[REPOST]Entrevista com o Produtor da Série Pro Evolution Soccer.

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Folding Artist
Ok e agora aquele que para mim ganhou o prémio de link do dia! :D Vim do trabalho, tou partido, mas depois de ver isto até me animou!! :D

Foi um amigo meu no msn que me deu o link.

Entrevista com o produtor da Série PES.

Link: http://uk.konami-europe.com/news.do;jsessionid=FB7B1C1FC56A2148382FF02D08EE4AF3.srv01?idNews=37

DURING THE RECENT EUROPEAN PES3 SHAMPIONSHIP held in the South of France, the Producer of the PES series, Mr Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka, found time to let everyone in on some PES4 secrets. He also talked about the future of the PES series, including what he hopes to deliver on the next generation of PlayStation and Xbox, plus his initial thoughts on how PlayStation Portable would fit in to the PES family. Finally, if you've always wondered what the Godfather of PES does with his Master League team, well Seabass gave us some insight there too.

Para a entrevista completa, que acho que devem ler, é interessante cliquem no link.

E agora a melhor parte:

Curtam só a camisola que um deles tem vestida!! :D


BENFICA! :D Somos mesmo internacionais!!! ;)

A seguir ao Xanana Gosmão só esta bateu a cena! ;)
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