Wii No More Heroes (Grasshopper)










Fonte: http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20071102/nmh.htm

EDIT: Mais imagens:





Fonte: http://www.famitsu.com/game/coming/1211605_1407.html
Algo me diz que vai ser um jogo de culto. Pode não ser um êxito comercial, mas vai ter uma base de seguidores muito sólida.
Seria bom que vendesse mais para o "mass market" do que aparenta, no entanto, às vezes à sucessos inesperados e este é um daqueles jogos que me inclino a dizer que merece.
Pode ser que este jogo assuma um status de moda, parece merecer.

O okami é um jogo de culto que vendeu pouco e ao ser portado para a wii tudo leva a crer que vai ter esse estatuto. Pode ser um sinal de que o público da wii adere a este tipo de jogos. (sim, este não tem muito a ver com o okami mas até que tem uma certa mística em comum)
Será que vamos ter uma historia de amor no meio do jogo?!? Essa k7 assim o indica!
"We are in love..." LOL
Não sei, mas as imagens ilustradas são da Cassete VHS que se vê nums imagens e diz "Heavenly Star":

-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL2od1AF_Cs

O que raio está a fazer no jogo? será que há mais disto?
deculpem lá, mas já se sabe para que é que é aquele tigre que anda a passear nas imagens??
Não sei, mas talvez seja um indicador de combos em que fase dos mesmos está, em que modo de ataque/defesa está ou qualquer coisa do género.







Fonte: http://my.opera.com/DotEd/blog/2007/11/08/my-blood-berry-beam-katana-and-travis-touchdown-costume

O melhor é mesmo que o fulano construiu um dos "lightsabers" do jogo.
Nintendo Power já jogou o jogo até ao fim:

No More Heroes

- Nintendo Power were the first to play through the whole game, they seemed to love it and think it was completely crazy
- When Travis needs money he can stop by the job center to play minigames such as “mowing the lawn” or “carrying coconuts” to earn money
- The game’s menu is like the Atari 2600 in graphics and sound
-Travis is given/gives these words of encouragement before a boss fight at one point “You are the man! Eye of the tiger! Enter the red zone! Now, off to the garden of madness”
- Travis’s battle cry is
“Strawberry on the Shortcake!”
- The game follows a set gameplay pattern: Travis runs around town doing odd jobs and assassinations until he can afford the entry fee for the next ranked match (the bosses). After he deposits the money he gets a phone call from Sylvia and goes to the match area. Fighting through waves of enemies takes place until he meets the boss. Travis beats the boss and he gets a health boost + story update. The process then repeats
- tons of stuff to do inbetween bosses such as upgrading the beam katana, improving his stats by training, watching wrestling tapes to learn new moves and buying new clothes
- all you can really do outdoors is go from place to place, all the action takes place inside
- the tiger in the HUD stays inactive until Travis enters a “dark mode”. Then it stands up and walks across the screen signifying the time limit for the “dark mode’
- The Japanese version removes the blood and replaces it with a black spray
- There is a cat in Travis’s room that he can play with, there doesn’t seem to be an actual purpose to this though
- When Travis gets a phone call the wiimote speaker will actually ring.
- A large part of the fun of No More Heroes is the insane bosses
- NP says the game is one of the freshest and funniest games in years
Fonte: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=210256

Bom aspecto como sempre :)

Trecho da entrevista com Goichi Suda na mesma revista:

Interview: Goichi Suda (Suda 51)

-Suda started out as a scenario writer for Fire Pro Wrestling Special, in which he had the main character commit suicide at the end
- Suda named characters in No More Heroes by rhythm and sound, not meaning. Hence “Travis Touchdown”
-“No More Heroes” is a quote from the song “The Stranglers”. But also the assassins are like heroes to Travis, so if he defeats them all he won’t need heroes anymore.
-Suda would describe his games as a “Punk game” – a game with an edge.

NP: “Crazy question time: how would No More Heroes’ Travis Touchdown react if he went into a restaurant for a burger, but they were all out?!”

“That’s a funny question. Travis would say:
“Ha! For Real? ****! Wait a minute. What’s going on? Get a manager, Ben! I need to talk to the fucker. He is a loser and just a fucker. I can’t believe that burgers are all out in an American diner. I haven’t heard about that. What the ****! Where is Ben? Ha…. Ben is not here for a week because he is training at headquarters? ****! ****! ****! What the ****! What? You’re asking me for my order? I’m here to get a burger. You are a fucking dork! You’re asking me for my order? Well…can I have a cherry pie?”

Travis is a kid trapped in a man’s body

-NP: When it comes to violence in video games, everyone seems to have their own opinion about what is acceptable and what is not. Whwere do you, personally, draw the line?

This is a difficult issue. Each country has a different perspective, and acceptance for the freedom of entertainment is different in each country. Currently in Japan, the measure of restrictions of overall expression, not only violence is strict. There is a saying “do as the Romans do”. It means that if you live in Rome, it’s better to follow the rules and customs of Rome. Therefore, I basically follow the restrictions that are established in the country. I have a special consciousness in respect to the Japanese restrictions. I am not sure whether it’s important to water down the expressions extremely for children. These days you see more realistic graphics, but when human characters are injured and do not bleed, some people take them as reality, or some people consider that they can do similar things in real life without hurting others. From the position of a creator, I always think about how scary it would be if players acknowledge this as a reality.”
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