Multiplataforma Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017)

Demoraram muito para colocar um evento de xp a duplicar, precisei chegar a nível 50 para EA fazer isso. XD
Espero que esse novo conteúdo traga novos modos de jogo e que mude alguns mapas, pois no bf2 sinto que é um jogo que não importa o que vc faça só será decidido na última fase (os modos que fazemos escolta aos veículos) quero modos criativos como o modo Death star ou scarif no anterior
Já tens rank 50?? O que fazes na vida?? [emoji14] Os únicos jogadores que vi rank 50 são gamers/streamers full-time.

Fui pesquisar por curiosidade e apenas 0,30% têm o troféu PS4 do rank 50 :(

No BF2, acho a pontuação entre patamares nos ranks uma coisa estúpida! No 1 consegui o rank máximo mas neste 2 ainda "só" vou "rumo ao 37" :D

Quanto ao jogo em si, tenho outra opinião. Gosto da variedade de mapas/tipos de jogo. Acho que a maioria não tem "escolta a veículos", e os que têm variam nas fases seguintes/anteriores. Penso que o objectivo da DICE é que se atinjam o máximo de fases possíveis num jogo, para não ser curto e ter mais piada para ambas as equipas. Estão sempre a balancear/corrigir spawns nesse sentido. Mas claro que podem e devem lançar novos mapas :)

Rumores/desejos para este DLC é o modo Extraction.
Última edição:
Já tens rank 50?? O que fazes na vida??
Os únicos jogadores que vi rank 50 são gamers/streamers full-time.

You dont know the power of the dark side

Fui pesquisar por curiosidade e apenas 0,30% têm o troféu PS4 do rank 50 :(

A percentagem deve ser maior, pois esse troféu está bugado, eu tenho rank 50 e ele não veio para mim, devem corrigir no update

Também fosgosta que viesse um modo extração igual ao primeiro ou um modo de jogo em fases que se alterna entre cacas e batalha em terra.
Update 1.13!

Hi everyone,

In this hotfix we’ve made a change to pre-round timers get you into matches faster. On top of that we’ve fixed an issue where equipped Hero Emotes were not triggering, as well as fixing the Rank up bug which prevented users from getting the Rank 50 Achievement / Trophy. We’ve also fixed a few other issues.

The Star Wars Battlefront II Team

  • Lowered pre-round timer on all Game Modes from 60 to 45 seconds; Hero Showdown has been reduced to 20 seconds
  • Fixed a bug where players wouldn’t receive their Rank based Achievement / Trophy on the correct level, preventing players from getting the Rank 50 version
  • Fixed a bug where the player inside the AT-AT could be killed by many of Emperor Palpatine’s abilities
  • Fixed a bug where Leia Organa’s Boushh Appearance was not triggering the correct voice when triggering an Emote in-game
  • Fixed a bug where equipped Hero Emotes would not trigger
  • Lowered the enemies defeated requirements for Weekly Challenges from 10 to 5
  • Further improvements to hitting the target with Darth Maul’s FURIOUS THROW Ability
  • Fixed a few crash / player stuck issues
Finalmente irei receber o meu troféu de nível 50.

Só espero que em junho a segunda parte da season solo seja decente, pois trazer apenas um mapa e duas skins é vergonhoso

Edit: quando a atualização estava na parte " a efetuar cópia" demorou muito, visto que o update tem menos de 400 megas, tem acontecido com mais alguém?
Finalmente irei receber o meu troféu de nível 50.

Só espero que em junho a segunda parte da season solo seja decente, pois trazer apenas um mapa e duas skins é vergonhoso.
50... Quem me dera :D Acho que "só" vou no 38.

Esta primeira parte da nova season desiludiu-me. Ainda nem experimentei o novo modo... Não sou fã de heróis.

Mas quase de certeza que a segunda parte traz o modo Extraction :)
Última edição:
Aconteceu comigo um desastre no jogo. Simplesmente hoje quando fui um pouco de manhã reparei que perdi progresso em várias classes. Meu Officer estava a 50 e caiu para 40, bossk 25 foi para 21 e leia de 13 foi para 8. -.-

Alguém mais notou essa perda de progresso? E como faço para entare em contato com a EA? Pois no site deles só me aparece opções por chat e telefone. O chat até esse momento nunca tem "conselheiros" para me atender xD
Aconteceu comigo um desastre no jogo. Simplesmente hoje quando fui um pouco de manhã reparei que perdi progresso em várias classes. Meu Officer estava a 50 e caiu para 40, bossk 25 foi para 21 e leia de 13 foi para 8. -.-

Alguém mais notou essa perda de progresso? E como faço para entare em contato com a EA? Pois no site deles só me aparece opções por chat e telefone. O chat até esse momento nunca tem "conselheiros" para me atender xD
Não brinques comigo [emoji14] Tenho o meu Officer com nível 70 (acho que é o máximo). Joguei ontem à tarde e estava ok. Hoje não testei.

Já reiniciaste o jogo? Pode ser um bug temporário qualquer dos servidores da EA.

Googlei sobre o assunto e não encontrei queixas.
Não brinques comigo
Tenho o meu Officer com nível 70 (acho que é o máximo). Joguei ontem à tarde e estava ok. Hoje não testei.

Já reiniciaste o jogo? Pode ser um bug temporário qualquer dos servidores da EA.

Googlei sobre o assunto e não encontrei queixas.

Acho que houve qualquer manutenção no servidor essa noite, entrei em contato com o suporte mas eles foram muito vagos, disseram que sabe que está acontecendo essa falha de sincronização com o servidor. Vou aguardar alguns dias e vê o que acontece, mas confira seus herois também, pois o bossk que havia chegado a nível 25 no domingo passado voltou a 21, e a leia estava a 13 foi para 8.

Tenho de mais logo verificar os créditos, pois tinha quase 350 mil.
Release Notes - Han Solo Season Update 2


  • Han Solo - Corellia Escape (Legendary)
  • Han Solo - Beckett’s Crew (Legendary)
  • Lando - Professional "Sportsman" (Legendary)
  • Lando - Raconteur (Legendary)
  • Chewbacca - Vandor Heist (Epic)
  • Added Kessel as a new location
  • Added new Extraction game mode playable on Kessel and Jabba's Palace
  • Added Kessel to Blast, HvV, Hero Showdown, and Arcade
  • Added Lando's Millennium Falcon as a playable Vehicle
  • Removed the holograms from the deploy and MVP screens
  • Implemented a Character Inspector in the Collection screens
  • Timed Challenges are now displayed and accessible from the Home screen

Emperor Palpatine
  • Fixed an issue where the CHAIN LIGHTNING Ability was not doing damage
Captain Phasma
  • The FIRST ORDER SENTRY DROID now only lasts for 5 seconds after Captain Phasma has been defeated
Lando Calrissian
  • Fixed an issue where the DISABLER failed to stun enemies
  • Fixed an issue where the DISABLER would sometimes affect friendlies
  • Fixed an issue where Rey could DASH through a lightsaber block

  • Fixed an issue where an equipped Trooper Appearance was not applied when deploying into Vehicles
  • Updated the lock-on logic to now warn a player whenever an item is locking-on to them, not just when the weapon has already locked-on
  • Combat Roll is blocked for a brief period when activating TOUGHEN UP so as to prevent discrepancies between animation, audio, and the Ability's activation
  • Fixed an issue where the Marksman Star Card incorrectly reset the Sentry Ability duration on headshot kills; Marksman is only intended to affect heat-based weapons
  • Gave the Ion Torpedo 3 shots per magazine instead of 1 to make it more reliable against air targets
  • Increased Ion Torpedo damage to make it more reliable against vehicles overall
  • Slightly reduced damage of the SE-44C and Blurrg-1120 with the intention to make these less viable in a situation where an Assault Rifle should be better suited
  • Slightly reduced the flash duration of the FLASH GRENADE
  • Fixed an issue where the IMPROVED FLASH GRENADE inadvertently caused a longer flash duration than the default version

Health Changes

We've increased the Specialist's health to be in line with the Officer and Assault classes. The intent with this change is to bring the Specialist's kill/death ratio up in line with the other Trooper Classes and to give Specialists the chance to improve their average score-per-minute as both values were the lowest of all the classes.
  • Base health increased from 100 to 150
  • Health regeneration per second decreased from 60 to 30
Sprint Recovery

When looking at the Specialist, one thing to note is that the intended gameplay is not for players to sprint and fire. As such we've slightly increased the sprint recovery penalty with all Specialist primary weapons. This now means that a Specialist will be somewhat slower to fire the first shot with their primary weapon when coming out of sprint.

This should also give other classes (except Heavy) a slight advantage when sprinting around a corner and suddenly meeting an enemy Specialist. For reference, the sprint recovery speeds are stack-ranked per weapon type as follows:
  1. Pistols (Officer)
  2. Rifles (Assault)
  3. Longblasters (Specialist)
  4. Heavy blasters (Heavy)
  • Reduced deploy time on rocket launchers from 1 to 0.8 seconds to make the timing, from activation to firing, snappier
  • Increased the time the player has control over the jump pack, giving them better air control while in the air

  • Fixed an issue on PC where after shooting the MTT with the ION Disruptor, a "Playing the Objective" scoring event was shown after each respawn
  • Improved player rewards for completing objectives on the map
  • Fixed an issue where the Last Stand effect was not working on Jabba's Palace if one enemy was killed before dying
  • Fixed an issue with the Starfighter Arcade end-of-round screen where after a round of Starfighter Arcade had been completed the "Challenge Summary" screen was blank
  • Fixed an issue on Co-op Battle Scenarios where the enemy AI didn't engage the player at first sight
  • Fixed an issue in Starfighter Arcade - Onslaught where if one of the players was in the deploy screen after being defeated, time and kills were not tracked for either player
  • Fixed an issue in the Tutorial Mission where the AI would randomly die without any reason
  • Fixed an issue in split-screen where one of the players would not be able to deploy with any Character if both players tried to deploy with the same Hero at the start
  • Fixed an issue on Takodana where Boba Fett could reach an invisible collision platform behind the castle where no other Hero could get to
  • Fixed an issue where players were sometimes respawned near enemies
  • Revised the HUD to show the timer permanently and changed the countdown timer circle to count each second when there is 30 seconds left
  • Now if time ends and both teams have the same score, it's a draw
  • Revised the HUD to show the timer permanently and changed the countdown timer circle to count each second when there is 30 seconds left
  • Now if time ends and both teams have the same score, it's a draw
  • Added a kill log
  • Polished the Ewok jump attack
  • Updated audio near the end of a match to build up when the shuttle comes
  • Reduced the starting Score bonus for the first Ewok
  • Created a different crosshair color when under the effects of VALIANT HORN
  • Revised crate pickup locations so that there are less weapons in the cave
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes a Stormtrooper would change to an Ewok after dying by his own grenade
  • Decreased ***** interaction area, so that Ewoks don't activate ***** entrance by accident
  • Added in-world markers to the treetop exits for Ewoks to provide a better understanding of which door to take
  • Improved the combat area for both Hero Showdown and Heroes vs. Villains on Endor
  • Improved the spawn area for Imperials on Hoth during Strike
  • Fixed an issue where jumping up on and behind some pipes would get the player stuck on Jabba's Palace
  • Fixed an issue where Yoda could get stuck between the Rancor body and the cave wall on Jabba's Palace
  • Added the missing Gamorrean Guards in Jabba's Palace
  • Added Animation to the XP bar when ranking up
  • Implement additional matchmaking information in the end-of-round
  • Fixed an issue on consoles where players could encounter an infinite black loading screen if quitting the server when the planet was shown during the end-of-round
  • Fixed an issue on PC where Chewbacca couldn't use any Emote in Arcade if the Wookie Smuggler appearance was equipped
  • Adjusted the Credit pay out for time spent in match by reducing the Time bonus by 20% in order to give more weight to actions during a match
Essas novidades ainda não estão disponíveis? Que pena :(
Gostei de ter um novo modo, pena ser uma repetição do primeiro. Mas ainda aguardo pelo update onde vão trazer a skin do anakin para o Vader :banjump::banjump: