PC 'Superhot JP' (GameTomo)



■ About

The iconic red guy is coming to Japan!

With the innovative time-moves-only-when-you-move fps game play, Superhot JP (not the real title) is a new game set in the Superhot universe. While maintaining the same intoxicating rhythm of slow motion combat, this new Superhot presents a brand new adventure with a distinctive Japanese flavor.

Dodge bullets, while bathing in a hot spring.

Battle the red guys in a variety of new Japan-inspired environments, from hot springs to samurai castles, from seedy Tokyo alleyways to karaoke bars and bullet trains.

Escape the “real world” and into the mysterious augmented reality of the new Budd-OS.

One step at a time.

■ Frequently Asked Questions

What is this thing?

A new game in the Superhot universe, using Japanese environments, from samurai castles and hot springs to karaoke bars and bullet trains.

Is it really called Superhot JP?

No, that’s just a temporary title. We’re kicking around names right now.

Is it DLC? What are the platforms?

It will be standalone but priced very reasonably. We currently plan PC and PS4 releases at least.

How many levels/weapons/enemies/game modes?

About 15-18 regular levels and 3-4 endless levels, a few new weapons (including a bow and arrow), and the same game modes as the original Superhot.

Is there new gameplay?

The game is close to the original Superhot but there are new weapons, see through shoji screens, and some other surprises.

Who is developing it?

GameTomo is developing the game in Tokyo with guidance from Superhot Team.

Will it be released overseas?

It will be released in Japan first and then possibly other countries worldwide.







Lol, podem dizer que é um jogo novo, mas isto parece muito mais uma DLC que um jogo novo... Até podiam fazer à moda antiga e dizer que era uma expansão, que me parecia bem mais realista.