Xbox Avowed (Obsidian)

Não estou bem a ver de onde sacaram o estudio secundário.É tudo o mesmo estúdio mas múltiplas equipas. Depois da saída do Outer Worlds e compra da MS eles estavam divididos em múltiplas equipas. Duas eram mais pequenas,nem duas dúzias cada,e eram para o Grounded e Pentiment respectivamente. Maior do que estas duas era a do dlc do Outer Worlds. E o resto começou a trabalhar no Avowed.
Há de haver malta a tratar da pré-produção do Outer Worlds 2,mas o grosso das pessoas está a trabalhar nisto neste momento. Já não há dlc do Outer Worlds e Pentiment para lançar e está-se na recta final deste.

Eles ainda só são 200. Ainda vão usando estúdios externos como o Devoted,mas ainda não dá para ter dois jogos grandes ao mesmo tempo.

Isso e New Vegas tinha 1a e 3a pessoa porque o motor era o do Fallout 3 e esse também suportava isso.
Quando falei em estúdio secundário queria dizer Equipa secundária. Considerando a do Outer Worlds 2 a primária e melhor claro.
@Jack-O-Lantern de acordo com essa entrevista, o que vimos do jogo no Direct, não foi nada de main campaign e/ou missões principais, foi tudo missões que são completamente opcionais e muitos jogadores nem as vão encontrar a não ser que explorem o mapa todo.

Ou seja, ainda estão a esconder muito do jogo.
Pelos vistos apenas vamos poder escolher entre Humans e Elfs ...
Obviamente não estou à espera de um Pillars of Eternity 3 mas espero que tenha algum nível de personalização na história.
Avowed Developers Confirm Game Has Multiple Endings: 'It's an Obsidian Game'
During the recent Xbox Developer Direct, we were treated to a deeper look at how Obsidian's upcoming RPG, Avowed, will handle player choice via a close look at a certain sidequest. But that left us wondering: what's the natural endpoint of a game emphasizing choice? Will Avowed have multiple endings?

I was able to learn the answer to that by speaking to game director Carrie Patel not long after the direct, where she confirmed that yes, Avowed will indeed have multiple endings. Obviously! "I mean it's an Obsidian game," she said. "What else would we be if we didn't have a few different endings?"

Patel didn't specify further about how many endings there would be or how different they would be from one another, but we did talk further about how player choice could be expressed in the game, and how players will experience it. Patel tells me that it's not just about pushing dominos - one event happens somewhere every time the player does something. What matters more is player expression, and how the player understands and interprets the world reacting to them, especially in a game where parts of the world are open and players may not see every single reaction or interaction.

"You have to approach it with a degree of range, both in the spread and placement of those consequences and also the nature of those consequences," she says. "Some things need to have surprising but believable outcomes. If everything plays out exactly as you expect, it could feel a little boring. And at the same time, not every quest needs to have world-ending consequences. Some absolutely do have huge impacts for the characters in the world around you, but sometimes the story you're experiencing is just a very deeply personal one for the characters involved. And that's okay too.

"I think the great thing about RPGs is there's a lot of room for that spread in terms of the tone and type and scope and nature of content. And so you're giving players a big world where they can find a lot of very different experiences that all sort of add up to their experience as the protagonist of this game."

It won't be much longer before we'll get to see exactly what choices Obsidian has in store, as Avowed got a 2024 release window recently. It was first teased back in 2020 with more footage shown at a 2023 Xbox showcase. We also spoke to Patel about why Avowed is foregoing romances to focus on different kinds of companion relationships, and why players can only pick an elf or a human in the character creator.
(FYI) Carrie Patel was on Dropped Frames talking about Avowed.

Here's a breakdown of what was discussed:

- They are aware of the vocal feedback around combat [impact]; it's something they already know about and are actively working on. The footage shown in the Developer_Direct was already weeks behind what was the current build (at the time of filming).

- Players will find themselves one foot between a grounded political story and a metaphysical story about gods and souls

- There will be things to find in the environment (Cohh's question was targeted around loot, environmental storytelling, notes etc.)

- Classless system but skill trees will allow for speccing into more traditional 'archetypes' if a player wants

- Companion skill trees are locked to a specific archetype, but will allow for variations

- Different enemy attacks can impact the player (knockdown, push, unblockable etc.)

- Not discussing endings or NG+ at this time

- Some character creation decisions will have mechanical and roleplay impacts

- Scope is similar to The Outer Worlds (question was about playtime, critical path vs. 100% completion)

- Weapon upgrade system (not mandatory, but recommended)

- Party camp will follow you through the game (no base building)

- Similar difficulty options in their previous games (story time, path of the damned)

- Grimoire magic still in the game, just wasn't shown at the direct (can also dual wield grimoire + wand for quick magic and powerful spells)

- Can't speak much about the stat system, but the general idea is they don't want a system that corners players into potential bad decisions. Want to present a fun set of options for the player.

- Can't speak much on bosses yet, but the idea around combat encounters is to present a variety of enemies that will challenge the player and not make them feel too complacent with sticking to one play style. Want to encourage swapping weapon sets.

- Playing PoE 1 and 2 are not required to understand what's going on

- No mini-games

- Day and Night system is there, but doesn't affect gameplay

- No mounts, some combat abilities affect movement (charge, etc.)

- Tease about some gear can affect things like movement



Nota-se um cuidado num universo já existente e cheio de história, mas em momentos sublime na cor e originalidade, em outros a edição de cenas não podia ser mais amadora e a dar bastante mau aspecto ao jogo (que já vêm do anúncio).

Mas desde que houve o "gameplay showcase" do jogo, já deu para ver tudo o que era necessário/essencial e cimentar o que esperar, pelo que a compra é merecida e garantida (muitos daqueles cenários são deslumbrantes), mas também ficou muita inquetação sobre a qualidade do combate (melee).

Nada deste trailer de história ajudou a dissipar essas dúvidas, porque não tocou no ponto.
A cada showcase em que é apresentado algo sobre o Avowed, a minha expetativa baixa mais um bocado...
É uma questão pessoal, não tem a ver com a qualidade que o jogo possa vir a ter.

Espero que esse extended gameplay venha mudar um pouco isso, mas nesta altura, já tenho poucas esperanças.

Avowed release date randomly in obsidian blog​


"The last few months at Obsidian Entertainment have been fast-paced and exciting. Since we saw you at the Xbox Developer Direct this past January, we’ve been busy with Avowed getting it ready for release on November 12, 2024. Today, we’re thrilled to have revealed our first-ever story trailer at Xbox Games Showcase 2024, and to talk with you more about what we’ve shared."
Matches with Warren's previous leak of release window.. and why the hell was this not included in the showcase lol.

Edit: screenshot of blog.


Também estão a ser daft, o blog entry já existe desde janeiro (e o Trailer desta Showcase redireciona todo o conteúdo novo, para essa exposição de Janeiro).

Se calhar a data que não devia estar exposta, está mais tremida à data e não pode ser dada como certa. No entanto, indica assim que o jogo aponta sair este fim/ano, ou pode atrasar mais um par de meses. Antecipar é que creio ser dificil.
Dos jogos deles que joguei(New Vegas,Alpha Protocol,Outer Worlds) não houve um que não tivesse gostado. Estou hypado desde do inicio,e quero é que o jogo venha. Quero ver-los a voltar aos AAA mas com tempo e dinheiro,ao contrário da maioria dos jogos que eles fizeram(em que faltava um ou outro).
Este jogo não é da equipa principal, impacto na qualidade do jogo logo veremos. Equipa principal está com The Outer Worlds 2.

Em todo o caso estou curioso com ele, não creio que seja nenhuma bomba, mas que me vou entreter com ele uns tempos.
Resta saber qual o suporte que estão a considerar pós lançamento.
A única coisa que me deixa de pé atrás com o Avowed é o combate. Já no Outer Worlds, que adorei, custou fazer o jogo todo com aquele combate