erros ao fazer download das wu's


To fold or to FOLD?
Bom dia pessoal,
Hoje estou com um novo problema :(
Já descarreguei umas 5 ou 6 wu's e todas dão o mesmo erro. o que poderá ser?
Deixo aqui imagem do erro.

Mais info sobre o erro:
n this case the error is caused by the core being unable to open, and therefore write-to, it's checkpoint file. Check that the permissions on the files are correct and that you didn't run out of space on the disk
This error also can be caused by memory errors which may be related to overclocking or wrong voltages or simply by bad RAM. If this error occurs when the core is just starting, there's a reasonable chance that it was an "unable to allocate" issue such as running out of space in the paging file or a memory fragmentation issue.
This error also can be caused by a WU which is corrupted during downloading.
Obrigado, possivelmente deverá ser a quando do download a wu's ficar corrumpida, pois não tenho overclock neste pc porque é o portatil.
Entretanto já consegui sacar uma wu e já está de novo a foldar.