Windows Live Messenger 8 [Final]

vou instalar essa a ver se a encotnro... para ver se ja funciona :)

ja agora onde posso sacar essa nova versao? no nem no oficial encontro nada a falar dessa nova versao...
Última edição:
SwimmerBoy disse:
Sabes-me dizer se o plus trás alguma maneira de costumizar os nomes?? Mesmo pelo PLUS...
sinceramente ainda nao fui personalizar o meu... instalei ontem mas ainda nao fiz praticamente nada.
assim q chegar a casa tento e posto...
SwimmerBoy disse:
Sabes-me dizer se o plus trás alguma maneira de costumizar os nomes?? Mesmo pelo PLUS...
se clicares com o botao direito no contacto podes escolher "adicionar alcunha" e mudar o nome do contacto...
nao sei se era isto que querias mas julgo que sim...
cintia disse:
se clicares com o botao direito no contacto podes escolher "adicionar alcunha" e mudar o nome do contacto...
nao sei se era isto que querias mas julgo que sim...

Não...Isso é uma caracteristica do WLM... O novo plus fala de alguma coisa sobre nomes costumizados?
resposta da microsoft ao meu problema.

"Hi Freeza,

Thank you for contacting Windows Live Messenger Technical Support. My name is Mel and I'll be glad to assist you with your concern.

I understand that after formatting your PC, Windows Live Messenger has stopped working and takes a long time to sign in. When it does, you find that you only have four contacts, when you actually have almost 100 and they are all offline, even when they are not. Sometimes it said that you have an invalid nickname and crashed too. You have since gone back to using MSN Messenger 7.5 in the meantime. I realize how odd this situation might seem, but let me assure you that this issue can be fixed right away.

Freeza, I use Windows Live Messenger myself and I know how inconvenient it is when a product isn’t working the way it should, especially if you need it to communicate with family and friends, and also to make new friends online. That is why I will be more than happy to resolve this issue for you the quickest way possible.

You may be experiencing this concern because a cache file in Windows Live Messenger may be corrupted. To give you an overview of the resolution to this issue, you need to make sure that you have not deleted your contacts through another program that uses the same address book such as Hotmail and update your contact list.

What I can do for you is provide you with the following instructions. I know how this can be quite tedious and confusing but I would appreciate your patience in accomplishing each step. They are lengthy but helpful and it is important that you follow them carefully in the order shown to ensure the issue is resolved.

Try the following solution:

1. If you have a Hotmail, an MSN Messenger, or a Windows Live Messenger address, the contact list that appears in Messenger is also shared by Hotmail. Therefore, if you delete a contact from the Hotmail address book, that contact will also be deleted from the Messenger contact list. Alternatively, if you are using the MSN client program or Outlook Express to access your Hotmail Inbox, deleting contacts in Outlook Express can delete the contacts from Messenger. If this is not the case, skip to the next step.

2. If your contact list is empty or incomplete after you upgrade to Windows Live Messenger, the cached contact list may not have updated correctly. To update your contact list, follow these steps:

a. Change Windows Explorer settings

i. Right click on the "Start" button and choose "Explore" from the short-cut menu to open the "Windows Explorer" window.

ii. In the "Windows Explorer" window , click on the "Tools" menu followed by "Folder Options". Click on the "View" tab. In the Advanced settings list, check "Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck the option "Hide extensions for known file types" under Hidden files and folders. Click on "OK" to close the "Folder Options" window.

iii. In the "Windows Explorer" window, click on the "View" menu followed by "Explorer bar" and ensure that the "Folders" option is checked. This will ensure that you are able to see the folder list on the left side of the Windows Explorer window.

b. Try to delete the Contacts Cache folder to resolve the issue by following the steps below:

i. Right click on the "Start" button, choose "Explore" from the short-cut menu to open the "Windows Explorer" window.

ii. In the "Windows Explorer" window, go to the Folder list on the left pane and navigate to the folder C:\Documents and Settings\<Your Windows logon name>\Contacts\<Your Messenger email address> where <Windows Logon name> is the login name you use to sign into windows and <Your Messenger email address> is the address that you use to sign into Messenger

iii. Delete all the files that are within the <Your Messenger email address> folder.

iv. Right click on the "Start" button, choose "Explore" from the short-cut menu to open the "Windows Explorer" window.

v. In the "Windows Explorer" window, go to the Folder list on the left pane and navigate to the folder C:\Documents and Settings\<Your Windows logon name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts\<Your Messenger email address> where <Windows Logon name> is the login name you use to sign into windows and <Your Messenger email address> is the address that you use to sign into Messenger.

vi. Delete the "real" and the "shadow" folders that are within the <Your Messenger email address> folder.

c. Try to sign in to Messenger again.

d. If this does not resolve your issue, the connection to the Server that stores your address book information may be unavailable. Please try again after sometime to see if the issue is resolved. If it persists, we request you to sign into Web Messenger at and use the Messenger services as we work towards resolving the connection issues to the Address Book servers.

3. Each user who signs in to Messenger has a contact list. If the user is signed in with a Microsoft domain e-mail address, that user's contact list is shared between Hotmail and Messenger. The MSN policy is to delete an inactive user’s address from other users' contact lists after 60 days of inactivity. This does not apply to inactive MSN paying subscribers or to inactive Hotmail Extra Storage subscribers.

If a contact has disappeared from your contact list, that person may not have signed in to Messenger or used that Hotmail account or that MSN account for more than 60 days. However, the associated Windows Live ID may still be valid. To communicate with that contact again, you must again add that contact to your contact list.

a. Re-add contacts from your allow list to Contact list:

i. Sign in to Messenger.

ii. On the "Tools" menu, click "Options," and then click "Privacy."

iii. Right-click each contact on the Allow List, and then click "Add to Contact list." If the contact is not on your Allow List, add the contact:

- In the main MSN Messenger window, click "Add a Contact" on the "Contacts" menu.

- Follow the steps in the wizard to add the contact.

If, after performing these steps the issue persists, please generate the Messenger connectivity log based on your version of Windows Live Messenger and send it back to us along with your reply. Generating this log is not a troubleshooting step that will help you fix the error. This log contains records of system errors and program failures your computer may be experiencing with Windows Live Messenger. This will help us know more about the error, thus helping us correctly diagnose the concern and resolve it for you right away.

What I can do for you is provide you with a few steps and it is important that you follow these steps carefully in the order shown to correctly generate the log needed. Once you have generated the log, attach it to your e-mail reply to us or paste it into the body of your e-mail reply.

To generate the Windows Live Messenger connectivity log:

1. Delete the existing connection log file:

Note: If connection logging is not already turned on, you will not see the MsnMsgr.txt file. If you cannot find this file, go to step 2.

a. On the "File" menu, click "Open Received Files" to open the My Received Files folder.

b. Exit Windows Live Messenger if you are already signed in by right-clicking the Windows Live Messenger icon in the notification area at the far right of the taskbar, and then clicking "Exit."

c. Go back to the My Received Files folder. Select the MsnMsgr.txt file, and then press DELETE.

Note: If connection logging is not already turned on, you will not see the MsnMsgr.txt file.

2. Turn on connection logging, if this feature is not already turned on:

a. Start Windows Live Messenger, but do not sign in.

b. On the "Tools" menu, click "Options."

c. In the "Options" dialog box, click "Connection."

d. If you are using MSN Messenger 7.5 or Windows Live Messenger, click "Advanced Settings."

e. Under "Connection Logging," make sure that the "Save a log of my server connections to help troubleshoot connection problems" check box is selected.

f. Close the "Options" dialog box.

3. Sign in to Windows Live Messenger again. The new connectivity log file, MSNMsgr.txt, is generated in the folder that is described in step 1.

I hope these steps help you resolve your concern with Windows Live Messenger.

For additional information regarding Windows Live Messenger and some basic how to steps, go to the Help menu of Windows Live Messenger and click on Help Topics or simply press F1 on Windows Live Messenger main window or in any Windows Live Messenger conversation window.

If you need further assistance with Windows Live Messenger, you may contact us at or visit for additional information, self-help instructions and to know more about the features of Windows Live Messenger.

Thank you for contacting Windows Live Messenger Technical Support. Have a great day.


Windows Live Messenger Technical Support"
SwimmerBoy disse:
Não...Isso é uma caracteristica do WLM... O novo plus fala de alguma coisa sobre nomes costumizados?

eu andei a ver la no plus e realmente nao tem la aquela opção antiga do plus...que dava para personalizar os nomes de todos os contactos...
Roadster_Brabus disse:
WOW, bela resposta enlatada que te deram :D

O importante é que funcione e resolva o bug. Dá aí feedback sobre se resolveu ou não :P
hehe yah, ve-se mesmo que aquila treta tem montes de regras e linhas guia, mas a cena é que sim, resolveu o problema :) portanto pessoal que tinha a mm cena que eu... leiam mas passem o inicio á frente que é mm aquele discurso á coorporation.
Eu acho que estes problemas são dos servidores da microsoft e não do software,pq quando instalei esta versão nunca tive problemas so passado umas semanas começou a ficar maluco,mas agora parece ter voltado ao normal.

vejam o que encontrei neste site:

Problemas com Windows Live Messenger

[Editado 21/07 às 09:30]: Segundo a Equipe do Windows Live Messenger, o problema do "sumiço" de contatos foi reparado. Lembrando que os contatos que sumiram da sua lista por causa desta falha não foram deletados.

Um número significativo de usuários tem nos contactado reportando problemas com o Windows Live Messenger. Segundo fontes não-oficiais, a Microsoft teria reconhecido tais bugs e estaria trabalhando para consertá-los o mais rápido possível.

Veja aqui uma lista dos mais recorrentes:
- Ao colocar a seta do mouse em cima do ícone perto ao relógio, aparece Erro de conexão
- Aparece na parte superior da lista de contatos: "Devido a problemas de conexão, é possível que as mudanças realizadas nesse equipamento, não sejam aplicadas em outros." Por exemplo, ao mudar seu nick, alguns contatos poderão continuar vendo o antigo;
- Não aparece nenhum contato em sua lista;
- Aparecem apenas alguns contatos (eles não foram deletados);
- O Messenger demora muito para fazer o login (mais de 2 minutos em alguns casos);
- Não consegue iniciar sessão.

Enquanto o problema não é solucionado de fato ou algum pronunciamento oficial é feito, a solução é ter paciência e tentar aguardar uns minutos e entrar novamente.

[Editado às 13:20h]: No Space oficial do Windows Live Messenger, o MessengerSays, a equipe confirma apenas o problema de "sumiço" dos contatos e afirma que os mesmos não foram deletados e que estão trabalhando nisso.

Fique de olho no MessBrasil para qualquer novidade
Dumb question alert!

Eu queria mudar o tamanho da letra da conversação do messenger, mas quando faço isso ele aumenta a da pessoa com quem estou a falar e das notificações, tipo "xpto diz:"

Já tentei várias combinações e não consigo o que quero, mas também não sei se é possível fazê-lo.
txt disse:
Dumb question alert!

Eu queria mudar o tamanho da letra da conversação do messenger, mas quando faço isso ele aumenta a da pessoa com quem estou a falar e das notificações, tipo "xpto diz:"

Já tentei várias combinações e não consigo o que quero, mas também não sei se é possível fazê-lo.
o que tu tas a dizer axo k nao é possivel de fazer.. ao alterares o tamanho da letra aumentas tanto o tamanho da tua como do contacto com kem tas a falar
Em relação aos sons que por vezes não tocam, desliguei a placa de som (soundblaster live) e liguei o som onboard (ac97) e agora os sons tocam perfeitamente. Que raio. 8o