole new way. Download the app to see if there is an adventure near you. More are being added every day.

As you step outside using the Geocaching Adventure Lab app the map will guide you to locations where you can unlock richly detailed stories, puzzles, and hidden adventures. Each Adventure has been created by someone just like you with the goal of sharing a special location, story, challenge, or educational experience with other like minded adventurers. It’s a great way to get outside and play with friends, family or even on your own.

Link Android:
Link iOS:
Basicamente são percursos normalmente entre 5 ou 10 etapas, onde tem de responder ao que vos é solicitado.
Estas aventuras estão um pouco espalhadas pelo país, em termos regionais há entre 1 a 2 em Portugal, número esse que pode ainda aumentar. Para já está em beta, pode ser que no futuro as aventuras possam ser criadas por qualquer geocacher.