Navigon 1210 - [Duvidas & Respostas]


Ora bem, para já os meus comprimentos aqui ao pessoal...
Venho abrir este Topic afim de esclarecer e tirar algumas duvidas quanto ao GPS Navigon 1210

Gestor de pois para Navigon PNA
instalare no pc, ele envia via usb para o navigon tudo o que pretende
Se ele pedir o numero de registo e para isso tens a vacina

Ora, gostaria tambem saber se alguem conseguiria endicar onde posso arranjar alguns Gadjets para este Modelo:

NAVIGON Reality View
Before complex interchanges, NAVIGON Reality View™ provides photo-realistic 3D images that show very detailed which signposts and which lanes you should follow.

NAVIGON Safety Cameras
NAVIGON Safety Cameras provides visual and audible warnings of fixed Safety Cameras in 26 European countries. NAVIGON Fresh downloads the files needed and automatically installs them on your navigation device.

NAVIGON Text-to-Speech for NAVIGON 1200|1210 max
NAVIGON Text-to-Speech is an add-on function. Its precise spoken instructions include not only the direction and distance, but also the corresponding names of roads and exits. Thanks to the improved navigation, you will be able to devote your full attention to what is happening on the road.

Desde já o meu obrigado caso queiram ou possam ajudar...