Impossível de enviar WU's completas


1st Folding then Sex

Já a semanas que não consigo enviar WUs completas, surgindo-me o seguinte:
Alguém sabe o que se passa ?

Launch directory: C:\FAH
Executable: C:\FAH\[email protected]
Arguments: -advmethods -forceasm -verbosity 9

By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding
safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to
do this, please restart the program without -forceasm.
If work units are not completing fully (and particularly
if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue
use of the flag.

[09:44:43] - Ask before connecting: No
[09:44:43] - User name: jcab (Team 35271)
[09:44:43] - User ID: 1374E96547250A65
[09:44:43] - Machine ID: 1
[09:44:43] Loaded queue successfully.
[09:44:43] + Processing work unit
[09:44:43] Core required: FahCore_7c.exe
[09:44:43] Core found.
[09:44:43] - Autosending finished units... [March 9 09:44:43 UTC]
[09:44:43] Trying to send all finished work units
[09:44:43] Project: 3858 (Run 630, Clone 0, Gen 46)

[09:44:43] + Attempting to send results [March 9 09:44:43 UTC]
[09:44:43] - Reading file work/wuresults_09.dat from core
[09:44:43] Working on queue slot 00 [March 9 09:44:43 UTC]
[09:44:43] + Working ...
[09:44:43] - Calling '.\FahCore_7c.exe -dir work/ -suffix 00 -checkpoint 10 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 2436 -version 620'

[09:44:43] (Read 2467155 bytes from disk)
[09:44:43] Connecting to
[09:44:49] *------------------------------*
[09:44:49] Folding@Home Double Gromacs Core C
[09:44:49] Version 1.00 (Thu Apr 24 19:12:09 PDT 2008)
[09:44:49] Preparing to commence simulation
[09:44:49] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
[09:44:49] - Not checking prior termination.
[09:44:50] - Expanded 1208859 -> 3443336 (decompressed 284.8 percent)
[09:44:50] Project: 3864 (Run 108, Clone 4, Gen 2)
[09:44:52] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[09:44:52] Entering M.D.
[09:44:58] Will resume from checkpoint file
[09:45:04] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[09:45:04] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[09:45:04] (
[09:45:04] + Retrying using alternative port
[09:45:04] Connecting to
[09:45:10] Working on p3862_fkbprelative_complex
[09:45:10] Completed 0 out of 300000 steps (0%)
[09:45:22] Resuming from checkpoint
[09:45:23] Verified work/wudata_00.log
[09:45:23] Verified work/wudata_00.edr
[09:45:24] Verified work/wudata_00.xvg
[09:45:25] Verified work/wudata_00.trr
[09:45:25] Verified work/wudata_00.xtc
[09:45:25] Completed 176352 out of 300000 steps (58%)
[09:45:25] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[09:45:25] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[09:45:25] (
[09:45:25] - Error: Could not transmit unit 09 (completed February 26) to work server.
[09:45:25] - 32 failed uploads of this unit.

[09:45:25] + Attempting to send results [March 9 09:45:25 UTC]
[09:45:25] - Reading file work/wuresults_09.dat from core
[09:45:25] (Read 2467155 bytes from disk)
[09:45:25] Connecting to
[09:45:26] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[09:45:26] (Got status 503)
[09:45:26] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[09:45:26] (
[09:45:26] + Retrying using alternative port
[09:45:26] Connecting to
[09:45:26] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[09:45:26] (Got status 503)
[09:45:26] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[09:45:26] (
[09:45:26] Could not transmit unit 09 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[09:45:26] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[09:45:26] - Autosend completed
o mesmo problema

tenho cerca de 35 WU "prontas" para entregar . os clientes dizem que nao podem transmitir a informaçao para o servidor, lol.
ja configurei novamente os clientes e tá na mesma.
só me resta esperar que o referido server decida aceitar todo o "meu" trabalho.
Isso é definitivamente estranho.

Quando colocas o IP do servidor no browser não te aparece "OK"?

Experimenta lançar o cliente só com a flag -send all (notar o espaço entre -send e all) para ver o que ele faz.
ja fiz isso tudo. dá ok no browser.
fiz send all e nada, dá erro. mas recebe WU. os clientes nao param de foldar até a queue tar cheia.
já nao sei o que fazer mais.
e vao 5 dias sem enviar
ja fiz isso tudo. dá ok no browser.
fiz send all e nada, dá erro. mas recebe WU. os clientes nao param de foldar até a queue tar cheia.
já nao sei o que fazer mais.
e vao 5 dias sem enviar
Isso é mesmo estranho... Não tens a firewall a bloquear o cliente?
Não consegues usar outra ligação à internet para enviar?

penso k n tenho WUs em espera. como posso verificar isso?
O cliente avisa nos logs de 6 em 6 horas, se não estou em erro.