Yamigo - Mobile Messaging (Wireless Village spec)


Power Member
O yamigo funciona com todos os telemóveis que têm alguma forma de acesso Wireless Village


Optimized for GPRS and 3G networks Yamigo is an implementation of the facto standard for mobile world chat, the Wireless Village specification. For more info see http://www.openmobilealliance.org and http://www.openmobilealliance.org/WirelessVillage/

How to get connected

Thursday, 26 February 2004

You need a IMPS compliant presence-enabled phone chat client. The following phones come with an embedded manufacturer chat/presence client. To our knowledge the following phones are able to use our service:

Nokia 3220
Nokia 6220
Nokia 6820
Nokia 6230
Nokia 5140
Nokia 6810
Nokia 7200
Nokia 7260
Nokia 7270
Nokia 7610

Motorola V500
Motorola V600

Sony Ericsson T637
Sony Ericsson T630
SonyEricsson K500i
SonyEricsson K700i
SonyEricsson S700i
SonyEricsson Z1010
SonyEricsson T206
SonyEricsson V800

Siemens SK65
Also you may try to obtain an installable client (a Symbian or J2ME application). Once you have it installed on your phone point the client to the following server address. http://www.yamigo.com/wv/control

To get a user name and a password you need to register to this site. The password will be email to you. Create an account here.

Note for all the phones:
Please check that your phone is using correct settings for WAP APN (if your phone's chat client supports WSP bearer) or internet APN (if your phone's chat client supports TCP bearer). Find the needed network settings for your phone from your mobile operator. Check your manufacturer website to see the available features for your phone. Feel free to post you working settings in the Yamigo forum.

Nota: actualmente já existem mais telemóveis com esta característica no mercado, e outros estão para sair (k750, 6230i, etc)

Yamigo release 0.18 deployed

Sunday, 10 April 2005

New features in this release:

Automatic population of YAHOO/MSN/AIM/ICQ. You can ask Yamigo server to automatically populate the contact list by enabling "Fetch contacts" in your profile. You need to log in and then visit "Your Details" page from "User menu".

You have the option to enable contact list fetching per every external account (Yahoo/MSN/AIM/ICQ) for which you have defined a username and a password. The fetch flags will be reset at the next succesful login. AIM and ICQ are treated as one.

This feature is supported by most of the SonyEricsson phones. To our knowledge it is NOT supported by Nokia phones. Soon will be available for Motorola phones.

Read more here http://www.yamigo.com/content/view/19/34/

Siemens detection criteria added. You can see this in the "Online users stats" page available from the Main Menu.

tenho um k700i e registei-me agora

pus a opção do "fetch" e aquilo adicionou-me alguns dos meus contactos do msn

pelo que li está limitado a 20 contactos neh?

dá para apagar os q nao quero e ele ir fazendo o "fetch" aos restantes, ou tenho que adicionar os restantes manualmente?

fanx :)
Sinceramente nao sei...isto do fetch é novo...tinha alguns adicionados que agora aparecem duplicados...tenho de experimentar... ;)