Wii Madworld (Platinum Games, Sega)

Mas então o Mikami está a trabalhar noutro jogo? Bem, se for isso melhor ainda :)

Pergunto porque é publico que ele está a trabalhar num novo projecto do qual não se conhece detalhes nem sequer plataforma (pelo menos à data em que a noticia foi veículada), e ao ver o anúncio do jogo da Platinum Games pensei que era isto.
Eu diria que provavelmente está envolvido neste e possivelmente outros.

Mas pelo aspecto das coisas, não é director em nenhum deles.
Afinal... era verdade? :eek:

Madworld para a Wii:

-> http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/215333.html

Instant Buy :D

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Retiraram o video:(

EDIT: Outro link para o video: (a ver se dura que parece que o embargo é até sexta)

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quero ver o video:005:

edit:encontrei um ,não sei se era este, já que este é off scren e não está assim muito bom basicamente é só branco e sangue:D

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WTF tou farto disto, ainda n vi nada!
Provávelmente refere-se à qualidade do video.
pois, mas ao menos tá fluido, há umas 2 horas o único que estava no youtube andava todo aos soluços (mal convertido)
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This video is no longer avaliable

This video is no longer avaliable.

WTF tou farto disto, ainda n vi nada!
Tentem por aqui, quando os links não funcionarem:

-> http://rapidshare.com/files/114650498/9086239.flv
O video pareceume bom apesar da fraca qualidade.
Bastante original so usar cores neutras e vermelho, mas não sei se vai pegar. É esperar para ver.
O video pareceume bom apesar da fraca qualidade.
Bastante original so usar cores neutras e vermelho, mas não sei se vai pegar. É esperar para ver.
Eu não consigo ver o Sin City. Faz-me impressão. Já o renaissence ou lá como se chama é a mesma coisa, mas aí desisti de ver porque o filme é mesmo horrivel. Acho que foi o unico filme que desisti de ver a meio.
O metodo artistico usado no sin city foi simplesmente excelente, adorei talvez por quebrar o que é normal no cinema, e talvez o mesmo aconteça aqui.
Hotel Dusk usa uma animação excelente nas cutscenes do meu ponto de vista e estou ciente que nem toda gente gosta.
O metodo artistico usado no sin city foi simplesmente excelente, adorei talvez por quebrar o que é normal no cinema, e talvez o mesmo aconteça aqui.
Hotel Dusk usa uma animação excelente nas cutscenes do meu ponto de vista e estou ciente que nem toda gente gosta.
Estou contigo, adorei o estilo de Sin City e adorei o estilo do Hotel Dusk. Se o jogo estiver realmente bem feito, acho que um visual assim acaba por dar uma personalidade mais forte a um jogo, e uma experiência agradávelmente... diferente. Isto, claro, se o jogo sair com qualidade. A ver vamos... talvez um trailer com melhor qualidade nos diga algo mais.

Compreendo que existam pessoas que não consigam jogar/ver algo com um visual assim, mas acho que a tentativa de o fazer deverá existir sempre. Claro que para as pessoas que tentar implica comprar, a conversa já é diferente.
Última edição:
Depois de visto como o jogo é suposto ser visto, o que me preocupa é mesmo o gameplay, isso sim será o que vai vender o jogo a longo prazo, e não o visual.
Em gameplay parece-me um misto de Resident Evil 4 (3rd person over the shoulder) com God Hand (ambos do shinji mikami) completo com tank controls; parece-me que desde que não venha "quebrado" e tenha motion sensing bem implementado pode ser algo bastante especial (mas não estou preocupado)

Quanto à aceitação das massas para com este jogo... De facto dificilmente vai acontecer, mas é como tudo, se não tentarem não sabem... há géneros e jogos que saem com uma visão anos à frente da altura em que deviam ter saído (e como tal são mal aceites) e considero que jogos destes, cujos gráficos e direcção artística são a mesma coisa sofrem por isso. Basta ver o quão actual muitos deles ainda estão (mesmo os mais antigos) e o quão actual vão estar daqui a uns anos face a alguns jogos que por aí andam; de facto... já se nota, a meu ver.

Pode ser que comece a haver aceitação do grande publico quem sabe; se a qualidade destes jogos fôr constante e forem "adultos/violentos" coisa que é um selling point em videojogos, bem como acessiveis às massas (um killer 7 por exemplo não era... um NMH e um MadWorld já parecem ser)... porque não?

Agora lá que é um handycap é... mas olhando para o que vi, só lhes posso estar grato por de facto mandarem o grande publico às urtigas se é isto que realmente querem fazer e irem numa direcção arrojada destas... Estou cá para ser surpreendido, e sem pérolas destas a industria era uma coisa muito mais... cinzenta.
Da Press Release: (embargo levantado)

MADWORLD - the first title set for release in Q1 2009, is an inventive third-person action game exclusively for Wii™. Produced by Atsushi Inaba, MADWORLD has a unique black and white style depicting an incredibly sharp backdrop that straddles graphic novels and 3D worlds. As players battle opponents, they must master the use of various weapons and items found within their environment, such as chainsaws and street signs, while entertaining sports commentary adds to the third-person gameplay. With its irreverent humor and over-the-top violence, MADWORLD will deliver a unique core gaming experience currently missing on the Wii system.
Fonte: http://www.businesswire.com/portal/...d=news_view&newsId=20080515005421&newsLang=en

Tem mão do Inaba :D, homem por detrás do Okami e do Viewtiful Joe (e do cancelado Dead Phoenix).

Preview Eurogamer:

MadWorld is a Wii-exclusive game which is being directed by Shigenori Nishikawa, who worked previously on the likes of Resident Evil 4 and Time Crisis 2. (And Time Crisis 3, but he ruefully suggests that he'd prefer to forget about that particular incident.)

According to Nishikawa, the idea behind MadWorld isn't to create something depraved or perverse - instead, he says, he wants to make a fun and exciting game which just happens to include gruesome violence. On first impressions, we'd say he's succeeded. MadWorld looks fun and exciting, certainly - but it's also the most hilariously over-the-top, ultra ultra violent videogame we've seen.

Rendered entirely in black and white, in a style not dissimilar to Frank Miller's seminal Sin City graphic novels, MadWorld's stark urban environment is, essentially, filled with things that cause pain and people on whom pain needs to be inflicted. The basic controls seem to revolve around picking up enemy gang members by the throat, and then carrying out a host of incredibly violent (and darkly hilarious) fatality moves on them. If you get tired of that, you also helpfully have a chainsaw mounted on your right arm, which you can use to dismember your foes.

Arguably the most promising of the three, based on the reveal, MadWorld calls to mind lots of things we like. Such as violence.

As a result, the black and white environments quickly get splashed with red, since the only thing in this world that isn't black or white is blood. The visual effect is fantastic, as you'd expect - and when you start racking up the fatality moves, the whole thing rapidly becomes a lather of blood and over-the-top violence.

This isn't so much Hostel and Saw as Arnie and Sly, however. Moves we spotted included ramming enemies onto spikes, or ripping up signposts and shoving them through their heads - all played for laughs in the most cartoonish manner possible. Thoughts of a moral panic weren't far from the heads of anyone who saw the game - but like No More Heroes before it, we suspect that MadWorld will escape the mad googly eyes of the tabloid press simply because it's too ridiculous, too over-the-top and too cartoonish for them to notice.

The whole tone of the game, in fact, is easily summed up by an odd mini-game which our anti-hero, Jack, encountered towards the end of Nishikawa's demo (unlike everything else, MadWorld was actually shown in full working form, not just as a video). Called "Man Darts" (which should be enough to make you pre-order the game straight away, really), it saw Jack swinging an increasingly bloodied club in order to fling gang members head-first into the face of a giant dartboard - with the requisite crowd cheers and Bullseye scoring noises.

Brilliant. As with all the others, no release date for MadWorld was forthcoming, but the code Nishikawa demonstrated seemed very stable and pretty complete. We'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one - fun, exciting, and gruesome are three of our favourite adjectives, after all.
Fonte: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=140743&page=2

Preview videogamer:

At SEGA's unveiling of its partnership with Platinum Games there was only one game everyone was talking about. Mad World left the gathered press completely speechless, save for the odd uneasy giggle. This was for two reasons. A: Mad World is without doubt the most violent game I've ever seen. B: it's on the Wii. Has SEGA got itself a winner or is this a quite real step into a mad world? With an opening trailer that depicted actions for the words "Chainsaw", "Rose Bush", "Road Sign" and "Heart Surgery" my initial thought was very much the latter, but a blood-filled demo made me change my mind very quickly.

Details on the game are thin on the ground. You play as Jack, a bruiser type, wandering around in what looks to be a typical city environment. Of course, seeing as we were only shown one area, things could be very different in the game as a whole. The most striking thing about the game is its look. Mad World is entirely black and white except for the rich red of blood. This is one of the two main concepts behind the game, and it makes for a striking appearance. It's very comic book, with strong lines drawing the detail on the characters and the environment. The free-flowing blood makes for a dramatic contrast as it spills all over the game world.

The second main concept behind Mad World is comical violence. While what was shown was indeed pretty graphic, it wasn't violent in a disgusting gut-wrenching sense. It's stylised and completely over the top. This sense of style isn't going to convince everyone, but the developers certainly seem to have carefully walked the line between comedy and bad taste.

As director Shigenori Nishikawa puts it: "We didn't want to create a game that was depraved or perverse - rather we wanted to create a game that was fun and exiting that happened to feature gruesome violence."

And why the Wii? "We felt that the Wii Marketplace had too many of the same type of games - there was something missing in the line-up, that's why we created such a game as Mad World."

Although the game was only demonstrated, no hands-on unfortunately, we got a good idea of how it'll play. Essentially it appears to be a 3D brawler, with Wii Remote controls. Holding A and B together will grab a nearby enemy, who you can then throw into objects by gesturing a throw action with the Wii Remote. Environmental kills appear to play a large part in the combat, with a large bin being the target during the demo. After successfully lobbing the helpless enemy into the bin's upright lid, he slumped over the edge, before the lid slammed shut, slicing the guy clean in two. Blood, as you can imagine, went everywhere.

Being a game of obscene brutality, finishing moves are definitely included, but in Mad World they're taken to a new level. After approaching one of the demo area's goons a "Press B to perform Finisher" tip appeared on screen. B was duly pressed and Jack then proceeded to pile drive the pole of a road sign through the guy's head. That's the part that caused those uneasy giggles I mentioned earlier. Clearly not doing that well (he had a road sign protruding from his head after all), the guy staggered around a little. Jack, the kind soul that he is, took it upon himself to perform a secondary finisher, this time ramming the guy into a wall of spikes. By this stage our black and white level had been painted with a fair amount of blood.

That brings us to Jack's right arm, which just so happens to have a built in chainsaw. Being a Wii game, when this is activated your Wii Remote becomes the chainsaw and I think you get the picture. Wandering up to an enemy and waving the remote causes the game to momentarily switch to a more cinematic camera angle, before Jack slices through the guy with extreme prejudice. After taking out a few more enemies it was time to have a quick look over the area and the red that now covered a large amount of the scenery. Mad World might well contain stylised violence, but I'm guessing the BBFC will have a few strong words to say when they see it.

To end the presentation Jack entered a building called "Man Darts". This started a Bloodbath Challenge mini-game in which the object is quite self explanatory. Man Darts is, to put it bluntly, smashing men into a dart board. Jack was equipped with a bat of some sort and had the power to hit the wandering enemies as if nothing more than baseballs. On impact they went flying, driving into the board with the level of blood we, at this stage, would have been disappointed not to see.

As the lights came up I scanned the room for some sort of sense of reaction. I was half expecting someone to stand up, scream and run for the exit, but gladly the room was full of smiles. As the game's producer pointed out, he wanted to make a game that was fun, not "depraved or perverse". I just hope liking what I saw doesn't put me into that category. Mad World is set for release in Q1 2009.
Fonte: http://www.videogamer.com/wii/mad_world/preview-941.html










