Xbox First major Xbox 360 update


Zwame Advisor

I just spoke with Aaron Greenberg, Group Marketing Manager for Xbox Live, about the first major update to the Xbox 360 since last November's launch. The spring update is expected to be released to all Xbox Live users "in about a week" and will be followed up with a fall update, as part of their plan to release two major updates each year.

Read on for details about all the improvements and additions, including background downloading, boot to Dashboard, and improved Marketplace layout.

Vejam o link que tem info detalhada sobre as novas features :)


you'll have a queue with up to six download slots available. You'll be able to use the console as usual while downloading; if you take a game online, the downloads will pause until you're done.
Ehehe pelo q tive a ver, as mudanças vao ser bastantes, e sempre pra melhor ;)
Tenho reparado q a MS anda a "limpar" o marketplace, talvez devido á nova reorganzação q eles vão dar ao marketplace. O Update deve tar msm a chegar :D