Conversa com um responsavel da Abit sobre a motherboard NForce 2 !

" These failures reportedly occur at
half the rated lifetime of the components. "

Quer dizer que as IT7 têm uma vida útil de ano e meio dois anos? :P

E se forem as IT7-2 é uma vida útil de alguns meses :D.

Pedro Telles
Originally posted by Raptor
lol, eu não contava com isso... as IT7-Max2 ainda andam a rebentar...

Por alguma razão elas foram retiradas da lista de motherboards que a Abit manda aos distribuidores ! E se não me engano retiraram-nas do site tb !
tecno esse abit representative... o que é que disse que ng saiba ? :S

Our ABIT Engineers are overclockers too, and have tested all the settings. The reason for this guaranteed overclockabity? ABIT's 3 phase power solution is back. This ABIT Engineered solution ensures more power to the CPU (up to 75-80 W v. 60 W with a 2 phase solution) while overclocking, providing rock-solid system stability. This means fewer crashes for ABIT users and higher overclocks. Finally, with ABIT's CPU H.T.P (CPU Hardware Thermal Protection) Technology for ABIT AT7-MAX2/KD7 and nForce 2 series motherboards, CPU burn-out through cooling malfunction is averted, ensuring your high performance ABIT motherboard won't crash and burn

o resto tah dito no extremesystems dot org

now, the news were ?