O que é isto?


Portugal@Home Member

So you really want dual analog sticks, huh? Get a load of the new PSP then! All kidding aside, it's clearly just one hell of a beautifully-crafted physical mock-up. We couldn't find any details about who made this apart from the "Design: Mod Soul" sig on the image, though.

The dual analog sticks are a great idea, but the positioning of those sticks would be hell on the thumbs. And where are the triggers? If they're where I think they are, it's going to take a pretty high level of dexterity (or freakishly long fingers) to properly this bad boy. Still, if this thing was actually available in stores, I'd probably go out and buy one. Too bad it inherited the Game Boy's tiny little screen though.

This also reminds me of that incident when a mom had her 12-year-old kid arrested for opening his Christmas presents early. The incident report about that one had the present pegged as some weird hybrid called a "PlayStation Game Boy" (it was actually a GBA). This proves that the people who filed the report weren't noobs after all. Oh, wait, no it doesn't.

Update: We know, we know. We didn't spot this one right away in our forums, so we're really sorry we goofed up. But now at least we're clear about one thing: that isn't "Design: Mod Soul" on the image. It's MaDSoul! MaDSoul, I say! And he did craft this image by using - guess what - Photoshop!

MaDSoul from our PSP forums tells us that he took a photo of his PSP and of his old Game Boy Portable, used Photoshop, and voila! We now have the PSPBoy! Too bad this isn't real, eh? It would be so cool...

Again, our apologies. And nice work, MaDSoul.

fonte: pspupdates
Última edição:
Isso é o que a descrição da imagem diz...Um gajo lembrou-se e pagar nas imagens do seu gameboy e da sua PSP...Uniu-as através de um programa chamado PHOTOSHOP e inventou uma coisa chamada PSPBoy que não existe fisicamente...Pronto...De certeza que não tinha nada para fazer mesmo...
é uma bela de uma montegem..mas muito bem feita, apesar de ser fake, ha que reconhecer o trabalho.
ainda acredito que ele conseguisse cortar os botoes do gameboy e por la os da psp..agora o ecran a trabalhar..nah, mesmo que o resto fosse real eu diria k o ecran era montagem:-D
Não é novidade.... Existem LCDS a imitar o gameboy

"Game boy - Barato 10 euros" - nunca mais esqueci isto uando olhei pra montra dos indianos.
epa por muito qe eles se esforçem nunca vão fazer melhor qe a psp original!!:) pra mim a psp so tem 1 defeito! é a falta do segundo analogico pos fps! de resto é perfeita!:004:
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