Xbox Utilizador questiona mensalidade Xbox Live


Power Member
10/01/2008 criado por Márcio Saldanha
Utilizador questiona mensalidade Xbox Live


Quem tem em casa uma Xbox 360 ligada à Internet certamente que não é alheio a este tema. É que durante a época do Natal, o serviço Xbox Live enfrentou imensos problemas, não só em termos de ligação mas, ao que parece, também no que toca à perda de dados de alguns jogadores. A Microsoft já anunciou que vai oferecer um jogo Arcade a todos os utilizadores como forma de compensar pelos problemas, mas isso não parece ser suficiente para toda a gente.

Um utilizador em particular decidiu escrever uma carta aberta à Microsoft questionando mesmo o porquê da empresa norte-americana cobrar uma mensalidade pelo serviço menos bom que está a oferecer. A carta é extensa, mas acaba tocando em alguns temas que achamos terem tanto de polémicos como de interessantes e bem escritos. Como forma de não desvirtuar o conteúdo da mesma, optámos por colocá-la na íntegra (em inglês) aqui no portal, onde todos a podem ler e tirar as suas próprias conclusões.

Salientamos apenas que se trata de uma carta de um utilizador, como qualquer um de nós, por isso vale o que vale:

"I won’t pretend that this is a completely original idea and no one else has ever raised the question of why Xbox Live is a pay service. In fact, I used to be one of the people who argued against them and supported Xbox Live. But, with recent Xbox Live troubles and news, it’s becoming significantly more difficult to do this. Having taken the time to really look at the state of Xbox Live is making me have to start agreeing with the people who I used to argue against.

Let’s start with the recent Xbox Live downtime. It is, quite frankly, absolutely unacceptable for a pay service. Until a few days ago, my brother had a two week period where he could not recover his GamerTag from Xbox Live. That’s two weeks of no Xbox Live access whatsoever. He tried deleting the profile of his Xbox and recovering it again, but this didn’t work either. Now he couldn’t even access his game saves or earn any achievements. Although I had my account on my Xbox, that’s not to say everything’s been great. Like the rest of you, I’ve been experiencing a lot of trouble with Xbox Live. Inability to join games, sign in to Xbox Live, load the dashboard blades, sometimes problems bad enough to freeze my 360 entirely until I pulled out the Ethernet cable.

Yes, we’re getting a free Xbox Live Arcade game as compensation for nearly 3 weeks of Xbox Live downtime. Woohoo. No details have been given, and as a result I suspect that this free game will be a specific title or list of titles which Microsoft will choose. I feel that at the very least we deserve to be either refunded for a month of Xbox Live or given a free month on top of this. Think about it, if your cell phone service had trouble for a month, dropping calls, refusing to dial numbers, etc., you wouldn’t be satisfied with a free cell phone game. The first step would be a refund for that month and then some sort of compensation for the inconvenience on top of that.

Connection troubles aside, there’s other reasons why I feel Xbox Live shouldn’t be a pay service. As of March 1, 2008, Xbox Live Diamond will become an additional $6.95 fee. No thanks. Not only was this service close to worthless, but to charge for something that was supposed to be a benefit of paying for the Xbox Live service is absurd. It was pathetic as a freebie and to think anyone is willing to pay for this is ridiculous.

Next up, Xbox Live is full of ads. Even when you first boot up your Xbox 360, you’re greeted with ads on the Xbox Live blade. While this may not seem like a huge issue, how would you feel if your internet service provider, who you pay a fee to, placed ads on the desktop of your computer (which you also paid for)? Gold members should at the very least be given an option to disable these ads.

Xbox Live also feels the need to wrap content in restrictive DRM schemes that limit users’ access to the items they’ve purchased. Worst of all, this is done without proper warning of just how restrictive it is. Xbox Live Arcade titles and dashboard themes are unusable when not connected to Xbox Live unless you are on the same Xbox they are purchased on. So, as a reward for being a loyal customer and upgrading to the Halo 3 edition of the Xbox 360, all the content I purchased on my previous content is now unusable when I’m not signed into Live on the account I purchased them from. This means that when Xbox Live is having trouble or when I’m on vacation or anywhere else I don’t have steady high speed internet access, I can’t play the games which I have paid for.

Despite the fee for Xbox Live, networking is almost entirely peer to peer reliant. There are no dedicated servers for games, something which has been long available to PC games with no online fee. The average residential high speed internet connection often does not have an upload bandwidth capable of properly supporting large amounts of players. This results in lag and allows for exploits relying on network manipulation, for example the standby cheating which plagued Halo 2.

One would think that the fee for Xbox Live would entitle users to extra content to justify the fee. However, Microsoft allows companies to charge often high prices for nearly every single piece of downloadable content for games. This setup for the Xbox Live Marketplace encourages developers to either purposefully withhold content or release games lacking content with the intent of later releasing and charging an additional fee for the rest of the content. Xbox Live’s content setup may even discourage free content. Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney is quoted in a 1Up Podcast as saying that “We’ve been wanting to give them away for a long time, but actually Microsoft has been pushing back on us for that.” The video game magazine Game Informer supported this in a 2007 issue where they also claimed that Microsoft forces companies to charge for content they wish to distribute. I do not doubt this to be the case, as free content for online PC games has long been the standard. Call of Duty 4 currently has a new downloadable map available for PC users which is absent from the 360 version.

So, what exactly is Xbox Live offering its paying customers? A unified friends list? The same feature has been available to PC gamers through free applications such as XFire and Steam. Put simply, the features of Xbox Live simply do not justify its price when considering the free services offered by the competitors and the robust structure of online PC gaming.

Although I’m sure many are likely to disagree with me and simply respond with “if you don’t like it, don’t pay,” it’s not quite that simple. Without an online service, my games and the console itself lose much of their playability and worth. I also lose contact with my friends who still use Xbox Live. So unless I’m willing to cut off contact with my friends and make my system no longer worth playing, no longer paying for Xbox Live isn’t really an option.

I’d like to hear the thoughts of the rest of the community. I feel that now, in light of the recent Xbox Live downtime, is a good time to start changing Xbox Live for the better."

Although I’m sure many are likely to disagree with me and simply respond with “if you don’t like it, don’t pay,” it’s not quite that simple. Without an online service, my games and the console itself lose much of their playability and worth. I also lose contact with my friends who still use Xbox Live. So unless I’m willing to cut off contact with my friends and make my system no longer worth playing, no longer paying for Xbox Live isn’t really an option.
Wrong! Com o Silver não se perde contacto com ninguém.
O problema não é o pagar menos. É nós termos mais.
Quase toda a gente já teve problemas com a sua rede de telemovel, com o seu ISP, com a empresa que fornece electricidade... Alguma vez alguma dessas empresas reaveu dinheiro ou o que quer que seja? Pelo menos vejo a microsoft dar algo.
pa e verdade o que o man diz sobre os dedicated servers...atao com o guito do XBLA n tem sufuciente para fazer dedicated servers?

temos o sapo play warzone por exemplo eu nao tou a pagar mas os servers tao la e eu entro la!

ate ja vi cafes com o seu proprio server.....e ninguem lhes pagou....

podem argumentar que um server nao é 3 servers para cada jogo....mas isso nao e necessariamente verdade podiam fazer servers para os jogos distribuidos pela M$ como o GoW por exemplo....já que nao é para tos pelos menos para os jogos exclusivos...

Quase toda a gente já teve problemas com a sua rede de telemovel, com o seu ISP, com a empresa que fornece electricidade... Alguma vez alguma dessas empresas reaveu dinheiro ou o que quer que seja? Pelo menos vejo a microsoft dar algo.

e digote uma coisa se ficares sem luz durante 2 semanas ou sem telemovel ou net durante 2 semanas kero ver se eles nao te sao a guita...

com a tv cabo tive sem sinal na powerbox durante 3 meses e ao fim eles tao a dizer k vao devolver a guita....foi só ligar pa eles....
Pena o texto estar bastante mal escrito. Os pontos fulcrais para mim são:

- Servidores Dedicados: Se eu pago mensalidade devia ter direito a servidores dedicados. Ponto.
- Não pagas, não há multiplayer: O meu problema não é pagar, o meu problema é não ter escolha. Ou seja, sentia-me muito melhor se tivesse uma opção não paga com funcionalidades estilo PSN. Provavelmente continuava a pagar mas ao menos tinha a escolher de não o fazer.

A realidade é que, até a Sony ter um serviço ao nível do XBL (o que espero esteja para breve.....), vamos continuar a ter de pagar por isto.
Na minha opinião falta é concorrência de peso à M$, esperemos que a PS3 saia da "cepa torta" de uma vez por todas e vamos ver a M$ a dar da perna...