Fazer Reset à password no ubuntu


Power Member
Boas pessoal,

Tenho um netbook com o ubuntu 11.10 que deixei de usar durante algum tempo o que me levou a esquecer da password para entrar no OS.

Sei que é quase impossivel recuperar uma password no Linux, mas mesmo assim acredito que haja uma maneira de fazer "reset" à password, já tive à procura mas não encontrei nada.

Será que me podem ajudar?

Recovery mode makes me root user. Isn't that a security risk?

Well, if you have several people using your computer, you can put small obstacles in their way by setting a root password, setting a Grub password, or setting a BIOS password. Still, anyone who has physical access to your computer and a little know-how practically has root access anyway. She can boot a live CD and mount your partition or even just physically remove the hard drive from your computer and put it in another computer. There's a certain amount of trust you automatically give anyone by allowing her to sit at your computer.