Greetings from LWD

Greetings to Portugal from

We're not going down without a fight!


Hi there! :) good to see other teams here. I know we are probably going to pass you guys but I have to congratulate your team for the awesome production achieved with only little more then 50 users, few but good! ;)

keep folding :kfold:
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grandenaboverde disse:
Hi there! :) good to see other teams here. I know we are probably going to pass you guys but I have to congratulate your team for the awesome production achieved with only little more then 50 users, few but good! ;)

keep folding :kfold:

Passe-nos? Eu não penso assim. Aderito-PT reivindica que você está indo fazer exame do 32ò lugar de nós, mas pelo tempo onde você nós esteja no 31o lugar.

Desculpe meu português; Eu não sei realmente falá-lo. Eu tive um trabalho onde eu tivesse que trabalhar com um Web site que fosse usado em 5 línguas diferentes uma vez, embora, e o português era um delas.
Viva pessoal,

Pois é...sou eu o "responsável" por este contacto bilateral entre as duas teams...
Espantado pelo magnífico trabalho que apenas cerca de 50 users têm vindo a fazer, fui fazer-lhes um desafio (de brincadeira, claro): Que eles tentassem evitar que nós os ultrapassássemos já que estamos perto de os apanhar. Ao que parece (pela troca de msgs e contactos entre os elementos de ambas as equipas) eles são mto activos e já se estão a mexer...ehehehe. O Folding e o ideal que ele representa só tem a ganhar !!!:007: :007:

P.S. Webster, o teu português é bom. Se vocês já estiverem em 31º quando nós chegarmos ao 32º..nós vamos atrás de vocês na mesma em busca desse 31º lugar. LOL


Greetings!!! :)
I belive indeed that you guys are not going down without a fight,but Portugal@Folding is very big and we will probably passe you!! Hehe :D Still,I also want to congratulate you for your achievements! :clap:
Cheers! And most important :kfold:
Welcome to the Portugal@Folding home:).
It is a pleasure to have the LWD Team here and I hope we can have a good fight in the name of cience.

Keep Folding because we will :x2:
Aderito-PT disse:
P.S. Webster, o teu português é bom. Se vocês já estiverem em 31º quando nós chegarmos ao 32º..nós vamos atrás de vocês na mesma em busca desse 31º lugar. LOL



No., eu realmente não sei o português. E 31 pode ser, mas você reivindicou que você faria exame de 32 de nós, e aquele não será! Bem, eu espero que não .
Webster disse:
No., eu realmente não sei o português. E 31 pode ser, mas você reivindicou que você faria exame de 32 de nós, e aquele não será! Bem, eu espero que não .


Hmmm, acordingly to the recent stats (today), your next conquest will happen..more or 3 months from now..and acording that same stats... it´s predictible that we overpass your team in about 1.5 months from now. :D :D

So...i believe we will take your 32nd position...not the 31st. :joker:

But... in the end... that doesn´t matter..the important is to contribute to this noble cause..and any "fightback" gived by any team(s) to another(s) will only help more and more this project. So.... KEEEEP FOOOOLDING EVERYONE !!!!


Source of the stats presented here:
We like fights! We fold with only one objective: to help the Folding@home project!
So, start running, because the papas here won't stop :D:D:D:D:D

And, i apologize for my very poor english :\

P.S: I took 5 minutes to write this... OMFG!!! :P:P:P
shello disse:
We like fights! We fold with only one objective: to help the Folding@home project!
So, start running, because the papas here won't stop :D:D:D:D:D

And, i apologize for my very poor english :\

Your English is better than my Portueguese.

Aderito-PT disse:
Hmmm, acordingly to the recent stats (today), your next conquest will happen..more or 3 months from now..and acording that same stats... it´s predictible that we overpass your team in about 1.5 months from now.

It matters not. You will not take 32nd from us.
Eh lá estamos a ficar famosos

Welcome to techzone guys!!

keep folding and BOINCing :D

Última edição:
DekkeR disse:
Greetings fellow folders :D

I hope you're ready because we're going to crush you like a steamroller on tar :004:

All together for a cause ;)


Steam rollers crush rocks into tar... Maybe some one should study up before becoming a cival engineer... (eh... no matter you just build targets for mechanical engineers any how...)

on a side note I'd like to say "Bring it."

also keep folding... always a good plan of action. and while onefast hasn't said it in these forums yet, I think that I two will be doing a double up in the next few days :004:
[lwd]Anglachel disse:
Steam rollers crush rocks into tar... Maybe some one should study up before becoming a cival engineer... (eh... no matter you just build targets for mechanical engineers any how...)

on a side note I'd like to say "Bring it."

also keep folding... always a good plan of action. and while onefast hasn't said it in these forums yet, I think that I two will be doing a double up in the next few days :004:

Well aroud here the tar is already mixed with the rocks when the "rollers" smash it on the ground,... but what do i know... i'm just a simple civil engineer.

I don't know about double up's..the only thing that is going up on a double basis is the quality wine we have till it goes down the throat, but one thing is for sure, i'm going to increase my production in about 50% so that we can (in a healthy competition basis :lol: ) crush you guys like little bugs sooner then you expect. :)

First of all, it's great to have you here :)

I think this is the most healthiest of all "fights": the fight for leadership in something like Folding@Home :)

If your production get's better, it will be a pleasure stay beyond you :) But we will not stop grownig...that's for sure ;)

An huge hug and I hope to to share and discuss ideas,experiences and other things with all of you :)

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<- This pic is awesome :x2: :kfold:
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