Multiplataforma Borderlands 3 (Gearbox)


Ontem acabei a história principal, apesar de o jogo estar com imensos problemas, gostei imenso da parte final. Só aquela viagem com aquela música e aquele cenário fizeram daquilo Magia. Parabéns mesmo pelo final.

Alguém alinhava em fazer os Circles of Slaughter? Estou na One e tenho uma Gunner nível 46.
Pelo que sei de amigos meus, esse modo anda cheio de problemas, desde morrerem para inimigos invisíveis, ficarem presos em paredes, inimigos que não levam dano. Eles já desistiram desse modo.
Ontem acabei a história principal, apesar de o jogo estar com imensos problemas, gostei imenso da parte final. Só aquela viagem com aquela música e aquele cenário fizeram daquilo Magia. Parabéns mesmo pelo final.

Pelo que sei de amigos meus, esse modo anda cheio de problemas, desde morrerem para inimigos invisíveis, ficarem presos em paredes, inimigos que não levam dano. Eles já desistiram desse modo.

Não deve estar assim tão partido se eu fiz um em solo(pese embora em modo normal).Ou se calhar fará diferença de ir lá pelo open Worlds em vez do matchmaking?
Os outros dois é que me estão a dar sarna para coçar. Mas com alguém underleveled ou overleveled e escolhendo o jogador com nível mais baixo como host deve dar para facilitar.
Borderlands 3 Patch and Hotfixes [10/03/2019]

Today we’ll release both a patch and a hotfix for Borderlands 3 1 on all platforms by or before 3:00 PM PDT, with the patch addressing a number of reported concerns and the hotfix focusing on player character balance changes and tuning of some enemies and bosses.

First up are the patch notes:


Addressed a reported issue where an infinite loop could occur when hitting the Guardian Rank experience ceiling

General Fixes and Improvements

  • The Hollow Point Guardian Rank skill no longer damages allies
  • Hollow Point Guardian Rank skill has been re-enabled
  • Addressed a reported issue where some players were unable to unlock the Ultimate Vault Hunter achievement on Xbox
  • Addressed a reported issue where mouse functionality may have been lost when hot joining a friend’s session on PC
  • Addressed a reported issue where some players’ inventory would not be saved in their bank
This week’s Borderlands 3 hotfixes, which will be live on all platforms by or before 3:00 PM PDT today, contain some player character balance changes and address some player reported concerns regarding enemy behavior.

Our goal is to make sure all three Action Skills for each Vault Hunter are viable, but we have noticed some skills have been outperforming others. To encourage more build diversity, we made some adjustments to FL4K and Moze this week.

We also looked at a few boss fights and made balance changes to make their combats more enjoyable. Finally, we went over some enemy behaviors that could have affected mission progression and adjusted some attacks to happen with more frequency.

Vault Hunter Adjustments


Rakk Attack! is great for constant damage output, especially when paired with Anointed gear. The base skill still seems to be lacking, so Rakk Attack! now has a guaranteed status effect on any enemy that it damages. Leave No Trace was returning much more ammo than intended, and we have added a re-trigger delay to keep its ammo return within expectation. Barbaric Yawp has an increased bonus, as we didn’t feel that the amount of investment had an equal payoff. In addition, we felt that FL4K’s pets were demanding too much attention, which was interfering with players trying to stand still for any length of time, so we disabled the ability for them to move you around.

  • Rakk Attack! status effect chance as been increased to 100%.
  • Leave No Trace now has a re-trigger delay of 2 seconds.
  • Barbaric Yawp stat bonus increased by 100%.
  • Pets no longer push around player characters.
  • “Touch Pet” prompt is now a lower priority and should no longer interfere with looting or vending machines.

Infinite Grenades is not an intentional build for Moze—even if it is hilarious. To lower the power (and spam) of this build, a re-trigger delay has been added to the grenade portion of Means of Destruction .

  • Means of Destruction* now has a re-trigger delay of 2 seconds.
Miscellaneous Changes

  • Adjusted the balance of Gigamind, Katagawa Ball, and Billy the Anointed
    • These three boss fights had concerns with their health and shields that made their combat loops more difficult than we intended. Gigamind had a little too much health, so that was reduced slightly. Katagawa Ball will no longer regenerate its shields; we found that while players contended with the adds during the fight, it would unfairly regenerate its shield, negating the players’ progress. Finally, Billy had 25% of his health removed; we agree that this fight often dragged on needlessly. We will be monitoring each of these bosses and may make further adjustments in the future.
  • Bloated Rakks no longer spawn so many Rakklesnakes
    • This change should make the Cistern of Slaughter in particular much more fun.
  • Adjusted the cooldown values when they are displayed for Zane’s skills
  • Amara’s Glamour will now turn enemies on each other, as described in the Action Skill.
  • Modified the loot spawn for Sera of Supremacy
  • Spiderant Emperors occasionally wouldn’t drill back out of the ground, which created a potential progression blocker in the Proving Ground of Survival; we have adjusted this and the issue has been addressed
  • Resolved an issue that could have prevented enemies from spawning while in Devil’s Razor
  • Lavender Crawly’s physics were adjusted to prevent them exiting the world like a popped balloon
  • Further safe guarded Apollo from being launched out of world as well
  • The Rampager will no longer enter an idle at state at inappropriate times
  • Saurain Slingers attacks were addressed
  • Guardians now use all their attacks in Playthrough 2
  • Guardian Wraiths now reliably use all their ranged attacks
  • NPCs in the Slaughter maps were reported to sometimes attempt to automatically revive players in the arena. Going forward they will no longer attempt to revive players.
  • Minimized the glow effect when opening Eridian ammo chests, can more easily see the ammo inside when opened
Pelo que sei de amigos meus, esse modo anda cheio de problemas, desde morrerem para inimigos invisíveis, ficarem presos em paredes, inimigos que não levam dano. Eles já desistiram desse modo.

Não deve estar assim tão partido se eu fiz um em solo(pese embora em modo normal).Ou se calhar fará diferença de ir lá pelo open Worlds em vez do matchmaking?
Os outros dois é que me estão a dar sarna para coçar. Mas com alguém underleveled ou overleveled e escolhendo o jogador com nível mais baixo como host deve dar para facilitar.

Por acaso já fiz as 3 arenas a solo em M3. Com a build certa e bem optimizada (incluindo armas) faz-se razoavelmente bem (Moze). A que achei mais difícil foi a Slaughterstar 3000 mas só na parte final. Em relação a erros apenas apanhei na arena The Slaughter Shaft, por 2x ficou um inimigo preso dentro de uma parede e tive de reiniciar. Fora isso nada mais de erros.

Porra, e não incluem um buff para o Zane!?
Comparado com as outras 3 personagens, o Zane é uma personagem inutil!
O Zane mesmo com as melhores armas e com diferentes builds apelidadas de "boas" faz muito pouco dano.
A solo o Mayhem I é equilibrado para a personagem dele no nivel 50, mas o Mayhem III é quase impossivel ou ficamos ali a disparar montes de tiros até para os inimigos mais básicos. Nem quero ver como fica a dificuldade no True Vault Hunter.
Então contra bosses ele é uma anedota a tirar dano quando comparado com o FL4K.
Por enquanto só tenho 2 chars a nível 50. O Fl4k e a Moze. Posso dizer que entre os dois prefiro a Moze tanto pelo gameplay em si como pelo ridículo dano alto que faz e pela sobrevivência que tem. A build que estou a usar é praticamente onde shot kill a tudo. O próximo a levelar irá ser a Amanda.
Alguém que jogue aos fins de semana? Tenho um char nível 50, se alguém se quiser juntar para Coop.

Última edição:
Starting October 15, a micropatch will go live kicking the Eridium event into gear. This will introduce additional Eridium drops across the board, including in Mayhem Mode and for standard enemy kills. Likewise, Moxxi’s Vault Line slot machine will cost less Eridium to play, and all cosmetic items and Anointed weapons at Crazy Earl’s hideout will be discounted.

The event runs until October 22.

“Please note that in order to smash apart Eridium deposits and collect the shards, you’ll need the Eridium Resonator, an artifact you’ll naturally obtain as you play through the story missions leading up to Eden-6,” says Gearbox in a prepared statement. “Once you’ve earned it, your melee strikes will be powerful enough to shatter Eridium chunks apart for collection.”
Estava agora a fazer o slaugther 3000 com um amigo e mais 2 randoms. Logo na segunda ronda morremos 3 e um dos randoms aguenta a ronda toda sozinha lá em baixo connosco a disparar lá de cima. Na outra ronda o outro random morrer, já iamos na segunda wave da terceira ronda e o random em vez de ir lá para cima disparar fica parado. Eu ligo o micro e digo para ele disparar lá de cima. O gajo arma-se em idiota e com aquela confusão toda manda-nos para Sanctuary.
Enfim, que gente mesmo triste.