MMO Mail da Blizzard??? ou não

Boas recebi á dias desta fonte: "[email protected] ." <[email protected]>
o seguinte mail fiquei sem saber o k fazer é mesmo da blizz ou isto é tanga, mais parece não sei, mais alguem recebeu o mesmo mail?


It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell/trade your personal World of Warcraft account.
As you may or may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement.
If this proves to be true, your account can and will be disabled. It will be ongoing for further investigation by Blizzard employee's.
Blizzard might consider taking legal actions against your crime, if it seems too be of an extreme nature.

If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account.
This action is taken because we at Blizzard Entertainment takes these sales
quite serious. We need to confirm you are the original owner of the account.
This is easiest done by confirming your personal information along with concealed information about your account.
You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account by replying to this email with:

Use the following template below to verfiy your account and information via email.

* First and Surname
* Address
* Zip code
* Phone number Daytime
* Country
* Account e-mail
* CD-key, alternative a photograph of your CD-key that is located on your manual for World of Warcraft.
* Account name
* Account password
* Secret Question and Answer

If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently.
We ask you to NOT change password until the investigation is fully completed.

Blizzard Entertainment Europe
Account Administration Team
TSA 60 001
78143 Vélizy Villacoublay Cedex France

As soon as we have this information we will be able to progress the resolution
of this matter for you.

If you wish to review our current Rules and Polices, they can be found at:
Boas recebi á dias desta fonte: "[email protected] ." <[email protected]>
o seguinte mail fiquei sem saber o k fazer é mesmo da blizz ou isto é tanga, mais parece não sei, mais alguem recebeu o mesmo mail?


It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell/trade your personal World of Warcraft account.
As you may or may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement.
If this proves to be true, your account can and will be disabled. It will be ongoing for further investigation by Blizzard employee's.
Blizzard might consider taking legal actions against your crime, if it seems too be of an extreme nature.

If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account.
This action is taken because we at Blizzard Entertainment takes these sales
quite serious. We need to confirm you are the original owner of the account.
This is easiest done by confirming your personal information along with concealed information about your account.
You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account by replying to this email with:

Use the following template below to verfiy your account and information via email.

* First and Surname
* Address
* Zip code
* Phone number Daytime
* Country
* Account e-mail
* CD-key, alternative a photograph of your CD-key that is located on your manual for World of Warcraft.
* Account name
* Account password
* Secret Question and Answer

If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently.
We ask you to NOT change password until the investigation is fully completed.

Blizzard Entertainment Europe
Account Administration Team
TSA 60 001
78143 Vélizy Villacoublay Cedex France

As soon as we have this information we will be able to progress the resolution
of this matter for you.

If you wish to review our current Rules and Polices, they can be found at:

Warneo isso é tanga, a blizz nunca pede pass nem usernames.
Sim eu suspeitei disso falei com o Gm e é mesmo tanga lol

04:27[Zyphercon]: Greetings, Forsakenn. My name is Game Master Zyphercon apologies for the interruption but if you have a moment I would like to talk to you about your ticket regarding an email from Blizzard.
04:28[Zyphercon]: Hello Forsakenn? Are you there?
04:29[Forsakenn]: yes sorry
04:29[Forsakenn]: i receav an mail day14 os this mount
04:30[Zyphercon]: No problem. Please note that any email you recieve from us would never be from an address other than a blizzard one. As you can see in what you posted in your ticket, the address was an hotmail one.
04:30[Forsakenn]: yes is suspect that
04:31[Forsakenn]: I suspect too the request of the accont password
04:32[Zyphercon]: Yes Forsakenn, we will also never ask for your password. However thank you for bringing this to our attention.
04:34[Forsakenn]: ok so that spam
04:34[Zyphercon]: Is there anything else I can help you with Forsakenn?
04:34[Forsakenn]: no that all
04:34[Zyphercon]: Then I wish you a great morning Forsakenn and good battles to you.
04:34[Forsakenn]: thanks
04:35[Forsakenn]: bb
Boas recebi á dias desta fonte: "[email protected] ." <[email protected]>
o seguinte mail fiquei sem saber o k fazer é mesmo da blizz ou isto é tanga, mais parece não sei, mais alguem recebeu o mesmo mail?

You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account by replying to this email with:

Use the following template below to verfiy your account and information via email.

* First and Surname
* Address
* Zip code
* Phone number Daytime
* Country
* Account e-mail
* CD-key, alternative a photograph of your CD-key that is located on your manual for World of Warcraft.
* Account name
* Account password
* Secret Question and Answer

If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently.
We ask you to NOT change password until the investigation is fully completed.


epá, LOL o que eu me ri com a lata destes gajos, se receber um destes até me vou dar ao trabalho de inventar aquela treta toda só pa lhes fazer perder tempo a meter a pass :P

nem a account name...

PS: também anda a circular outro mail que supostamente diz que voces ganharam um slot na Beta do WoTLK, isso também é treta
FDS Warneo, na jogataina às 4:30 da matina... :shifteye: :dormir2:

On-Topic: Claro q o mail era mais um embuste de alguns espertinhos pra caçar Otários.

Gosto especialmente da parte que diz:
"We ask you to NOT change password until the investigation is fully completed."
XIIIIIIIIIIII, ca lata! Já me parece quando me tentaram gamar a steam.
Mas esses é mesmo à descarada!! eheh, e depois esse pormenor:
"We ask you to NOT change password until the investigation is fully completed."

Vê uam coisa: o email vem duma conta da hotmail..achas q a blizzard usa hotmail???

Tem os seus próprios servers de mail...

Don't get conned...
O problema é que mesmo assim deve haver pessoal que cai nesses esquemas :\

Infelizmente assim acontece, mas acho que alguém minimamente informado não cai...
Por exemplo, quando me tentaram gamar a steam foram mesmo convincentes. Se eu fosse um puto de 15 anos neste momento estava sem steam. Epah, condeno muito mais estes actos do que a pirataria. Uma coisa é roubar um milhares de euros a gajos cheios de dinheiro, outra coisa é gamar 20/30 (seja quanto for) euros a um puto/jovem que não tem posses...
Use the following template below to verfiy your account and information via email.

* First and Surname
* Address
* Zip code
* Phone number Daytime
* Country
* Account e-mail
* CD-key, alternative a photograph of your CD-key that is located on your manual for World of Warcraft.
* Account name
* Account password
* Secret Question and Answer

Só faltou pedirem o numero de cartão de crédito e PIN para ver se é mesmo de lá que andam a pagar as mensalidades. Mas há que dar crédito, estão a ficar cada vez mais originais estes tipos. Como a malta anda atenta aos addons, então manda-se mail a fingir que são da Blizz. Podiam era ter arranjado outra caixa de correio . Hotmail, francamente, um e-mail tão bem elaborado e bonitinho a pedir tudo menos a nossa foto junto dos Cd's (já que pedem da cd-key pq não dos cd's, lol) a confirmar que REALMENTE somos nós os detentores do jogo e depois [email protected]. ROFL
Nota 10 pelo esforço