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Um comentário um pouco exagerado na parte do Bill:
With Gates, it’s always been about winning, not the money. Money is just a way to keep score. As long as his opponents are driven into bankruptcy and shoot themselves in the head, leaving penniless widows and orphans, he’s happy. In the old days, he would have loved to have been Ghenghis Khan. But he would never have given a dime to charity if it weren’t for his wife Melinda.

As for Jobs, he just wants - desperately - to remain a pop culture hero. He should have been a rock star.

For Woz, it’s all about the toys/technology, whether his or anyone else’s. He likes his Segway. He’s a geek.
É altamente respeitado e a fundação dele para ensino de putos a usar computadores é uma fiel compradora de macs. Um cliente de peso será portanto.