[Wii] Dewy's Adventure

Um problema deste jogo deve ser a câmara certo? É que nunca pára quieta :lol:
bom, ela mexe um bocado, mas não me pareceu sobrepor-se à acção ou prejudicá-la, até gostei. (mas não sei, é capaz de confundir um pouco inicialmente)

Entrevista com o director:

Where did the idea of Dewy come from?

Ray Hiyoshi:
The producer and team in Japan that designed it is a socially responsible group. We saw that with Elebits which was kind of about conserving energy and this game is an eco friendly game indirectly about keeping the world clean, safe and making the world a better place. I think that was how the concept came about. To create a game like this, make it cute and friendly.

But why did the team decide to make him a water droplet?

That’s a good question, I actually don’t know why a water droplet. I mean they decided to make something that looked cute. I don’t know why the team came up with a water droplet to be honest with you.

I always thought one of the most creative parts about Dewy is that he is a water droplet, which lets the player freeze him and vaporize him.

I think that might have been the reason why because as you were saying you can control every aspect of you world. You don’t actually control Dewy, you actually control the world to move Dewy. The water droplet was a simple way to show that being able to turn him into ice and different forms.

How long has Dewy been in development for?

I think the concept started even before Elebits released. The idea had much earlier before Elebits and development started before Elebits did. It is much more robust, Elebits was a launch title With Dewey we had time work on it and make it a much more robust game.

Can you tell us a little bit about the multiplayer part?

The multiplayer is up to four players. Basically it is a co-op type of game. You play with four Dewys on a split screen. There is also an edit mode where you can edit a map and upload it on Wii Connect and let your friends download it.

Just like Elebits?

Just like Elebits.
Fonte: http://www.siliconera.com/2007/08/03/develping-dewy-the-konami-chat/

2 Artworks:


-> http://one.revver.com/watch/351875/flv/affiliate/86387 (video preview)
-> http://gametrailers.com/player/23142.html (2nd Japanese Trailer)

O jogo está lindo :') não sei mesmo é como é que vou arranjar dinheiro para isto tudo até ao natal :X
Top 10 reasons why Dewy’s Adventure completely rocks

-> http://one.revver.com/watch/359780/flv/affiliate/86387

:-D @ reason 10


Revogamers: Dewy's Adventure takes the tilting control method from ball games like Monkey Ball or Koroninpa and uses it on a platform/adventure game in a unique way. How did you get to this concept?

Shingo Mukaitoge:
Initially I had the same ideas like tilting the ground but if that's all it's the same as other games... so the thing is that it has more features like changing the temperature, getting the earthquake happen, getting the wind happen and to solve puzzles with those things, so then creating a new game.

RG: We played Dewy's at last E3, and we were fascinated by the great balance between speed and control, but it wasn't so easy to do the right attack. Are we gonna die many times in your game?

I think it's a bit difficult game. If you try again and again, then you will be really good at controlling it and you will find it very enjoyable. So trying again and again is the point.

RG: Which has been the most difficult point in the developing process of Dewy's Adventure? And which part of Dewy's Adventure are you proudest of?

The difficult point was "how to use the Wii Remote". First I was thinking to hold not horizontally but vertically... thinking of stuff like this (jumping by lifting the Wiimote) but it was really more difficult than we have now. And then it was... yeah! You can hold it this way (horizontal) and this way I really had an idea that I could play better. And I'm really proud that I found that I can hold this way!. At the same time what I think I'm proud of is that -same as Elebits- I can work with WiiConnect24 and have online features, and I also can edit stages and send them to friends and... do you know the Wii Message Board? Well, Dewy's Adventure hints will be sent to the Message Board and you can check them.

RG: Speaking about Elebits, its concept was also an original concept with innovative controls, have you considered using it again?

(Laughs) Shhhhhhht, no comment.

RG: Dewy's Adventure is one of the best looking games for Wii, but it seems it's not selling well at all in Japan...

How do you know? (Laughs)

RG: ...Are you disappointed with Wii consumer?

The release date was the same as Mario Party was, Mario Party 8. And Mario Party is really really selling well.

RG: But this isn't more of the same. Not the 8th part of a series.

Japanese might like the series, they think it's safe.

RG: So then, do you expect a better performing in Europe and America than in Japan, as it was with Elebits?

(Laughs) I want Japan first, absolutely. First Japan, but I really want to sell it in Europe and USA.

RG: We hope so. This, Z&W, Mario Galaxy seem to be what we call a Wii-feeling game, which is something that combines clever use of the Wiimote and ground up design and gameplay. Are we seeing more games like this from your studio?

Yes, definitely. (laughs and jokes)

RG: Not many developers are using advanced graphical techniques on Wii such as normal mapping, but you do. How hard is developing a good visual game for Wii? Is it that difficult?

No, it's really easy. But I think that Wii can do similar level that PS3 or XBOX360 do.

RG: And the last question is a poll for our readers: What's your favorite Wii game or project?

(Laughs) Oh, has it to be Wii? Not Wii, but the game I really looking for is the DS Zelda. I think is perfect

RG: Ok, thank you very much (and Dewy!)

Thank you very much
Fonte: http://www.revogamers.net/articulos-186-Shingo-Mukaitoge-responde-sobre-Dewy-y-Elebits-4.html
Última edição:
Mantenho a minha impressão de sempre:

Dewy's Adventure is too cute for adults and too frustrating for kids.

^ Óptimo, frustrante quer dizer que é dificil... e Cute... é mesmo que eu espero do jogo ^^

E nos contras à parte do "cute demais ao ponto de fazer a pessoa violenta" dá mais a impressão que eles não gostam é de jogos deste género... e do "in-game advertising"... Nos loadings... Não é que adore... mas couldn't care less; foi a maneira que eles arranjaram de dar advertising real ao jogo dado que essa marca de agua fez publicidade ao jogo; se tirarem isso para a Europa melhor.

Quanto à critica aos controlos, esses sim podem-me diminuir a experiencia, sendo pois a unica critica justificada que eles fazem no sumário; dito isto... espero para experimentar; também diziam mal dos controlos do Sonic Wii e outros jogos bons (e dificeis).

Mas provavelmente já não compro este jogo este ano, demasiados jogos para comprar; mas para o ano mal apanhe um espaço aberto... ^^

EDIT: Impressões do siliconera:

Overall, Dewy's Adventure is fun, charming, and unique. The strange premise and colorful design will undoubtedly turn some gamers away, but those who can look past that are in for a tremendously entertaining experience. The Wii is very much in need of new, original IP's, and Dewy's Adventure is an excellent example of how one should be done. It utilizes the Wii's strong points, such as the controls, and downplays it's weaknesses, by having great art design. Personally, I really enjoy playing Dewy's Adventure. It has that "just one more level" appeal to it. It's really very hard to put down once you start playing. It seems that it's not getting very much attention, however, and that's disheartening. This is really a very, very fun game, and deserves your attention. It might be difficult to track down a copy, but it's definitely worth it.
Fonte: http://www.siliconera.com/2007/10/08/dewys-adventure-playtest/ (resto aqui, e vale a pena ler... para quem está interessado no jogo)

Confio muito mais em pessoas que não começam logo a cuspir no estilo do jogo e classificá-lo face a isso a um gamespot à procura de defeitos num jogo para com o qual, muito honestamente, tenho expectativas "simpáticas". (espero a mesma qualidade de um Eledees/Elebits, que é da mesma equipa)

Entrevista com o Director do jogo:

-> http://www.gametrailers.com/player/26753.html

Outra Entrevista:

So tell us a bit about Dewy's Adventure, it's just out now in the States.

Shingo Mukaitouge:
You can actually control the environment, not the character. You can tilt the ground, or change the temperature. You can shake it to make wind, or even earthquakes. You solve puzzles throughout the game by moving and changing the environment.

This is out on the Wii but will it be out on the DS or any other platforms?

No, it's only out on the Wii. Right now we don't have any plans for any other platforms.

So what were the challenges in developing this game for the Wii?

Adjusting the controller and programming for it, especially when you are controlling the entire environment and not just the character. That was very hard and took a lot of time.

Was it easier developing this game since you had already worked on Elebits?

Well, Elebits was meant to be a launch title for the Wii, and we were very pressed for time. With Dewy's Adventure, I actually started working on it at the same time I started on Elebits, so we had a lot more time to work on that. In terms of graphics, it is much more advanced than Elebits.

It was much easier working on Dewy's because we'd learned how to program for the Wii and that let us be able to try some new things.

So what are you working on next? Any sequels for Elebits or Dewy's Adventures?

Well, I'm working on some titles, but I can't tell you! It's a secret.

So what systems do you play on at home?

Of course, the Wii, the PS3, and the Xbox 360. I enjoy a lot of games on all of the systems. I started with the Xbox 360, and wanted and PS3. Once they finally dropped the price on the PS3 I decided to pick one up.

Would you ever develop a game for the Xbox 360 or the PS3?

That's a hard question to answer, because of some secret projects we're working on... but I would love to work on those systems!
Fonte: http://www.joystiq.com/2007/10/24/joystiq-interview-elebits-and-dewys-adventure-producer-shingo/
Última edição:
É pena que a maior parte catalogue logo este jogo como "kiddie stuff". Pelo que vi e já experimentei do jogo, parece-me 5 estrelas. O controlo do bonequinho tem a sua curva de aprendizagem, mas rapidamente se torna fluído com a acção. É pena é o jogo estar a 40-60eur na maior parte das lojas, se bem que a Game está agora com uma promoção online por 20eur, sem portes. Recomendo que aproveitem se fôr o vosso género de jogo! Ainda assim, encomendei-o pelo eBay por 18 eur já com portes. Mal posso esperar para que chegue. Sou viciado em plataformas! Se alguém depois quiser uma review mais detalhada e fotos no HD, let me know!
Última edição:
^ Tenho o jogo e gosto imenso dele por acaso; a mecânica não é perfeita e podia ter uns ajustes para ser mais friendly (por exemplo um butão para cancelar certas acções que são accionadas de forma automatica via proximidade), um sistema de catapultas on-rail, um travão "fixo" (enquanto pressionado o dewy não anda) e possivelmente uma posição intermédia entre o dewy estar na plataforma ou fora dela (equivalente ao empoleirar, em outros jogos, sendo que para cair seria necessário pressionar a tecla para baixo do D-pad ou algo do género. Algumas destas coisas não serão defeitos no entanto, apenas abordagens ao design do jogos

Mas fora isto... não tenho muito a apontar, gostei bastante.
Desculpem mas este jogo fala mesmo sobre o que?
Nunca o vi a venda alguem podia por aqui a capa?
Falar? não sei se fala de algo em concreto... é um jogo tipo marble mania meets plataforming e Zelda por estranho que a combinação pareça, tens niveis de plataformas controlados com o estilo tabuleiro de marble mania... e no fim tens bosses.

A boxart está na primeira pagina, creio (embora possivelmente não a Europeia)
I_Eat_All não podes dar uma opiniao mais elaborada acerca do jogo? É que realmente 19€ até é uma considerável pechincha!! :)

Tive a ver as imagens na primeira página e fogo já me tinha esquecido que o jogo era assim tão bonito!
I_Eat_All não podes dar uma opiniao mais elaborada acerca do jogo? É que realmente 19€ até é uma considerável pechincha!! :)

Tive a ver as imagens na primeira página e fogo já me tinha esquecido que o jogo era assim tão bonito!
hmmm... Elaborada em que sentido?

Especificar os downfalls que referi? por exemplo quando estás muito proximo de uma flor fechada (pensa nelas como 1 canhão do Mario 64) ela engole-te... e não podes cancelar a acção, tens de aceitar ser catapultado; não tens nem limite de tempo para seres liberto, nem um botão que cancele a acção; também quando saltas, tens de controlar o salto via motion sensing, a aterragem... o que pode levar a acidentes posteriores; ou mesmo erro de calculo de perspectiva da tua parte... que teriam sido resolvidos caso fosse um processo automatizado de ponto a ponto.

Fora isso... na altura em que o joguei considerei que tinha bosses muito bons, reminiscentes até do Wind Waker, e os niveis em si são bastante variáveis havendo frequentemente elementos novos (ex: cordas para deslizar, elevadores, rebentos que se transformam em folhas/plataformas, etc)

Acho que vale bem 19 euros para quem gosta deste tipo de jogos.