Microsoft tentou comprar a Nintendo!!!


Microcabrõ*s tentaram comprar a Nintendo!!!

M$: Microsoft Tried to Buy Nintendo!
=>Posted by: NewsFactory.
=>Saturday, April 27 @ 22:44:32 CEST
Just saw this @

Following last month's rather shocking revelation that Microsoft had originally tapped Sega to develop the Xbox, it's now been revealed that at one point Microsoft was dealing with Nintendo too. In fact, Microsoft was all but set to outright buy the company.

According to a new book called Opening the Xbox: Inside Microsoft's Plan to Unleash an Entertainment Revolution, Microsoft was at one point all set to plunk down 25 billion for the Japanese game giant. As the book describes, Nintendo's U.S. president Minoru Arakawa wasn't sure what to think when Microsoft made the offer. "I was surprised," Arakawa admitted. "We didn't need the money. I thought it was a joke.


Vi esta cena na warp2search!!!!!
Ainda bem que a Nintendo fez a melhor opção!!!!!
É uma forma de negócio... :rolleyes:

É mais fácil pegares nos anos de experiência da Nintendo, desenvolveres uma consola e meteres o logo da Microsoft... do que entrar no negócio das consolas como um newbie...

De qualquer forma a MS nem sequer devia ter tentado... a Nintendo nunca aceitaria! :-D
Nintendo!!! isso já é velho!!!
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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D