[Wii] Soul Calibur Legends (Namco-Bandai)

estou a gostar, mas não vejo como se vai sobresair entre os outros tantos do género (claro tem wiimote, mas o conteudo tambem tem de ser optimo)
gráficamente ainda tenho queixas, mas pronto... pode melhorar
que pena este não ter a direcção artística e interpretação por verdadeiros actores como um outro porta-estandarte doutra consola :)

parece-me é que vão haver muitos pulsos deslocados, ligaduras, distensões e afins.
Novas imagens :):
















aaargh as texturas (especialmente do environment) ainda me parecem tão fracas.... como se vê em muitos jogos da nova geração uma textura boa pode fazer muito mais do que um monte de poligonos.
ainda por cima olhem para a arma do astaroth! as texturas nem estão aligned. e só agora reparei olhem aquele clipping todo na mão dele?
Última edição:
aaargh as texturas (especialmente do environment) ainda me parecem tão fracas.... como se vê em muitos jogos da nova geração uma textura boa pode fazer muito mais do que um monte de poligonos.
ainda por cima olhem para a arma do astaroth! as texturas da lamina nem estão aligned
Concordo, mas achei a definição das texturas das paredes do templo egipcio boas.

Este jogo precisa é de mais geometria texturework mais imaginativo/menos monotomo em locais, efeitos atmosféricos (olha aquele céu cinzento) e de particulas.

Hands-on da GAF:

When Soulcalibur Legends was announced for Wii and, just a few days later, Soulcalibur IV was announced for the PS3 and 360, gamers feared that the Wii title would be a cheap cash-in attempt making use of a well-known series. Fear not, Wii owners. Legends was a pleasant surprise for me today, and it's shaping up to be a fun game that uses the Wiimote in all the right ways.

Taking place in between the events of Soul Blade and the original Soul Calibur, Legends focuses on Siegfried and the events that caused his transformation into Nightmare. Before beginning a stage, you'll pick two characters to play as from the cast of well-known Calibur stars. Once inside the game itself, you can tag in and out on the fly by pressing both buttons on the nunchuk. This is great in and of itself as it allows the player to adapt to situations based on characters' fighting styles (and each character will have their own signature style), but when you go a step further and add a two-player split-screen mode to the mix, it becomes a waggle-waving fiesta.

Speaking of waggling, that's the main method of attacking. The Wiimote can read side-to-side movements for horizontal attacks, vertical slashes for vertical attacks, and even a "push" motion as a stabbing lunge. By waving frantically, you'll be able to combo together hits just like in the fighting game, only it's much more intuitive because what you see on the screen is an extension of your own arm. Some characters will even require unique manipulation of the Wiimote, like Ivy. Instead of slashing, whip-like motions will be employed to snare opponents and cause some havoc.

All characters have individual special moves as well. By far the coolest part of the E3 build of the demo is Mitsurugi's special move. By turning the Wiimote with your wrist so the buttons face down, Mitsurugi will sheathe his sword in preparation for a strike. By then whipping the Wiimote forward, he unleashes the pent up energy on enemies. So very satisfying and badass. You can also perform dash maneuvers by simply flicking the nunchuk in any direction. If you hold the guard button and then flick the nunchuk, you can perform a guard break (if you time it correctly).

The stage in the demo was not very complex, and in fact was very linear. The enemies were not much of a challenge as long as I kept moving and slashing, and the boss was a pushover once I learned its pattern. But these issues did not detract from the fun I had playing the game, and I came away with the sense that the development team knows what they're doing. It's not a graphical showcase by any means (the game looks about on par with SC 2), but it's one of the only games on Wii so far that accurately captures sword fighting action.

Wii owners should not be upset. Legends will end up being a fun romp through the Soulcalibur mythos and a quality game in the series. If you really want that fighting game spirit, you can even battle your friends via the split-screen versus mode.

Look for Soulcalibur Legends to be released later this year.
Fonte: http://www.gamesarefun.com/gamesdb/preview.php?previewid=25

Hands-on do IGN:

E3 2007: Hands-on Soulcalibur Legends
Now in playable form. And that's exactly what we did. We played.

July 12, 2007 - Earlier last month Namco Bandai showed for the first time its spin-off of its Soulcalibur fighting series for the Nintendo Wii: Soulcalibur Legends. Unfortunately, during this initial debut the company didn't hand over the controls - it was strictly a "watch while we play" affair, mostly because the designers were in the middle of tweaking the controls to get them "just right."

At Namco Bandai's area at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Santa Monica today, Soulcalibur Legends was entirely playable - it was essentially the same areas and levels as the version the company showed us just a few weeks prior, but this time we could hold the Wii controls in hand and hack, slash and pound away at the enemies using the nunchuk/Wii remote combination.

It is a learning curve simply because it's not a 1:1 affair - like most Wii motion-based games, there's a slight delay in the action versus the on-screen remote, so quick and staccato motions seem to trigger random effects. Instead, the game was much more appreciative and responsive when you moved the controls with a much more steady and exaggerated motion.

Here's how the game controls: using the analog stick on the nunchuk, you control your on-screen character. Waving the nunchuck either right to left, left to right, forward to back, or back to forward will have that character quickly dash in that direction to avoid attacks - steady motions worked better than quick ones, as a quick flick seemed to send the character into a dash of a random direction. Holding the upper button on the Nunchuk charged an attack which would be enhanced with a wave of the Wii Remote. Holding the lower button on the nunchuk would block as well as recenter the camera behind your character. And hitting both buttons together would swap out the available characters in battle.

On the Wii Remote, waving it in the air in slashes and stabs would, in theory, perform similar attacks within the game. As mentioned above, the game likes the casual pace and not the quick ones…simply flicking the wrist would cause random attacks, and in some cases, youl'll need to perform specific sword attacks to defeat specific enemies or solve puzzles. The A button cycles through the enemies in lock-on fashion, and the B trigger pulls off a jump…and you can perform airborne attacks by leaping up and swiping the remote.

When you get the controls down the game is indeed quite fun. There are plenty of enemies to attack, and plenty of moves to perform. The boss battle of a sarcophagus opening and closing seemed a little too randomly defeated, but the rest of the game had a lot of strategy in its action.

We played the multiplayer cooperative mode and noticed that the framerate took a significant dip to have the split-screen. Where the single player adventure runs at a smooth as silk 60 frames per second, the two player split-screen mode's been lowered to 30. It's still acceptable and the action flows well in this lowered framerate, but it was definitely a noticeable sacrifice.

We should be getting an even deeper hands on with the game in a few weeks, so we'll update you on the progress when we do.
Fonte: http://wii.ign.com/articles/804/804303p1.html
Última edição:
Hands-On do Game|Life:

Hands-On: Soul Calibur Legends

Namco Bandai didn't let us play Soul Calibur Legends at their recent Gamers' Day event in San Francisco, but it was available for us to get hands-on here at E3. Since it was literally the only game in their E3 lineup that I hadn't already gotten the chance to preview, I jumped right on it.

Soul Calibur Legends takes the characters from the popular fighting games and throws them into a third-person action/adventure that leads you through linear levels filled with enemies and traps. Of course, you swing the Wiimote to swing your sword. Unlike Zelda, we're not talking about tiny little shakes -- you really have to move the Wiimote around to get your sword swings going.

This could be a little painful if you're trying to do it all with your wrists, so I ended up swinging my arms in a pretty wide circle around myself, doing all the sword moves. Horizontal and vertical slashes with the Wiimote had a matching move on screen, and you could also swing from the hilt, dragging your sword up from below.

You could switch between Siegfried and Mitsurugi, each of whom has his own life bar and whose weapon is quite different (Siegfried's giant sword is slow to react and his special moves require more timing, while Mitsurugi has a tiny, faster katana and a more forgiving charge window).

The levels were rather straightforward and unfinished-looking: there were enemies, ropes that you could slash to open doors, jars to break open and practice your moves, and walls of fire that you could take down just by swinging your swords at them. No dialogue, no puzzles, no platforming. It culminated in a boss fight that required little more than waiting for the boss to expose his weak point.

Granted, this is a very, very early build of the game. Namco Bandai says there will be many more characters, each with their own weapon. They also stress that there will be a lot of strategy to the sword fighting. But I don't think the demo showed that. The concept is definitely interesting, but at this point, it really feels much more like the sort of proof-of-concept demo we saw in the Wii booth at E3 last year. Hopefully it'll get the polish and the depth of design that will make it more than a mere spinoff.
Fonte: http://blog.wired.com/games/2007/07/hands-on-soul-c.html

Soulcalibur Legends is an affront to the games industry. The horrendous gameplay and horrible graphics not only shame the Wii as a platform, but lowers the reputation of a remarkable franchise. Wii fans should be appalled at Namco's clear lack of concern with the title, and should expect more.

Graphically speaking, Legends is nothing short of unacceptable. If the game could even remotely look like Soulcalibur 2 on Gamecube, we'd be, at the very least, satiated. Instead, what we saw were blocky recreations of our Soulcalibur favorites trapped in boring, poorly textured environments that make the Dreamcast original look like a modern technical achievement. There is absolutely nothing to praise about the visuals in Legends: the art is generic, and the characters are stiff and lifeless. The screenshots that have been released are poor representations on how this game really looks.

The gameplay doesn't fare any better. Legends is a mindless hack and slash with poor controls. Enemies stand around, dumbfounded, as you hack away at them by shaking the Wiimote. The combat is imprecise, and simply not fun. We did appreciate the dodge: shaking the Nunchuck will allow players to make a quick dash. There was no challenge, nor depth to the battles. Ultimately, each encounter was reduced to wild waggle sessions. Wii owners deserve a lot better than this -- Namco, we'd point to Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess as an example on how to properly implement sword attacks in an adventure game (and please learn how to create a proper lock-on!).

If we had to give an award for most underwhelming disappointment of the show, Soulcalibur Legends is an easy candidate. Unless this game goes under a serious redesign, don't expect the first Soulcalibur game on Wii to be anything more than a complete disaster.

agora vamos ver o que ele tambem escreve:
As the lead PlayStation writer, you'll see my work prominently on PSP and PS3 Fanboy, although I contribute to all the other Joystiq sites as well.


porque que um fanboy da sony pode escrever artigos sobre a Wii????
Nada do que ele disse não é mentira! Não é nada que eu já não tivesse achado com os screenshots que vi...acho que este jogo foi simplesmente uma desculpa da Namco para calar os fãs de SC4 por não estar presente na Wii...e assim até tão a ver se tiram algum lucro para poder suportar as despesas de desenvolvimento do 4...pelo menos é o que eu acho...:)
Eu concordo com o que ele disse, até agora ainda não vi nada que me fizesse não concordar com ele, o grafismo está ao nível da PS2, texturas horríveis, péssima direcção artística, cenários aborrecidos, rectos, demasiado simples, efeitos especiais (partículas, efeitos de luz, etc) quase inexistentes, as próprias personagens estão com pior aspecto que as do Soul Calibur 2, não vou falar do gameplay porque nunca o joguei mas ele já o fez, se ele diz que o gameplay é horrível quem sou eu para discordar, só o posso fazer quando jogar o jogo, enfim, o jogo parece mesmo fraco, a Wii é capaz de muito mais.
Bem só tenho uma coisa a dizer, ou o gajo anda metido nas drogas ou o desespero já é tanto que já não bastava darem as notas altas aos jogos da ps, agora vêm os mesmos que deram essas notas falar mal de jogos da wii que pelo menos são um pouco melhores que os da ps2. Haja coerência.
O quê?? eles estão a gozar conosco ou quê??

Agora fiquei confuso, eu sempre pensei que Soul Calibur fosse o mesmo tipo de jogo que Tekken.
Alguém me pode explicar como é que é o estilo de jogo??
O quê?? eles estão a gozar conosco ou quê??

Agora fiquei confuso, eu sempre pensei que Soul Calibur fosse o mesmo tipo de jogo que Tekken.
Alguém me pode explicar como é que é o estilo de jogo??
Se lesses a thread desde o inicio sabias :/ (bastava o primeiro post)

Este Soul Calibur é um jogo de aventura, não um beat them up one-on-one.

A ideia em si até é bastante boa, Soul Calibur assim como muitos outros fighters tem backgrounds ricos das personagens e é isso que este jogo vai explorar, como o Siegfried se vai tornar em Nightmare e tudo mais.

basta dizer que um jogo como Shenmue era para ser o Virtua Fighter RPG (uma abordagem bem diferente da deste jogo, mas ainda assim, para reforçar a ideia de que jogos de luta têm potencial dentro do género de aventura)
Se lesses a thread desde o inicio sabias :/ (bastava o primeiro post)

Este Soul Calibur é um jogo de aventura, não um beat them up one-on-one.

A ideia em si até é bastante boa, Soul Calibur assim como muitos outros fighters tem backgrounds ricos das personagens e é isso que este jogo vai explorar, como o Siegfried se vai tornar em Nightmare e tudo mais.

basta dizer que um jogo como Shenmue era para ser o Virtua Fighter RPG (uma abordagem bem diferente da deste jogo, mas ainda assim, para reforçar a ideia de que jogos de luta têm potencial dentro do género de aventura)
AHH muito mais esclarecido, obrigado;);)
Bem sendo assim, eu adoro jogos de aventura, se bem que esperava que este aqui fosse melhorzito a nível gráfico.
Quem sabe se não o comprarei.
Está na minha opinião bastante pior que o Soul Calibur 2, ainda à bocado tive a jogá-lo e até mete dó só de olhar para as imagens.
Não está pior que o SC2, problema é que está igual, e o SC2 (e 3) puxavam é a PS2, à gamecube e Xbox faziam cocegas, como tal... aparecer com um jogo com gráficos iguais e mais inimigos on-screen quando já não se tem o peso morto da PS2 atado às pernas não faz sentido, mesmo que corra a 60 frames.
edit: comparação entre o soul calibur IV e o legends: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=181014
Isso não é uma comparação, é meramente imagens dos dois lançadas em simultâneo; além de que as do SCL estão em HD, o que mesmo se fossem maravilhosas não podiam competir em detalhe das texturas com as de um jogo que... para começar, é HD. Dito isto o SCL tem ali umas texturas péssimas, bem como uns cardboards nojentos.

Mas é importante também não exagerar-mos, e não cairmos na asneira de comparar, porque não faz sentido fazê-lo, partindo do inicio que eles faziam um jogo de aventura deste franchise na PS3/X360 eles não podiam manter aquele nível de detalhe, porque teriam muito mais coisas onscreen, por isso é que o SC2/3 conseguia bons gráficos na PS2, porque sendo em cenários pequenos e com apenas duas personagens eles podiam focar e gastar poligonos acima do standard nas personagens (não obstante de ser óptimo, tecnicamente para a PS2), um jogo de aventura traria as coisas para baixo, numa framerate que já estava nas 30 frames.

Na Wii está com split screen e 60 frames, o problema é que ainda assim isto é algo que a Gamecube fazia (e sem efeitos aplicados que a ser feito de raiz para a GC seriam possiveis), já não era qualquer developer que fazia mas ainda assim... esperava-se mais da Bandai Namco e de um jogo deste calibre.