PS2 Tekken 5

So jogado em arcadas.... ai...parecia k metia moedas a conta gotas....

PIM, PIM, PIM...era o barulho k elas faziam quando entravam na ranhura :P :D
Nemesis11 disse:

Wow, belas mamas! :D
SwimmerBoy disse:
So jogado em arcadas.... ai...parecia k metia moedas a conta gotas....

PIM, PIM, PIM...era o barulho k elas faziam quando entravam na ranhura :P :D

LoL, principalmente pq um gajo daba a bolta ao jogo em menos de 5 minutos :P


O Soul blade da PSX foi feito a partir do Soul Edge v2 que ja tinha mais umas coisitas do q o Soul Edge original como os fatos diferentes , a possibilidade de jogar com o proprio Soul Edge e acima de tudo a possibilidade de em alguns finais poderes mudar a historia eu nao sei se a segunda versão foi lançada ca em Portugal em termos de arcadas pq eu so encontrei a primeira, a em que aparecia o final que no jogo de PSX so nos era dado qdo completabamos o edge master mode.

Mas realmente o jogo era LINDO :D (Alias É LINDO pq eu ainda o tenho para a PSX ;) )
Eu não costumo jogar Tekken, infelizmente não tenho uma PS2.
Costumo jogar na casa de um Amigo meu, por acaso lembro-me que adorava jogar Tekken Tag com o Bruce, aquele preto do Muay-Thai, os golpes estavam mesmo MUITO realistas e bem feitos, mas passava-me da cabeça quando o meu vizinho me ownava com um "Eddie" da capoeira >(
Pelo que me lembro esse Eddie tinha uns combos manhosos que nunca mais paravam e tiravam muita energia...

Gostava de por as mão nisto, mas duvido que esteja alguma coisa decente...




Última edição:
Que tal o trailler? A mim parece-me bom. Só os graficos é que podia ser melhor, mas ok.

Já que isto é um jogo de arcades que só sai para consola em 2005, vão reaparecer + dois jogos "conhecidos" para as maquinas.

- Virtua Fighter 5
- Sega Rally 3

Added Next Generation Hardware page, and added Virtua Fighter 5 and Sega Rally 3 to it. There isnt any publically hinted name for this new hardware, but it's apparently not based on any current console technology and is a significant advance in technology from currently available arcade hardware

*cof*Pvr Series 5*cof*
O Heihachi morreu????? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Aquele velhote sempre foi o meu favorito :005: :005: :005: :005: :005:

Tenho uma PS2 e nunca joguei ao Tekken 4.... Virtua Fighter 4 rula muito.

Tekken 5 sort of pretends that Tekken 4 never happened. The previous installment introduced a handful of position-change moves that weren't terribly well received. Tekken 5 takes a back-to-basics approach and removes those moves, making for a game that feels and plays more like the classic Tekken 3 did.

Tekken 5 has many of the same character-customization options found in Virtua Fighter 4. You can alter most of the characters...

The character roster in Tekken 5 contains a great mix of old favorites, some of whom haven't been seen for years. The obvious entrants, like Kazuya, Paul, Law, Yoshimitsu, King, and Nina are present, and they're joined by other occasional players, like Bryan, Lei, Hwoarang, Bruce, Baek, Anna, Lee, and Xiaoyu. Tekken 4's new introductions, Steve, Marduk, and Christie are back, and three new characters make their first appearance here: Raven is a Wesley Snipes as Simon Phoenix-like assassin that combines powerful moves with shifty, tricky behavior, up to and including the ability to teleport in some moves; Asuka is a schoolgirl, and she's also a Kazama, making her Jin's cousin and a master of the Kazama style and similar (though definitely not identical) to Jun; Feng is an evil kenpo master that enters the tournament to find some sacred scrolls that the Mishima Zaibatsu controls. The roster is diverse and exciting and it hits all the bases. The new characters fit into the action very well, and the old characters have all received enough new moves and changes to feel fresh again, though not so many that the move list will feel unrecognizable.

When it comes to image quality and character models, you'd be hard pressed to find a better looking PlayStation 2 game than this. Tekken 5 looks simply astounding--way above and beyond what you would think the PlayStation 2 is capable of. The character models are smooth and lifelike, with skin tones and textures that make them look alive, as opposed to the plastic-looking fighters found in some other games. The backgrounds are widely varied, and some of them are even breathtaking. Again, it's the sort of stuff you'd expect from a high-end Xbox title or a great-looking PC game--not something you'd expect from the PlayStation 2 hardware.


A big part of Tekken 5's appeal is due to the quality of its execution. While some of the extra modes aren't as strong as they could have been, the core fighting is nearly perfect, whether you're playing against other humans or computer-controlled opposition. Toss in a fantastic soundtrack and some of the best-looking graphics you've seen on a console, along with an insane number of different moves to learn and master from a variety of interesting characters, and you've got a fighting game that's even more addictive and exciting than Tekken was when it exploded onto the PlayStation back in 1995.




Gamespot: 9.2 (Superb)
Última edição:
Acho q depois de uma review destas a primeira pergunta a fazer e' mesmo:

Qdo e' q isto sai aqui na Europa?

A segunda pergunta vai ser... sera q o kazuza esta pronto para ser batido em mais um tekken?