Xbox 360 Forza Horizon (Playground Games)

Continua dar muitos erros, não consigo fazer download da expansão rally apesar de dizer gratuito e os desafios do 1000 club dão sempre erro também.
E de repente o clusterfuck do online disto fica explicado...

Forza Horizon EOL coming Oct. 20
While we’re reveling in the euphoria of launching a brand-new Forza game, I do have an important update regarding the original Forza Horizon. On October 20, the original Forza Horizon for Xbox 360 will reach “End of Life” status. That means that the game and its associated DLC will no longer be available for purchase. Players who own Forza Horizon before that date will still be able to download and play the game and its associated content as normal. After that date, however, Forza Horizon and its associated DLC will no longer be for sale.

4 anos