Multi Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix)

Final Fantasy Versus XIII Preview

TGS: It's beautiful, but what is it?
More on the best-looking unknown game ever.

What's the game about? It's a fantasy based on reality, according to the trailer that Square Enix has been tweaking for two and a half years. Everything else is pretty much a mystery. What's new for TGS? Square showed off a few seconds of real-time in-game footage a couple of months ago; now they've expanded that sequence to about 30 seconds, intercut with the same CG imagery we've been looking at for years.
What our take? Like its sibling Final Fantasy XIII, Versus was announced at E3 2006 and thus far consists entirely of a single trailer that's been remixed and recompiled to death. Its last public appearance two month ago tossed a bit of real-time in-engine graphics to the mix -- the gloomy hero walking through an art gallery on an upper floor of a skyscraper in a slightly futuristic city (basically Tokyo with airships) and talking to a woman. That sequence has been considerably expanded for TGS; now the conversation lasts considerably longer, and its silent dialogue is subtitled. From this, we can glean that the main character of Versus is named Noctis (as in "night") and his female counterpart is named Stella (as in "star"). The bulk of what they talk about is lost in a rapid flurry of Japanese, but it involves the "light inside all of us" -- presumably a reference to the mysterious glowing energy glimpsed in a CG portion of the trailer which materializes from Noctis and an unnamed female in a skirt, causing them to stop short as they rush to greet one another and take up arms instead. This in turn seems to have some relationship to the magical weapons that Noctis and others can draw from thin air; not only the hero and his unwitting opponent, but also a man in white robes who attacks the hero in one CG sequence.

Click the image above to check out all Final Fantasy Versus XIII screens.

The expanded Versus real-time footage isn't especially exciting, since it's just two people talking in an art gallery, but it's definitely impressive from a technical perspective. Square Enix demonstrates its usual mastery of CG art in the Versus trailer, and the in-engine visuals are barely a step beneath the pre-rendered content. An unpracticed eye might not even notice the difference; the characters move a bit more stiffly, and edges are sharper and simpler, but this is one incredible-looking game. Cloth moves naturally, hair falls stylishly but fairly convincingly, and light is beautifully-rendered even in the muted environs of the sky gallery. (A brief reverse shot which shows Noctis in front of a vibrant aquarium is particularly beautiful.) And it's laden with detail, including several Yoshitaka Amano illustrations hanging as artworks within the gallery.
As ever, we can't even begin to hazard a guess as to what genre Versus belongs to, how it will play, or whether or not it will be any good at all. But as an example of what the PlayStation 3 is capable of given time and budget, it should be spectacular. Whenever it arrives, that it; the fact that Square Enix didn't tease a date suggests it's a ways away....
Enganaste-te no tópico César :p

Mas gostei muito de ler isto do Versus. Pensei que não tinham mostrado nada em real-time, ficando-se pelo CG, mas pelos vistos estava errado (felizmente).
TGS 2008: Nomura on Square Enix Closed Theater

The latest FFXIII trailer includes, for the first time, character voices. All voiced scenes in the trailer are realtime and not pre-rendered, Nomura confirms.

While not sharing the actual voice actor names, Nomura does reveal that the voice of Lightening is being handled by someone with close ties to Square Enix's titles, although the character is quite different from past works.

Nomura also tells the site that the name of the male character with the bandanna will be revealed shortly through Japanese video game magazines. As a hint, he says the character's name is weather-based (we're pretty sure he's said this in the past).

IGN / Famitsu


Espero bem que mostrem algo no evento privado do PlayStation HALL amanhã. Passar uma TGS sem termos algo de relevante deste FFXIII seria mau de mais :\

Started off with the familiar TGS07 footage of the dragon-like flying creature swooping down over a stream, camera moves up to Sera (formerly Nom-chan). Camera pans and shows the world in the distance.

Changes to the airship we've seen previously. This thing is huge and small airships that resemble fish (green beams the top and bottom that are shaped like the spine in fins). The mother airship sends out green circle markers in which the airships fly through, into a docking station and slowly move to the end of the dock which takes them below.

Camera changes to another airship, this is all new footage and a new location. out of the airship a man? with a pony tail walks out, seems to be some kind of general or a leader of some organisation. We see some soldiers that we've seen in the in-game screen shots released recently, they look a bit like the Helghast from Killzone but a little more organised and scary. They're carrying a casket towards the airship with the general, looks like a black cocoon but at the end is Sera. She has a very royal-esque outfit (I feel that she may be related to royalty or something, I'll elaborate below.) She's walking with them and looks like sad.

Changes scene to a new location we seen in pictures long ago. There's a large creature or statue in the midst of a green-ish underground location. The special soldiers are surrounding the creature and the city in the background is burning, smoke is coming out of the buildings. The soldiers fire pipes or some other thing into the creature and soon after there's a thousand odd 'pipes' impaled in this thing.

Change scene: We see a beach like location, airships and carriers fly overhead, the camera is in a birds eye position and one of the airships drops 2 objects. As they fall they explode into smaller creatures(?). Camera moves to ground level and there are the clone wars lookalike soldiers running out of the small army barracks like place they have there. 2 futuristic ground vehicles arrive and the camera once again shifts to old footage.

Shortly we hear Lightnings voice. It's not a cutscene but quite a few scenes flashing in out, we see Lightning walking through the ruins with Sera and then again at the frozen location. They're being assaulted by the special soldiers. We see some fancy combat and sword transformation from Lightning and she flips back to defend. We see Mr.33CM talk with lipsync here and the trailer ends.

Dialogue: (not 100%)

Lightning: 'Carry out the mission' is what you said. You want to abandon it? What about 'your' mission?
Mr. 33cm: That's not it! I'll protect Sera and carry out the mission. That's a promise.
Lightning: Show me you can 'protect'.


Impressão bastante detalhada :)

Adorava ver este trailer :'(
Qual é o que vai ser lançado primeiro: o FF XIII ou o FF Versus XIII?

E já agora: qual dos dois é que se passará no futuro em relação ao outro?

O que vai sair 1º é o FF XIII

Agora, quanto à 2ª pergunta... acho que decorrem os 2 ao mesmo tempo... só que em partes do diferentes... são os 2 no mesmo mundo, mas em zonas diferentes...
O que vai sair 1º é o FF XIII

Agora, quanto à 2ª pergunta... acho que decorrem os 2 ao mesmo tempo... só que em partes do diferentes... são os 2 no mesmo mundo, mas em zonas diferentes...

A sério?

É que pelo o que tenho percebido e que me têm dito é que um vai-se passar cerca de 100 anos posteriormente ao primeiro.

Talvez eu esteja errado.
A sério?

É que pelo o que tenho percebido e que me têm dito é que um vai-se passar cerca de 100 anos posteriormente ao primeiro.

Talvez eu esteja errado.

Se calhar estou eu errado... eu não tenho certeza disso da história um do outro...

Não tenho andado muito atento a este tópico, porque eu já sei que vou comprar este jogo e prefiro não saber muito sobre ele... já com o MGS4 fiz o mesmo :p
Brutal, Maya FTW! :D

Bahh 3d max FTW:p Jokes ;)

Fiquei impressionado com o que vi, mas tanto a PS3 e xbox360 não irá carregar toda aquela infodata( só por secções) do que se viu no Editor Motor, como acontece nessa workstation em que vimos no video.

Mas julgo que temos aqui bomba, basta dar umas olhadelas nas imagens do motor e ficar tolo com o que conseguiram atingir.

Se calhar estou eu errado... eu não tenho certeza disso da história um do outro...

Não tenho andado muito atento a este tópico, porque eu já sei que vou comprar este jogo e prefiro não saber muito sobre ele... já com o MGS4 fiz o mesmo :p

Não é só neste tópico, é em muitos outros sites.

E sim, uma coisa é certa: irei comprar os dois FF XIII!


E o MGS4... dos melhores jogos que joguei na minha vida! Então aquela batalha final... lindo!
Qual é o que vai ser lançado primeiro: o FF XIII ou o FF Versus XIII?

E já agora: qual dos dois é que se passará no futuro em relação ao outro?

O FFXIII sai em 2009 no Japão. Provavelmente só chegará cá em 2010. Quanto ao Versus... pensando positivo somos capazes de o ter em finais de 2010, mas o melhor mesmo talvez seja apontar para 2011.

E já agora: qual dos dois é que se passará no futuro em relação ao outro?

A sério?

É que pelo o que tenho percebido e que me têm dito é que um vai-se passar cerca de 100 anos posteriormente ao primeiro.

Talvez eu esteja errado.

A única coisa que têm em comum é o tema à volta dos cristais. Isso dos 100 anos nunca foi referido, até porque os jogos não estão interligados. Deves ter confundido a informação com a de outro jogo.
O FFXIII sai em 2009 no Japão. Provavelmente só chegará cá em 2010. Quanto ao Versus... pensando positivo somos capazes de o ter em finais de 2010, mas o melhor mesmo talvez seja apontar para 2011.

A única coisa que têm em comum é o tema à volta dos cristais. Isso dos 100 anos nunca foi referido, até porque os jogos não estão interligados. Deves ter confundido a informação com a de outro jogo.

Não confundi não. Tinham-me mesmo dito isso.

Ó Manel, mas pensas que aqui o nosso Salsamix se engana?!

Ah pois...

Descrição do trailer deste TGS:

Final Fantasy XIII TGS 2008

The trailer opens with a black screen and the words "When I awoke in this world, my eternal sleep having ended, the future was set in motion." written on it.

The trailer opens with a shot of the prehistoric landscape seen in more recent trailers, likely Pulse. A colorful, winged lizard-like monster swoops through the sky, and the camera moves across a herd of adamantoise-like creatures to zoom in on the Pigtails girl, standing atop a cliff. It is a longer version of the scene shown at the end of the 2008 E3 trailer, at 3:09.

The trailer cuts to a sky scene with many smaller airships flying behind a gigantic, white and gold ship. The small ships are of the same type that are visible in the E3 trailer starting at 00:54 seconds, I believe. They are shown from a much closer distance. It's difficult to say whether or not the large is the same as the one previously seen flying, as the ship in this trailer is seen from the back. From the front it looked almost like a solid, round block, but in the back it has many more small parts to it. Glowing, stylized eye-like symbols, which Autumn Thread believes were projected by the large ship, appear over the smaller airships, and they fly in to the large ship.

More words: "Pulse's Farushi- It is there that we encounter our fates"

The trailer cuts to the previously seen scene of Siren rising from the water (E3 trailer 3:09)

Ifrit appears next. (E3 1:42)

The disk scene with pigtails girl follows, shown at 2:05 in the E3 trailer.

Another set of words: "Because we want to forget sad memories, we are always drawn to warm ones."

The trailer cuts to a scene with the giant crystalline object shown here. Cocoon soldiers fire many harpoon-like red cables into it, throwing up clouds of dust as the camera zooms in on the giant object and pans upwards.

The camera shifts to show a new character aboard a medium sized airship. A silver haired man, calm, mature-looking but not old (possibly 30s?), in what looks like an elaborately decorated military dress uniform. His hair is gathered in a ponytail. He wears a headset, and is surrounded by the armored soldiers who are enemies to Lightning and Mr. 33cm. They appear to be at his command. He removes his headset as he turns away from the camera.

At this point, the trailer shifts to a mix of scenes from previous trailers of Lightning fighting, most visible from 1:31 to 2:02 in the E3 trailer, although all gameplay scenes appear to have been cut out of the TGS trailer.

Shiva's transformation scene follows, and Mr. 33 rides his motorcycle as he did in the E3 trailer.

Here, another new scene. It is nighttime. There is an airship docked in the foreground, and the camera moves past it to a new long-haired female character in a military dress uniform of similar style to the new male character's. She has glasses. Farther back, there is a row of armored soldiers (more of the same type Lightning and Mr. 33 fight), lined up on either side of a pathway, and the pigtails girl follows a large, coffin-like object down the opposite side of the path toward the new character. Sera is not in her usual outfit; she is wearing a ceremonial-like, decorated white robe, with the hood up. She looks gloomy, and it is possible that her hands are restrained. It appears she has just come down a flight of stairs from a building.

In the next scene there are voices. I'm not sure about the location.

Lightning: What about the mission?
Mr 33cm: Wait!
Lightning: Are you already going to give up on the mission and die here?
Lightning: (You... are devoid of meaning.)
An image of the pigtails girl smiling and talking to Lightning flashes across the screen briefly. Pigtails girl has no voice in the scene.
Mr 33cm: I... absolutely will not give up! I... will complete the mission, and protect Sera! I swear it.
Lightning: Show me you can protect (Sera).

The trailer closes with the scene of Lightning and Mr. 33 facing off against the holy government's soldiers in the ice encased area seen here.