Yes, Microsoft Flight Simulator will come to Xbox consoles at some point, Neumann said, and it will be an Xbox Game Pass title on that platform, just like its Windows 10 version will be. And, yes, the game will be available either as part of XGP or as a standalone purchase.
But the game's announced "2020" launch window is for Windows 10, not Xbox consoles, and there's no indication of whether the console version will have specific limitations. Might it require online streaming? Might it require an Xbox One X minimum? Microsoft isn't saying.
"We honestly don't have a date for Xbox, otherwise we might've said something," Neumann told Ars Technica. "Is there a parallel effort related to Xbox [development]? Yeah, but it's very modest at this point. Our first and foremost topic is getting the simulation right, then do as much as we can from the [closed beta] feedback."