Geforce 6200TC


Power Member
Geforce 6200TC

Geforce 6200TC scores 2300 3Dm05

Picture as well, just as well

By Fuad Abazovic in Wien: terça-feira 14 dezembro 2004, 03:36

THE GEFORCE 6200TC will end up as quite a fast card, of course for its category. This card will end up at $79 and will have a 64 bit memory bus and a total of 32MB of RAM.
At these specs it will be able to score 2300 in 3Dmark05 - just a little slower score than the $99 X300 card which should perform at 2500+ 3Dmark05. Its real competitor, the X300SE, scores much slower in the 1800+ areea.

If you are wondering about the screenshot, this card actually dynamically addresses at least half of your system's memory. In this case, the card shows up that is has 256MB of memory even it has only 32MB of physical RAM on its PCB.

These cards will come in January and will definitely make ATI run for its money. ATI actually has an answer and it's called Hypermemory. It will be a very similar marchitecture and ATI will also have 32MB cards that will act as they have up to 256 MBs.

You can see some details about the card here. See?


Quando a ATI ( Hypermemory )e a Nvidia (turbo cache ) apresentaram tecnologias semelhantes para diminuir ou mesmo eliminar a memoria das gráficas utilizando em vez disso a memoria RAM pareceu-me logo uma óptima ideia.
Aparentemente só a largura de banda do PCI-E e o facto de ser simétrico bidirecional permitiu o seu uso viável.
Claro k nunca terá a mesma performance da memoria on-bord da gráfica, mas a perdas n são muito significativas para a gama de placas a k vão ser aplicadas.
Para gráficas Low / Mid end parece-me a melhor opção.
Já k o €€€ poupado na memoria / pcb ate pode ser gasto numa gráfica mais rápida. :009:
Se essa tecnologia ajudar uma placa de 128/256mb, para correr um jogo que não de emporta de mamar 512mb de vram (>=Doom3) não vejo grande mal.



NVIDIA has defined a strict set of packaging standards around which the GeForce 6200 with TurboCache supporting 128MB will be marketed. The boxes must have text, which indicates that a minimum of 512MB of system RAM is necessary for the full 128MB of graphics RAM support. It doesn't seem to require that a discloser of the actual amount of onboard RAM be displayed, which is not something that we support. It is understandable that board vendors are nervous about how this marketing will go over, no matter what wording or information is included on the package.

The final issue with the new 6200 TurboCache part is price. We are seeing GeForce 6200 128-bit parts with 400MHz data rate RAM going for about $110 dollars on Newegg. With NVIDIA talking about bringing the new 64-bit TurboCache part out at $129 and the 32-bit part out at $99, there is an issue with price/performance. We realize that these are MSRPs, but they are still a little higher than what we'd like to see.

For now, the two parts that we can expect to see will be differentiated by their memory bandwidth. The part priced at "under $129" will be a "13.6 GB/s" setup, while the "under $99" card will sport "10.8 GB/s" of bandwidth. Both will have core and memory clocks at 350/350. The interesting part is the bandwidth figure. On both counts, 8 GB/s of that bandwidth comes from the PCI Express bus. For the 10.8 GB/s part, the extra 2.8 GB/s comes from 16MB of local memory connected on a single 32bit channel running at a 700MHz data rate. The 13.6 GB/s version of the 6200 with TurboCache just gets an extra 32bit channel with another 16MB of RAM. We've seen pictures of boards with 64MBs of onboard RAM, pushing bandwidth way up. We don't know when we'll see a 64MB product ship, or what the pricing would look like.

So, to put it all together, either 112 or 96 MB of framebuffer is stored in system RAM and accessed via the PCI Express bus. Local graphics RAM holds the front buffer (what's currently on screen) and other high priority (low latency) data. If more than local graphics memory is needed, it is allocated dynamically from system RAM. The local graphics memory that is not set aside for high priority tasks is then used as a sort of software managed cache. And thus, the name of the product is born.

The new technology here is allowing writes directly from the GPU to system RAM. We've been able to perform reads from system RAM for quite some time, though technologies like AGP texturing were slow and never delivered on their promises. With a few exceptions, the GPU is able to see system RAM as a normal framebuffer, which is very impressive for PCI Express and current memory technology.

But it's never that simple. There are some very interesting problems to deal with when using system RAM as a framebuffer; this is not simply a driver-based software solution. The foremost and ever pressing issue is latency. Going from the GPU, across the PCI Express bus, through the memory controller, into the System RAM, and all the way back is a very long, round trip. Considering the fact that graphics cards are used to having instant access to data, something is going to have to give. And sure, the PCI Express bus may be 8 GB/s (4 up and 4 down, but it's less if you talk about actual utilization), but we are only going to be getting 6.4 GB/s out of the RAM. And that's if we are talking zero CPU utilization of memory and nothing else going on in the system, only what we're doing with the graphics card.




Pelo menos no lançamento é mais cara que a 6200 normal e tem pior performance. O precisar de 512 MB de system Ram tb não ajuda.
Estão a pensar lançar uma versão com um bus 32 bit. Wow!!! é a lentidão em placa. Entra no territorio da X300SE.
É interessante para o low-end, mas acho que não passa daí.
A ver como é a versão da ATi (Hypermemory).
Última edição:
em portugal o preço real e quase sempre superior ao pvp .... agora o pessoal deixa de investir em graficas e passa a investir em memoria .... não me parece que va ter muitos apoiantes para ja a menos que passe a ser standart
Mais uma review, com alguns pormenores interessantes:

All told, NVIDIA was able to reduce the NV44 to a comparatively tiny 75 million (or so) transistors—much less than the 222 million estimated transistors on the GeForce 6800 Ultra.

75 milhoes de transistores em 0.11 é capaz de sair um gpu bem mais barato que a NV43V (Gpu da 6200 "normal", que é uma 6600 "cortada"

NVIDIA says real-world bandwidth between the system RAM and the GPU will be limited by the platform. They claim the Intel 900-series chipsets can achieve about 3GB/s of throughput from memory to the GPU, and only 1GB/s of throughput in the opposite direction—well below the 4GB/s bidirectional bandwidth promised by PCI Express x16. Although AMD64 systems will have higher memory access latencies by nature, NVIDIA says "faster K8 chipsets" will achieve more bandwidth to the GPU than Intel's 900-series platform.

A nVidia diz que a performance vai ser pior nos PIV..........

In fact, the folks at NVIDIA so believe in the TurboCache scheme that they have no apparent plans for a future GeForce 6200 solution that doesn't use it. The current, NV43-derived GeForce 6200 will eventually die off. One place where TurboCache will not prevail is on AGP systems, where the GeForce FX line will continue as NVIDIA's low-end solution

A 6200 "normal" vai acabar e vai ser tudo "Turbo Cache". Quem quizer uma 6200 é melhor começar a mexer-se.

We have been hearing for a while now about a new virtual memory hierarchy coming for graphics, possibly along with Microsoft's Longhorn OS. Obviously, TurboCache is a big step in that direction, although it's not quite the whole enchilada. When asked about the possibility of seeing TurboCache used on higher-end card, as a means of augmenting their larger pools of local RAM, NVIDIA said to "stay tuned."


They also were quick to talk down the prospects for ATI's competing HyperMemory technology, claiming it will only be the equivalent of AGP texturing and nothing more.

eheheheh. Eles amam-se.........

The company also claims TurboCache is ideal for laptops, because fewer RAM chips onboard will allow for reduced power consumption.

Em alguns portateis é capaz de fazer sentido.

Quando olharem para os benchs tenham em atenção que o Anandtech usa um 4000 + nForce4 e o techreport um 3500 + nForce4. Dificilmente, nesta altura, alguem vai comprar uma 6200 TC num sistema destes.
As 6200 "normais" sóa vão existir enquantoos "yeld's" dos chips das 6600 tiverem falhas ... depois entram os chips "novos" no mercado.

Qyakquer dia temos 1001 versões das graficas a´venda ... pra topo de gama aceitam como "entrada2 a hipoteca da casa e as chaves do carro ...e pra baixo de gama dão-nos um lapis de carvã oe uma folha e dizem-nos que utilizam os drivers do sistema ... :004:
Já há algum tempo que é possivel comprar 6200, a unica situação é que não vale a pena, pelo menos para o mercado de clientes da *****...