Xbox Zoo Tycoon

A lista de animais não me parece assim tão pequena!
É lançado quando?

Não é pequena mas tem variedade onde não é precisa (6 macaws?) e depois falta onde faria mais sentido. Além disso acho/adivinho que certas omissões mais importantes estão guardadas para dlcs.

A versão 360 sai daqui a 8 dias, supostamente, e não encontrei confirmação oficial ainda. (É a data americana e a da *****.) A da One sai no mesmo dia que a consola.

Eu vou comprar a versão 360 brevemente, mas quero primeiro saber se vale a pena ou não esperar que baixe o preço.
isto vem carregadinho de dlc's e aí sim vai haver uma grande lista de animais. faltam aí os animais aquáticos tipo tubarões, focas, golfinhos... mais variedade de répteis. até animais de quinta como vacas, cavalos, cabras etc... adorei o 2 em particular, passei horas a jogar :)
isto vem carregadinho de dlc's e aí sim vai haver uma grande lista de animais. faltam aí os animais aquáticos tipo tubarões, focas, golfinhos... mais variedade de répteis. até animais de quinta como vacas, cavalos, cabras etc... adorei o 2 em particular, passei horas a jogar :)

Isso provavelmente serão consideradas "expansões" como nos jogos de pc.

Eu sou mais do tempo do primeiro. :cool:
A Media Thread do fórum da Frontier Developments, a produtora do jogo:


Zoo Tycoon Media Thread


Zoo Tycoon Gameplay and Commentary (Bros With Fros 07/11/2013)
Zoo Tycoon Preview Interview (GamerHub TV 07/11/2013)
Creating a Lion Habitat (IGN 06/11/2013)
Zoo Tycoon Preview (AtomixVG 06/11/2013)
Gamescom 10 minute Gameplay Demonstration (IGN 20/08/2013)
Zoo Tycoon Announcement Trailer (10/06/2013)


List of Zoo Tycoon's 101 Animals (IGN 06/11/2013)
'We had a goal to make the prettiest animals in gaming' (Eurogamer 07/11/2013)
Zoo Tycoon Preview (Shacknews 06/11/2013)
Xbox One Game Extravaganza (Arstechnica 06/11/2013)
An Inside Look at Zoo Tycoon (Xbox Wire 10/07/2013)
Zoo Tycoon aiming to have 'the most beautiful animals, zoos in gaming' (Polygon 22/08/2013)
Zoo Tycoon Xbox One preview: If we could talk with the animals (Pocket-lint 26/08/2013)

A lista de achievements aqui.
E a tread no reddit.
Ainda não pesquisei bem sobre este jogo, mas alguém me pode esclarecer do que se trata isto? Objectivo do jogo, etc?

Pelo que tenho percebido o jogo terá duas vertentes/modos. Um que consiste em gerir um zoo, construindo "exposições" de animais e gerindo-os e á economia do zoo. Terá um modo semi-automático em que o zoo se gere quase sozinho e tu podes passear pelo zoo como tratador. Esta parte terá semelhanças com o Kinect Disneyland Adventures.

A versão One terá integração kinect, multiplayer, mais animais e outras coisas que estarão ausentes da versão 360.
Fiquei interessado no jogo, até porque há muito que quero um jogo do género parece- me ser divertido. Para fugir um bocado aos jogos de guerra, etc.
Could the next-gen be the nice-gen? If so, Zoo Tycoon is a good start

Microsoft’s launch line-up for the Xbox One is awfully stabby. At a preview event in London last week, I wandered from stall to stall, checking off hands-ons and interviews with the triple-A titles like Dead Rising 3 and Ryse, but on the list of interviewees there was a game that I’m now quite embarrassed to say I’d never heard of. Zoo Tycoon? What’s that, a game about stabbing lemurs? Kicking penguins? Pulling the wings off an eagle?
None of the above, it turns out. It’s a lovely game about building a great big zoo, filling it with all sorts of exotic animals and feeding them apples with the Kinect. No-one gets pushed into an enclosure and ripped apart by Kodiaks, no-one ragdollises on the front of a zoo buggy and leaves bloody tyre tracks on the paths. The most violent thing I could do was use a water hose to spray an elephant in the face – which it turns out elephants love, the masochists.
After chopping up the enemies of Rome and ploughing through the undead on a motorbike-cum-steamroller, Zoo Tycoon was a breath of fresh air I didn’t know I needed. It’s a complete reversal of pervading wisdom on this generation that making things nastier – more realistically gory, more wincingly violent – will make me like a game more. Games like Ryse want me to like them because they’re horrible – loud, crass, swaggering things dripping blood and machismo. Zoo Tycoon wants me to like it because it’s nice.

One of the first things Microsoft Studios Studio Manager Jorg Neumann told me as I sat plonking down enclosures for my park was that the team at Frontier Developments were focussed on getting the “most beautiful animals in gaming” (has there ever been a nicer mission statement than that?). We zoomed in on a giraffe to have a closer look at its mane, all bristly and shiny in 1080p, and the giraffe twitched its ears. “We spent hundreds of hours watching YouTube videos to get the animations just right,” says Neumann. “We really geeked out.”

The team also put in the hours with animal charities and National Geographic, so that each animal’s bio correctly reflected what it eats, how it lives and how much mankind is tarmacing over its habitat – just like in a real zoo. It’s like directing your own Attenborough documentary, but all the animals get along and never die from exposure.
Finally, Neumann and his team want to use the game as tool to protect nature. “Zoos are about two things,” he says, “education and conservation.” That’s why the developers have an agreement in place whereby once a set number of players complete challenges in the game (like releasing a certain number of rhinos into the virtual wild, for example), Microsoft will make a real-world donation to the relevant animal charity or zoo. Which, as far as I know, doesn’t happen in Dead Rising.

The sad thing is, Zoo Tycoon will probably suffer from launching alongside its bigger, bloodier Day One cousins. Even at the preview event, while the triple-A titles had multiple screens and consoles set up so people could play in waves, Zoo Tycoon had a single, lonely booth. Seen on a shelf or a pre-order list, it’d be easy to assume that it was the token ‘family-friendly’ launch game – something for the kids to have a go on before they go to bed and mum and dad can get back to the grown-up business of sticking swords through people’s faces. It made me think: when did being nice become something juvenile?
It also made me wonder if I’ve ever played a ‘nice’ big budget game before. Certainly on this generation the pickings are slim: even the Lego games use death as a fail state, albeit a temporary, cartoonish one. LittleBigPlanet has spike traps. I run people off the road in racers. Even going back to childhood and my Sega Mega Drive, Simba got trampled to death in The Lion King and Aladdin could tumble into bottomless pits. I thought I had a winner with SimCity, but the only reason my ten-year-old self played that was to build a sprawling Utopia then bring on an alien apocalypse. That’s practically genocide.
That makes Zoo Tycoon the nicest (non-indie) game I’ve ever played – winner by default, champion in a one-horse race. I hope it sets a precedent. For months we have, as gamers, been asking what’s new about next-gen, and the answers we’ve had have unanimously fallen somewhere on the (slightly dull and predictable) spectrum of bigger-prettier-and-online-ier. But wouldn’t it be great if the answer was ‘it’s going to be nicer’? Not less fun or less challenging, just a bit less ‘do-this-or-you’ll-die’ and a bit more ‘do-this-because-it’s-lovely’. More fur, less dismemberment. 1080p is a hot topic for Xbox One at the minute – but what developers do with it is every bit as important as hitting the milestone in the first place.
Zoo Tycoon looks set to launch alongside the Xbox One as an exclusive.

Mas isto não vai sair para PC? Que fail! Este jogo tem tudo para ser um grande jogo... No PC. Podiam lançar como time-exclusive e daqui a 6 meses mandavam para o PC. Os simuladores têm sempre mais mercado no PC.
Não estou a entender porque é que este jogo não pode ser um grande Xbox One.

No forum da Frontier queixas como a de cima aparecem quase todos os dias.
Era bom, para toda a gente, que o jogo saísse também no pc, tal como o Titanfall, mas não é por isso que não poderá ser também um bom jogo nas consolas.
Não estou a entender porque é que este jogo não pode ser um grande Xbox One.
Pode, mas dúvido que tenha o mesmo mercado que no PC. Jogos de simulação deste género sõ sempre melhores no PC, além de serem melhores de usar com rato/teclado têm mais fans no PC e há sempre modders. Por alguma razão não vês Cities XL, Europa Universalis, Tropico nas consolas...

Mas pronto, eles é que sabem. Sempre pensei que isto saísse no PC também. Como fã do antigo Zoo Tycoon fico com pena.
Mas a Xbox One também tem que ter alguma exclusividade, se não é tudo a sair na Xbox e PC. Até compreendo, e até acredito que isto saia no PC.

Se te referes ao Tropico existe nas consolas e até gostei, fácil de jogar.
Claro que sim, mas este também não é o género de jogos que fazem com que os console gamers se decidam pela One. Eu que gosto muito destes jogos não era isto que me fazia comprar a One, é o Dead Rising (se algum dia comprar, claro). ;)
Mas vamos esperar, pode ser que depois lancem para PC.

LOL, pois saíu na 360. Nem sabia. :o Será que é por isso que 'caparam' o jogo?
Polygon 8/10
Zoo Tycoon is repetitive and a little glitchy; it's simple and sometimes irritating. It's also a smartly designed simulator, accessible for all. It's charming and sweet, to the point that I never wanted to stop playing — even when my colleagues demanded we use the console for one of the bigger launch titles.

Forget them, I just want to see my next task. What can I do to make this zoo better, the visitors happier and the animals healthier? For a game with tycoon in the title, it's got a good heart.

Videogamer 5/10

Maybe I’m not the target market for this and maybe I’m reading too much into the word 'Tycoon', but even looking past that I didn’t have a whole lot of fun. The Kinect interaction, while cute, is less so after repeated animations, and I’m not sure that Zoo Tycoon really knows what it wants to be.

In the end it felt a lot like playing Kinectimals, and that was almost three years ago.

Shacknews 7

However, the rest of us have some globe-trotting to do. These zoos aren't going to fix themselves, are they? Zoo Tycoon may have taken a best-of-both-worlds approach, but to my surprise and delight, ends up being more successful as a "game" than a mere family-friendly "experience."

Eurogamer Italy 8/10

Everyeye 7/10
O pessoal da Polygon, vale o que vale, está a falar bastante bem do jogo.
Estavam agora a fazer o episódio de hoje do podcast e falaram sobre o jogo sempre com um tom positivo. Não esclareceram foi a situação da versão 360.