PlayStation Astro Bot (Team Asobi)

Starting Friday, June 7, you can pre-order Astro Bot for PlayStation 5 in different 3 editions:

  • Physical Standard Edition
  • Digital Standard Edition
  • Digital Deluxe Edition
By pre-ordering any of the above, you will receive early unlocks to customize your experience.
  • The Astro Lovestruck Lyricist outfit
  • The Glorious Graffiti Dual Speeder paint color
  • 2 Astro Avatars

Physical Standard Edition + pre-order items
  • Physical poster
  • PaRappa Lovestruck Lyricist outfit
  • Glorious Graffiti Dual Speeder paint color
  • 2 Astro Avatars

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Estou com Hype imenso para este jogo. O Astro Bot Rescue Mission para mim foi um dos jogos do ano quando saiu, pena ter sido pouco jogado por ser apenas VR, e também já passei várias vezes o Astro's Playroom. E a criançada cá de casa também é dos poucos jogos da PS5 a que regularmente volta.

A skin do Bloodborne está bem nice, pena só vir com a Deluxe...

Pode ser que haja a possibilidade de a ganhar no jogo. Eles falam em "you will receive early unlocks".
Pelos vistos, nos EUA o jogo não vai sair a preço completo. Em vez de ser 69,99$, vai sair a 59,99$.

Contudo, na Europa, vai sair a 69,99€, em vez do típico preço completo da PS5 (79,99€).
Pelos vistos, nos EUA o jogo não vai sair a preço completo. Em vez de ser 69,99$, vai sair a 59,99$.

Contudo, na Europa, vai sair a 69,99€, em vez do típico preço completo da PS5 (79,99€).

Atenção que normalmente os preços nos USA não incluem taxa de iva. Por isso na realidade será mais que 60$

▪️"Primed to be a big hit", "feels like a 3D Mario game"
▪️"Tight, responsive experience", Astro still has his trusty jump, attack, charged spin attack, and versatile laser-hover ability
▪️Difficulty Modes: Easy, Normal, Hard (hard will "challenge seasoned platforming fans")
▪️Overworld consists of multiple galactic maps, each full of colorful planets with their own unique levels
▪️Some planets are harder than others. Hovering over them reveals their difficulty level
▪️Completing some 'hard' levels unlocks other, new hard levels
▪️80 levels to visit packed with hidden bots, puzzle pieces, boss battles, goofy power-ups, coins, and challenges that lead to other secrets
▪️Levels are full of fun, interactive bits: bouncy inflatable balls roll down a waterslide with you, gooey paint buckets, shiny bolts, and colorful spray paint cans all with detailed physics
▪️Sky Garden Level: Consists of multiple connected floating islands giving a vision of idyllic paradise with pink robo-flamingos in blue ponds, cherry blossom trees whose petals float across the ponds
▪️Swinging Sentries Level: "Hard" level featuring multiple platforms with enemies swinging spiky ball-and-chain weapons
▪️Slowdown Showdown Level: Astro throws an hourglass item to slow down enemies, platforms, and environmental hazards "that move impossibly fast"
▪️Construction Derby Level: A miles-high construction site with cranes, beams, scaffolding, etc. A "sumo-bot" guards a helipad halfway through the level, forcing Astro to target his vulnerable backside
▪️Astro can collect a new item that pumps him full of air in order to reach new hidden heights
▪️Astro can now explore underwater for hidden bots and treasures
▪️Exploration is rewarded - for example, an underwater area concealed by a bubble holds a secret bot whose themed after Rivet (Ratchet & Clank) surrounded by enemies you have to defeat in order to rescue
▪️New ability: A robotic dog partner clings to Astro's back, granting a jet-powered boost that serves as both an attack and air boost
▪️Tons of PlayStation themed bots to discover - a game menu indicates how many bots are hidden throughout each stage, and PlayStation symbols mark hidden cameo bots
▪️DualSense haptics and adaptive trigger implementation as great as Astro's Playroom was
▪️Wako Tako: Big octopus boss battle seen in the trailer - Astro lands on a shipwreck and gets a new item: "extend-o frog boxing gloves". These allow Astro to punch from far away, swing across grapple points, do slingshot style attacks, etc. Boss fight has many "twists and turns"
▪️Mythical companions join Astro's journey, like discovering bot versions of Kratos and Atreus under a capsized floating canoe