Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) - Tópico Geral

Mint KDE - Debian based!

Boo, o dev da edição KDE do Mint acabou de anunciar que devido a problemas com a base Ubuntu a versão KDE do Mint vai mudar para Debian:
News people!!
Good and bad as it turns out, due to all the Ubuntu problems I am swapping the base from Kubuntu to Debian.
What does this mean? A bit more of a wait but it is DEBIAN!
Hopefully this wont take too long as I have the packages built and the ISO build process is very similar.

Aqui podem ver alguns dos problemas que a base Ubuntu está a provocar nas edições do Mint:

Neste momento só o Mint 11 e o Mint 11 LXDE RC2 tem o Ubuntu 11.04 como base.
The decision was taken to migrate our KDE and Fluxbox editions to LMDE. Going forward our project will support 2 desktops with a frozen Ubuntu base (Gnome and LXDE) and 4 desktops on top of a rolling Debian base (Gnome, KDE, Xfce and Fluxbox).


O Clem confirmou no blog do Mint que apartir de agora só a versão GNOME e a versão LXDE do Linux Mint tem como base o Ubuntu. Varias ISO estão em teste:
Estou neste preciso momento a escrever do Mint debian, tenho a RC de Agosto.Estou a gostar bastante, para já é esta distribuição e o Fedora que me fazem andar pelo pinguim.
Só ainda ando a tentar meter o Compiz a funcionar que ainda não consegui lol
Última edição:
O compiz instala bem, sem problemas mesmo, não consigo é por os efeitos a funcionar, deve ser pelo meu portátil ter uma ATI.
Nem com os drivers funciona.
Desde ontem que estou a usar LMDE Gnome no desktop, porque não estava a conseguir instalar a minha ATI correctamente em Debian 6, até agora está um espectáculo.
Bem pensado, fazer o Mint KDE com base Debian. O clem sabe o que faz ;)

Esse era o plano no verão passado mas depois veio o Gnome3+MGSE, o MATE e o Cinnamon e o Clem achou que era bom ter um desktop menos "verde" na base Ubuntu.

Tanto o Mint 12 KDE como o futuro Mint 12 LXDE tem o Ubuntu como base.

Para alêm da edição Fluxbox que está muito atrasada o Clem tinha dito que queria fazer um respin do Mint Gnome e do Mint XFCE mas não sei se ele consegue ter tempo pois a prioridade é o Cinnamon para o Mint 13 LTS.
Alguém sabe se já foi criado aqui um tópico oficial dedicado só ao LMDE?
Ia criar um, porque não achei nenhum, mas queria confirmar.

LMDE são todas as distros do Mint com o Debian como base. Actualmente refere-se à versão Gnome e XFCE nas variantes "standard" com base no Debian testing ou Debian testing com Upgrade Packs (UP) e também nas versões stable e sid.

As distros do Mint com o Debian como base são designadas por Mint + DE/WM (ex: Mint Gnome, Mint XFCE) e as respectivas ISO com Mint + DE/WM + data (ex: Mint Gnome 201109 ou LMDE Gnome 201109). Normalmente junta-se o nome da distro mais os repos que segues ex: Debian Gnome tracking sid, Debian Gnome tracking stable, etc.

Este topico tem servido para falar de todas as edições LMDE. Criei um para falar do Mint XFCE ( mas tinha pouco movimento. Penso que o ideal era ter um topico dedicado a todas as edições LMDE ou apenas mudar o nome deste topico e continuar a usar este.
O Debian CUT ( continua a funcionar, por enquanto o Clem não parece interessado nisto pois os UP do LMDE estão a funcionar mas julgo que seria interessante juntarem os recursos envez de andar cada um para o seu lado a fazer o mesmo.
Noticias no mundo do LMDE:
LMDE Update Pack 4 is being prepared and tested at the moment.
Among other important updates this new update pack features:

  • Linux 3.2 kernel
  • MATE 1.2 (with mintMenu and mintDesktop now fully ported to MATE)
  • Cinnamon 1.4
  • KDE 4.7.4
  • Gnome Shell 3.2.2
  • Xfce 4.8
The one thing it’s missing is Gnome 2.
Gnome 2 is, by far, the most used and popular Linux desktop. It’s also the environment we’ve been improving and polishing since we started in 2006 and it’s been a core component of the Linux Mint desktop. Gnome 3 carries the same name but the similarities stop there. It’s a new and radically different desktop and it has very little in common with it.
As you probably know, Gnome 3 conflicts with Gnome 2 and so most distributions lost Gnome 2 about a year ago. Linux Mint 12 lost it in November and LMDE is about to lose it as well with this update pack.
As more and more Gnome 2 users couldn’t use it anymore, many people migrated to other existing desktops such as KDE, Xfce or LXDE. Some people used Gnome Fallback (a Gnome 3 environment which looks like Gnome 2 but which lacks support for Gnome 2 applets and is meant to disappear) and others migrated to a distribution which still had Gnome 2 (Linux Mint 11 or LMDE for instance).
Since that happened, we’ve been worried about the lack of satisfactory alternatives to Gnome 2. Looking towards the future of LMDE and the upcoming Linux Mint 13 release, our top priority was to get to the stage where we can provide our users with something most people would find as good or better than Gnome 2.
We worked extremely hard on Linux Mint 12 and provided an early release of MATE 1.0 and a set of extensions to Gnome Shell called MGSE.
LMDE was frozen at Update Pack 3 with a Gnome 2 desktop until we reached the point we are at today, where both MATE and Cinnamon are ready.
MATE is basically Gnome 2 renamed. The more the Mate team works on it, the more stable it gets. What it looks like and how it behaves is exactly like Gnome 2. So for most people, this is probably the best alternative.
Cinnamon is a brand new desktop which looks modern (like Shell and Unity) but which works in a similar way than Gnome and Compiz. It’s also a desktop we develop ourselves, which is tailored to the vision we have and so which fits the purpose of Linux Mint perfectly. For this reason Cinnamon is both extremely innovative in the features and polish it gets and very traditional in its layouts and paradigms.
Like Gnome Shell, Cinnamon uses Clutter and needs 3D acceleration. It’s stable and full-featured but it might not work well for you, depending on your graphics card.
With Update Pack 4 LMDE users will gain access to new versions of KDE, Xfce and LXDE, but also for the first time to Gnome Shell, MATE and Cinnamon.
We’re delighted with the current state of these desktops. It’s still too soon to predict which of MATE or Cinnamon will become the most popular desktop in the future, but they both, and in a very different way, represent viable and quality alternatives to Gnome 2.
Last but not least, if you’re still not convinced by the alternatives you can freeze your LMDE system and avoid Update Pack 4 (thus keeping Update Pack 3 and Gnome 2), by pointing to the following repositories:
deb debian main upstream import
deb-src debian main upstream import
deb testing main contrib non-free
deb testing/updates main contrib non-free
deb testing main non-free
We hate to put people in a position where they can’t choose, so we will maintain these repositories for a little while, but please consider your options going forward as Gnome 2 will eventually completely disappear.

EDIT: Clem nos comentarios:
A bit off-topic, but I’m sure people wonder about this as well:

- Yes, we will respin the LMDE ISOs for Update Pack 4
- No, we can’t say whether MATE or Cinnamon will be the default yet, and whether they will be on the same medium, but both will be fully supported.
- Yes, we’re also updating Firefox and Thunderbird to version 11.0

Segundo o Clem os respin vão chegar antes do Mint 13 LTS.

Ttambém no blog, segundo o AlbertP:
To the users of GeForce FX cards who want to use cinnamon: it should just work, probably with a little artifacts. However you need to install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental to get nouveau 3D acceleration as Debian still considers it experimental (but maybe it’ll be installed by default).
Última edição: