Mod de X800 Pro para X800XT


Power Member

Well, here is a nice way to save some bucks. How about you buy a Radeon x800 Pro and turn it into a X800 XT with 16 pipelines ? Now memory will still be a limiting factor yet the additional 4 pipes are fun for sure. Whether they are in good working condition really depends on your luck.

The article which explains this all is written in a foreign language yet here's a rough translation. If you consider to try this, hey be careful, You could ruin everything.

Through contrasts two section Radeon the X800Pro graphics chip and two section Radeon the X800XT graphics chip, we will detect on the chip seal surface right angle has is similar to the AMD processor surface three groups of golden bridge, said to Radeon X800Pro, is left the first group of golden bridge to shut off by the laser, said to Radeon X800XT, is most left and the most right two groups of golden bridge completely connects, therefore we have the reason to extrapolate, if connects most left side group of golden bridges, then Radeon X800Pro is shielded 4 exaggerate the pipeline to be allowed to open once more, if about 2 groups of golden bridges completely will shut off, then Radeon X800XT turned Radeon X800SE, Only some 8 picture elements exaggerate the pipeline, certainly, the R420 graphics chip has certainly certainly in the middle of the production process is good rate, after in other words Radeon X800Pro forces opens 16 to exaggerate the pipeline, 16 exaggerate the pipeline whether completely normal work also to have to look at everybody the luck.

O mod por hardware já se sabe como é que se faz (se bem que eu não percebo nada daquela tradução.. mas prontos..).
Agora é só esperar pelo mod por software :D

Link original:
Por agora nao agradecemos... ninguem conseguiu "abrir" os pipelines. Logo duvido mesmo mto ke se venha a conseguir.
ora bruxo..

Ja alguem penso eu tentar fazer isto as 6800GT?

Ou ainda n ouve ng sufecientemente ousado?

Modification of the Radeon X800 Pro not possible


Graphic card enthusiasts are looking forward to make the RADEON X800 XT with 16 pipes out of RADEON X800 PRO with 12 pipes.
The New ATI RADEON X800 PRO and ATI RADEON X800 XT graphics cards are based on the same R420 chip, but with different number of pixel pipelines enabled. The RADEON X800 PRO features 12 pixel pipelines with 6 geometry pipelines and is clocked at 475MHz. The RADEON X800 XT features 16 pixel pipelines with 6 geometry pipelines and is clocked at 520MHz.

In order to meet the demand ATI Technologies added a capability to disable defective rendering pipelines without it affecting the operating process of the chip negatively. These products are sold at a relatively cheaper price and offer decent performance. They are very popular with budget gamers. The firm disables the rendering pipelines on fully-functional graphics processors so to fulfill the demand. This is exploited by hardcore enthusiasts.

To set the additional pipes at work, a number of techniques can be tried, like
installation of certain software or re-soldering certain resistors on the graphics processor. While not all graphics cards allow such modification, power-users usually try to play the lottery.

Many enthusiasts have tried there hand at hitting the jackpot but with no luck it seems. At this point there are no confirmed reports of anyone being able to enable the disabled pipelines, reports Xbit Labs.

ATI might have done something that prohibits the possibility to modify the VPUs into more powerful ones. In the past two years ATI Technology unveiled two graphics processors that allowed re-enabling of 4 pixel pipelines and ending up with a much powerful VPU with 8 rendering pipelines. Can The RADEON X800 PRO be converted into the RADEON X800 XT? Only time will answer that question.
Mod ?

Será que a diferença de desempenho de uma ATI RADEON X800 PRO para uma ATI RADEON X800 XT é assim tão substancial ?
Afinal estamos a falar de placas de gama alta... :rolleyes:
A X800 Pro n é de gama alta é de gama media! Vai-se posicionar entre a X800SE e a X800XT...deverá ser concorrente directa da 6800GT :x2:
[knap] disse:
A X800 Pro n é de gama alta é de gama media! Vai-se posicionar entre a X800SE e a X800XT...deverá ser concorrente directa da 6800GT :x2:

Penso que não será bem assim.

Na gerações anteriores tinhamos: 9500 (média) e 9700(alta). Depois as 9600 e as 9800. As subdivisões entre SE, n-pro, pro e XT complementavam a oferta, na gama de preços. Em certos casos acabavamos por ter as SE a competir com as Pro e XT da gama inferior, fruto dos cortes de performance destas.

No caso das Xxxx, também teremos as X600 e as X800. Se olharmos bem para os preços é complicado dizer-se que uma placa a rondar os 400€ seja de gama média. Provavelmente a X800SE, com 8 pipelines, será tão ou mais rápida que a 9800XT, dependendo dos clocks e mems com que vier, mas falta sairem as X600 para vermos como se vão relacionar na mercado.

A X800Pro não é topo de gama, a XT PE sim, mas ambas fazem parte da gama alta. Penso que foi aqui que surgiu a "confusão".
Acho que ainda e um bocado cedo para ver se o mod vai dar
As X800XT ainda escasseiam no mercado (ja ha alguma mesmo?) portanto a ATI nao esta com grande facilidade em sacar 16 pipes logo acho muito pouco provavel que apareçam X800 pro com os 4 pipes "ligaveis"
Depois tb ha a grande probabilidade de a ATI ter desligado isto de vez mas tendo em conta a pressao possivel da 6800 GT e o facto de a concorrencia estar riginha os gajos sao bem capazes de se "esquecer" se trancar as placas
A AMD geralmente tb costuma dar borlas quando esta mais apertada pela intel.