Multiplataforma Solar Ash (Heart Machine)

Solar Ash is coming to PS5, PS4, and the Epic Games Store later this year.

Journey through a surreal, vivid and highly stylized world filled with mystery, wild high-speed traversal, endearing characters, and massive enemy encounters. The Void beckons…

Developed by HEART MACHINE. Published by Annapurna Interactive.
Fica aqui a do Eurogamer, com a comparação que eu já suspeitava:
This structure might seem similar to that of The Pathless, say, another elegant Annapurna-published game about exploration and the rushing joy of movement, in which you moved from one territory to another, doing three of this and four of that to summon a beast that must then be dispatched. But structure is all the two games really share. In The Pathless you must constantly earn your elastic momentum by firing arrows at scattered targets. Its levels are vast and often daringly open, putting me in mind of the kind of pencilled-in white-box spaces I have always imagined that developers conjure in order to test out new ideas.
Tal como eu, @Jack-O-Lantern , jogaste o Pathless à pouco tempo, pode ser que te interesse este.
Sim, estou muito curioso com este jogo. Depois da boa experiência com o Pathless, pelo que vejo, parece estar aqui também uma boa surpresa, dentro dos meus gostos. A confirmar, amanhã.

Solar Ash comes to Xbox and Nintendo Switch on September 14.

Set amidst a surreal dreamscape filled with long-abandoned ruins of great civilizations past, you play as Rei, a Voidrunner determined to stop at nothing to save her planet from falling prey to the Ultravoid’s path of eternal hunger.

Fight through mobs of grotesque creatures, grind rails with sheer delight, grapple to wild heights, take down enormous bosses, and surf the ashen clouds of shattered, bygone worlds swallowed by the void.
Eu estava com outros jogos em mãos na altura e depois também nunca me apeteceu dar tanto dinheiro por uma versão digital. Agora até o queria comprar na switch mas estando no gamepass, vai ter de ser no pc.