será que vamos ter probs com a AMD


Power Member
Bem...estas cheias na europa central tão a ser uma mrda das grandes... dresden tb tá com probs de cheias e é aí que tá a fábrica principal da AMD e a única a produzir Hammer's :\

Alguem sabe mais alguma coisa?
Após ter escrito a thread lembrei-me de ir ao site da AMD :) e, aparentemente, não há probs

DRESDEN, GERMANY -- August 15, 2002 --AMD (NYSE: AMD) said today that its AMD Saxony operations located in Dresden, Germany – including production at the facility’s Fab 30 plant – continue to operate normally despite severe flooding across Germany’s Saxony region.
“Although much of the larger Dresden area is being affected by unprecedented floods, our production is running according to plan and employee morale remains high,” said Hans Deppe, vice president and general manager of AMD Saxony. “Because of the preventive controls built-in to our facility and the exemplary dedication of our workforce, we expect to continue to operate normally despite the conditions.”

AMD Saxony has its own on-site power plant, and remains accessible via the Dresden airport and federal highways. AMD Saxony’s operations, including Fab 30, are located high up on the rim of the river valley and have not been directly affected by the flooding in other parts of Dresden and surrounding areas. The company does not expect that operations will be impacted even if the local flood situation worsens.
graças a deus :D

Uma fabrica daquelas tem que ter protecçoes contra este tipo de intemperies, e duvido mto que seja construida em madeira :D

Se fosse em madeira nao me importava que viesse a flutuar até portugal :D
Caso tivessem sido afectados, e como alguém disse ontem, os Hammer passariam a ser vendidos com um sistema de WC built-in. :D
e isto será mais um caso para dizer


blargh ... até parece k sou da IURD dasse ...