PC/Mac/Linux Stardew Valley (Chucklefish Games)

Sim, já agora o jogo é basicamente só farming e socializar ou tem algum tipo de combate?
Digo isto porque parece que vi em imagens o gajo com uma espada e criaturas e afins.

Tens farming e tens combate (uma mistura de Terraria com o Starbound), podes fazer breeding de slimes (slimes são os monstros), tens uma area no jogo que tens níveis infinitos e podes ir para lá lutar, com um bom gear fazer aquilo na boa.

Pessoalmente recomendo isto a toda a gente. Ah, e ainda vem ai update 1.1, que vai trazer online COOP.
Makeshift Multiplayer by spacechase0

THIS IS AN EARLY RELEASE. There WILL be bugs and crashes. You have been warned.

This is only meant as a temporary solution, until official multiplayer comes out. So I may ignore some minor bugs/discrepancies.

This is 'co-op' mode. Pretty much everything is shared, including your wallet. Your inventory, skills, etc. and house are separate though.

  • Load your file like normal. A pop-up comes up, asking whether you want to be host, client, or play singleplayer.
  • For hosting, you are asked a port number in another popup. The game 'freezes', waiting for clients to connect. Whenever someone else connects you will be told how many other players there are, and asked if you want to start. Pressing no will wait for another player, yes will go ahead and start.
  • For being a client, you will be asked an IP and port number. Once connected, the game 'freezes' until the host starts the game.
  • If you choose singleplayer, nothing changes aside from being able to open the chat menu.
  • Chat is accessed by pressing ENTER.
  • Everyone must sleep for the next day to be reached.

Bem esta aqui uma solução até sair o 1.1! Talvez teste isto.
Quick Update: Version 1.1 is getting very close... also, the Stardew Valley soundtrack is now available on Spotify!


BETA 1.1

Hi everyone!

Version 1.1 is basically finished, but before launching it in full, I want to do a little beta test to catch any bugs I missed.

I am trying to keep this kind of low-key, so I'm just going to be posting about it here... no twitter or reddit this time.

If you decide to help me out by playing on the beta branch, I appreciate it very much. Thank you!

To access the current beta version of Stardew Valley (on Steam):
  1. Right click on Stardew Valley in your games library and select "Properties"
  2. Click the "Betas" tab
  3. Click the drop down menu and select "beta" (no password is necessary)
  4. Steam will download the beta version. Stardew Valley should now have a [beta] tag in your library.
While it's very unlikely that playing the beta version will threaten your save files, I recommend backing them up anyway. Your save files can be found in the" %appdata%/StardewValley/Saves" folder.

Please use this thread and the report template below (if possible) to report any issues you encounter. Also, make sure to check the list of issues found so far (at bottom) to see if your issue has already been fixed.

Summary of issue:

Expected Behavior:

Actual Behavior:

Steps for Reproduction:

What Operating System are you using:

v1.1 changelog:

New Features
  • Shane and Emily are now available to marry. They each have new events, music, and more!
  • Spouses now have a unique outdoor area and behavior on the farm.
  • You can now choose from 5 different farm maps at character creation. Each map is focused on a different skill area.
    • Standard Farm - The original Stardew Valley farm.
    • Riverland Farm - Lots of water, good for fishing.
    • Forest Farm - Foraging opportunities and a unique weed that always drops mixed seeds.
    • Hill-top Farm - Has a small mineral deposit from which ores spawn, including a unique geode-bearing ore.
    • Wilderness Farm - Bats and Golems spawn at night.
  • "Shed" building... An empty room that can be decorated, filled with kegs, etc.
  • "Mill" building... Can be used to turn wheat into flour and beets into sugar overnight.
  • A new quest that can be started after the Community Center or JojaMart quest arc is complete. The new quest results in a new "magical construction" feature available from the Wizard's Tower. The new quest is triggered when you enter the Railroad area.
  • Added several new locations that are related to the above quest. "Junimo Hut" building (Magical Construction). Junimos will harvest crops within a certain distance of *****, instantly transporting the harvest back to ***** for you to gather at your convenience.
  • "Earth Obelisk" building (Magical Construction). A permanent warp totem to the mountains.
  • "Water Obelisk" building (Magical Construction). A permanent warp totem to the beach.
  • "Gold Clock" building (Magical Construction). Prevents weeds from spawning and fences from decaying on your farm.
  • You can now move your buildings via Robin's construction menu.
  • New house upgrade from Robin that adds a cellar to your house and teaches you the "cask" crafting recipe. In the cellar, you can use Casks to age cheese and alcohol, increasing their quality.
  • "Iridium-star" level quality is now attainable for aged goods and fruit. (2x value)
  • NPC's now appreciate quality level in gifts, but it only has an effect on gifts they "like" or "love".
  • Added Coffee, a spring/summer crop, and Coffee Bean. The bean acts as the produce and the seed, similar to sunflowers.
  • 5 Coffee beans can be added to a Keg to make coffee.
  • Honey can be placed in a keg to make mead.
  • Void eggs can be placed in mayonnaise machines to make void mayonnaise.
  • 2 new fish, "Void Salmon" and "Slimejack"
  • You can now choose to color your chests with one of 20 color options.
  • Evil Shrines, where you can make offerings in exchange for dark magic.
  • Divorce. You can file from a little book in mayor's house.
  • You can now wallpaper the little hallways in your upgraded house.
  • When you beat Journey Of The Prairie King, you can now start over in a harder mode, keeping your upgrades and coins.
  • 2 new "Lost Books"
  • Krobus now sells a "Return Scepter"... a tool which acts as a permanent warp totem to the farm.
  • Giving someone a gift on their birthday will never make your spouse jealous.
  • Pierre now sells a "Catalogue" furniture item that can be used for unlimited free access to all wallpapers and floors.
  • Robin now sells a "Furniture Catalogue" furniture item that can be used for unlimited free access to nearly all furnitures.
Bug Fixes
  • Wild plums are now labeled as fruit.
  • Grandpa's Shrine should now always properly give the reward for reaching 4 candles.
  • Fixed issue where gathering an item with the "botanist" profession would fail if the inventory was full, even though the gold-level item was present in the inventory.
  • Slime charmer ring should now protect against giant slimes
  • You can no longer tap a stump
  • Fixed Joja Warehouse graphic issue in winter
  • "Check action"-mapped keys should now work to attach bait to a rod.
  • Rain ambient sound should no longer play in Sandy's Oasis under any conditions.
  • Your baby should now be properly born, even if you pass out in the mines on the eve of the birth.
  • Moonlight Jellies engagement crash
  • Galaxy sword should now be truly unloseable
  • You can no longer lose hay to a hopper because you have no silo.
  • You can no longer plant fruit trees off the farm.
  • Typo fixes

Thanks for helping me test and I hope you like the new update.

Gostei do update " Spouses now have a unique outdoor area and behavior on the farm", espero que começem a fazer a mesma coisa com os filhos, para ajudarem e haver dialogos com escolhas para modelar a personalidade. Ficava brutal.

Depois do divorcio, para voltar a casar com a pessoa é preciso apagar a mente lol :

After the divorce the spouse will move back to their old residence, and will have negative interactions with the player, citing the failure of their marriage... Players can visit the Witch's Hut in late game where they'll find a shrine which can erase their ex-spouse's memory. This costs 30,000g, and after being done the ex will have no memory of the previous marriage, allowing players to even date and re-marry them if they choose. Using a memory wipe will make it appear as though the marriage never happened
Alguém ainda joga a isto? Estou na dúvida se compro para PC ou se espero pela versão da Switch.

Das análises que já li/vi fiquei com uma opinião bastante positiva acerca do jogo. Faz-me lembrar, bastante, o Harvest Moon! Como aspecto negativo, existem várias referências aos diálogos e à componente social do próprio jogo. Isso ainda se mantém? Ou já está melhor com os updates?
Bom dia, eu jogo ocasionalmente na steam, estou mais a espera do multiplayer sinceramente, sobre se deves comprar ou esperar pela versão switch acho que vai mais por onde queres jogar.
Sobre a questão da componente social não estou a perceber a questão, mas sim tens de dialogar com as pessoas e fazer amizades com todas a pessoas da vila se quiseres, eu quando comecei deixei sempre esta parte mais de lado mas tenho visto que se tivesse começada de inicio tinha tido muita ajuda. Agora consegue progredir sem esta parte mas para mim é uma parte muito interessante do jogo.